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Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be
glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it (John
14:13-14; RSV-CE) Jesus to Philip
To ask in Jesus name is not a magic spell we cast on the Father,
blackmailing God to act according to our liking. To pray like Jesus to
pray in His name, is to pray according o His heart, His mind, His will.
Whatever we ask the Father in jesus name will surely come to pass if it
is aligned with the heart and mind of God.
Prayer therefore, is not hanging the mind of God by an irresistible
force. In its very essence, prayer is the changing of our hearts and
minds, molding us to pray for what is true, beautiful and good. Prayer
is conforming our hearts to God that even when our own desires are
actually in conflict with Gods way and time, we remain steadfast to
This is why Jesus asked us to pray daily, Your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Jesus enlightens us today on the true nature of prayer. God, in His
infinite Wisdom and discerning love, can weed through our immature
and ignorant requests. We are assured that, whatever we receive is
always for our well-being. In the end, Jesus bid us to ask for the Holy
Spirit for Wisdom, guidance and discernment. When we are Spirit-led,
all our prayers will be good and godly. In the end, the Spirit is all we
need to ask for.
When your prayers are not answered, do you immediately retreat in
disappointment? Today, let us leave some room for Gods purification.
Let us ask the Lord that we may keep on seeking, asking and knocking
until we find the door that truly leads to Him.
1 How is my prayer life? Do I allow time for a conversation with God?
2 What am I strongly praying for right now?
3 Am I ready to face Gods answer to my prayers? Am I ready if its
not conformed to my will but His?

4 What is the Lord calling me to work on right now? What is one thing
I will commit to doing in the next few weeks to respond to his will?

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