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Twister is

a good game in this times because more

persons play this game is very entertained, you
compete with more persons to be able to
choose a color with your hands or your feet. It is
game that you can play it with your friends with
your family and acquaintances, always this in
the meetings to make you enjoy a some

Twister was submitted for patent by Charles

F. Foley and Neil Rabens in 1966, and became a success when Eva Gabor
played it with Johnny Carson on television's The Tonight Show on May 3, 1966.
However, in its success, Twister was also controversial. The company that
produced the game, Milton Bradley, was
accused by its competitors of selling sex
in a box. That accusation was probably
because Twister was the first popular
American game to use human bodies as
playing pieces.
Although Twister was patented by Foley
and Rabens, a number of sources also mention Reyn
Guyer. Guyer is credited as having conceived
Twister in its earliest form while working on a Johnson's Shoe Polish promotion
as vice-president of his father's design company, the Reynolds Guyer Agency of
Design. Guyer originally called this new game idea "Pretzel", but Milton Bradley
changed the name to "Twister" before they put it on the market, much to
Guyer's dismay.
Since its release, many active participants have tried and succeeded in setting
records for the most contestants in a
game, and the largest combined amount of
Twister game mats. The World's Largest
Twister Mat was put together on June 18,
2010 in Belchertown, MA on the
Belchertown High School football field. It
consisted of 1008 Twister mats donated by
Hasbro and measured 244.7 feet X 99.10
feet for 24,156 square feet (2,244.2 m2).
The purpose of the record breaking Twister Mat was to kick off a fundraising
drive for Jessica's Boundless Playground.
It was one of the first fashions inside the industry toys, and in the USA he lived
through a moment of national madness, in which everybody wanted to play the
Twister. This game was capable of coming to all the age groups, from adults to
the smallest of the house, and little by little it was spreading on a global scale.
Also, it has been accepted by all the social clases.

I think is a game importan because you amuse yourself and you play with
another person I like very much this game the truth that he allows me to
communicate with other persons I relax myself and learn to use all the parts of
my body, the truth I recommend it to many persons to happen a little bit
agreeably and especially to amuse itself.

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