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2009/2010 Calgary Science School Yearbooks

This year the Yearbook 7 highlighting the events and can easily be placed in the
classes are creating the CSS activities of this school year at back of the yearbook upon
2009/2010 Yearbook that will all grade levels. The cost is delivery.
be published by LifeTouch $20.00 per yearbook. More information
Canada. The theme for the In order to ensure that all regarding the delivery and
yearbook is the 2010 Winter events and activities that occur pick up of the yearbooks in
Olympics. Elizabeth T. in throughout the year at CSS August will be provided at a
Grade 9 won the cover design are included, yearbooks will later date. There will be an
contest which is featured in the be delivered August 2010. evening in the fall for the
picture above. Those students who purchase Grade 9 students to return to
The yearbooks have a soft a yearbook will receive an pick up their yearbooks and
cover with full colour pages autograph page in June that visit friends and teachers.

Please return this form to your child’s teacher or the office with cash or a cheque payable to
Calgary Science School Society by April 30, 2010.
Student Name: _______________________________________! Homeroom: _________
Would like to order _____ yearbook(s) at $20.00 per book.
Paid by: cash ______!cheque ______! ! Amount: ___________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________
Office use only: payment received _____ autograph sheet _____ book delivered ______

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