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Rachel Heugly

Interview Project: Part 2

Comm 1010

Interview Analysis Memo

DATE: March 20, 2015
TO: Professor Ryan White
FROM: Rachel Heugly
SUBJECT: Interview Analysis Memo, COMM 1010
I recently was able to interview a Surgical Technologist named Lynae
Sorensen. I have a great deal of interest in the medical sciences, so I was
very pleased to have this opportunity. I was surprised to learn what a fast
program surgical technology is. Ive learned a lot and Im excited to purse
this path, and I feel better prepared no to do so.
Summary of Information
Education & Experience
A surgical technician is different than a surgical technologist. A technologist
is certified, a technician is not. IHC is now requiring all of their employees to
pass the National Boards to become certified. SLCC does allow all of their
students to sit to take the National Boards.
Lynae went to SLCC. Biology, chemistry, physiology, and medical terminology
were the science pre-requisites for the program, at that time. I will need to
research a little to make sure I get all the right ones. She did warn me not go
to Stevens Henagar College because theyre not accredited, and theyre very
It is a full time, intense program for two semesters. Its a very rigorous
program and takes all your free time. The first semester is class work,
memorizing instruments, learning procedures, learning about illnesses, etc.
You learn the normal, and the abnormal, and why its abnormal. The
second semester is your clinicals. You train hands on at several facilities. A
surgical tech oversees you, stands with you, and trains you. Then you are
able to sit for the Board exams.
She told me the most important part of her training was that her instructor
deeply instilled the technologists motto. The patient, first and always. This
is a person, not a surgical site. Treat them how youd want yourself or your
family members to be treated. This is normal for a surgical tech, but to this
person, it is a life altering event, and it needs to always be treated as such.
Every four years, your certification must be reviewed. This can be done in
many forms, each year you have to do 15 hours of continued learning, from
qualified sources; classes, quizzes in magazines, work training, etc, to help
them stay up to date on procedures and learning.

Rachel Heugly
Interview Project: Part 2
Comm 1010

A day in the life of a surgical technologist

So a surgical tech begins in the morning when they arrive and begin to clean
your room. From the top down, using a special solution; lights, wheels on the
carts, tables, everything gets wiped down. The night before, they will pull
your cart, with all the supplies and tools youll need for the procedures that
day. You check that cart, make sure everything you need is there When the
surgeon arrives, you make sure you know their preferences, glove size, type
of suture, etc. Every Surgeon is different, its a good idea to take note of likes
and dislikes for each surgeon. And then you take the tools and supplies to
the room and set them up on a sterile field. Once the field is established you
must stay there and make sure it remains sterile. Then get gown on, set
everything up, trying to touch things only once. There are two (or more)
tables for the equipment. During surgery you hand the Surgeon what every
he needs, anticipate problems or needs, and act as a peacemaker. Surgical
techs must have good communication skills and help maintain calm and
order in the OR. When youre done, you suture up the patient, help clean up,
and hand off any specimens. You are also trained to be able to draw and
administer medications, because the nurse is not sterile.
The thing Lynae dislikes most, is that many surgeons tend to have God
complexes, and treat others like they are beneath them. Her favorite part is
knowing that each day shes done something good. Shes helped someone,
and made someones life better.
Family Matters & Schedule
A normal schedule is full time, Lynaes was 6-3. Most employers do want full
time techs, however there are positions that are part time. Some techs just
work two days a week, some just come in and cover for everyones lunch
breaks (from about 10-2), which would be perfect for me. I could leave after
my kids were in school and be back in time to pick them up. The difficult part
about that would be getting a position like that because the hours are very
desirable, and usually given to the employees with seniority. Surgical
centers, you dont have to work holidays, weekends, or nights. Hospitals you
do have to work some of these times and at times you are on call. When you
are on call, you must be within 30 minutes of the hospital. Bottom line,
seniority makes your schedule easier. You really cant take unscheduled time
off unless you are sick, because that compromises the patients safety.
Workforce & Perks
This is a very stable field. There is growing demand, and theres no reason
that it wont continue, medicine is developing, and people get sick. It is a
field that will keep being needed, no matter the economy.

Rachel Heugly
Interview Project: Part 2
Comm 1010

With IHC if you work 24 hours, you qualify for health care. Another perk is
that you know doctors, you can just text them and ask questions. Some
places have employee clinics on site, which make it very convenient.
You have skills that come in handy and save time and money. Lynae had a
friend who took expired suture home and kept it in her first aid kit to keep on
hand with her four boys. This saved her visits to the ER. Other techs have
been able to get surgeons to donate their time, or help with charity causes.
Just learn as much as you can, be open-minded, and be positive.
Analysis of Surgical Technologist as my Career Choice
As I interviewed Lynae, I was excited and amazed at all the wonderful things
she was able to see each day. My interest was piqued as she spoke about
specific surgeries that shed been able to be a part of. I was glad that she
was able to find ways to work in this career, and still be a present mother to
her four girls. This really reassured me, because as much as I want a career, I
want my family more. I worry a little about the intensity of the schooling Ill
go through, but I think it will be attainable, considering that its not a very
long program. I also feel reassured because Ive had some OR experience in
high school as I helped with surgical procedures in Vet Tech. I know it will be
different with humans, but I feel like I have an idea of what to expect.
Overall, I feel comfortable and like this will be a good career choice for me
and my family.
Analysis of my Interview Process
I was very nervous about the interview, I dont like meeting new people,
especially in formal settings when I feel the need to impress. I find it difficult
to feel professional with how young I am. I think, in the future I could help
remedy this by being better prepared, and maybe practicing the interview
questions out loud before the interview so I feel more confidant and am more
aware of the format and outline I want to follow. I also found myself saying
ok too much. I was trying to be engaged and express my genuine interest,
but as I listened to my interview later, I worry that I may have sounded
insincere. This is just something I think Ill need to practice more until I feel
more comfortable talking to strangers.
I feel that overall the interview went fairly well. Lynae seemed excited to talk
with me, and was glad to help out, as she did this same assignment a few
years ago. I think this level of understanding and similarity helped her be
able to overlook my nervousness and helped me feel more at ease. We were
able to laugh and relate, and she was very talkative, but stayed on topic
really well. I learned a lot from her.

Rachel Heugly
Interview Project: Part 2
Comm 1010

To summarize, I learned a lot from this process. I learned a lot about

preparation, stepping out of my comfort zone, and many aspects of being a
surgical technologist. I learned that the schooling is fairly short, but very
intense. Day to day life for a surge tech is very demanding and takes
preparation, a level head, and good social skills. It offers many chances to
see amazing things most people will never get the chance to see. I found out
that this is a career that, with some perseverance and patience, would work
well to allow me to be a present mother to my children. It also offers great
everyday life skills, good benefits for my family, and constant learning and
fulfillment of helping others. This seems like a wonderful career for me!
Rachel Heugly

Rachel Heugly
Interview Project: Part 2
Comm 1010

Copy of Letter of Thanks

I want to thank you again for allowing me to interview you. I learned a lot
about surgical technologists and I feel I have a much better grasp on what it
would be like to go forward in my education with this career. I was very glad
to see that you are able to be a present mother as well as work in this
incredible field. It was really enjoyable to hear about your unique
experiences as well.
I feel a great sense of duty to my children and know that, above all, they are
my priority and life, so it brought me a lot of peace in seeing that it is
possible to have a career and be a good mom. This understanding helps me
feel more comfortable pursuing this career.
I loved speaking with you about the different types of surgeries youve
assisted with. Especially that jaw reconstruction. It is absolutely incredible
that they can do things like that, and I cant wait to someday be involved in
those procedures!
I truly appreciate you sacrificing your time to help expound my knowledge in
this field and also to help me complete my Communications assignment. It
was a pleasure to meet with you and discuss this fascinating career.

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