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Name of CITY/TOWN: Setiu, Malaysia

2. Explanation:

I chose the district of Setiu, Malaysia as a metaphor of the global south because it belongs to the
bottom percentile of population in Malaysia with its current population 55,517, as of 2010 and population
growth of 0.798% over ten years (2000-2010). Setiu has the second lowest population density in Malaysia
but allocated with a vast land – the Setiu Wetland. This land, however, was not effectively used, cared
minimally and abandoned. The town also has a migration rate of 25%. This is alarming since it has a
massive number of registered business but has a staggering low rate of employment rate. Development
of Setiu has showed insufficiency in terms of access to the public, since rural areas have difficulty
travelling to these services. These public service infrastructures are situated in the heart of Setiu, Bandar
Pemaisuri, which reaches the majority of the population but is insufficient to cover the population density.
This town, for me, reflects the situation of the global south. The south is unreachable by essential major
institutes, has a relatively large population density and vast land not utilized properly by the locals.

3. Source/Reference:

 Lola, M. S., Ramlee, M. N. A., & Isa, H. (2016). Forecasting towards Planning and Sustainable
Development Based on a System Dynamic Approach: A Case Study of the Setiu District, State of
Terengganu, Malaysia. Scientific Research, 6(5). Retrieved from

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