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Social Media Best

Integrating Social Media into
the Marketing Strategy

Why Social Media is Important for

Luxury Brands?
Social media gives brands the opportunity to educated and assist
their customers
WOM marketing is viewed as more trustworthy than information
from another source and social media can help increase WOM
Its important to think about the next generation of luxury
consumers how to extend, share, and grow the brands presence
across a variety of social media platforms

The Numbers
74% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company whose
values are clearly defined through social media
75% of wealthy internet users actively use social media
Households of $100,000 or more spend an average of 23 hours a week
on the web, 9 hours are on Facebook
80% of consumers with an income of at least $240,000 have at least
one social networking profile (usually Facebook)
98% of consumers with an income < $250,000 are far more likely to
communicate via social media than non-high end consumers

Baccarats Target Audience

Brand loyal customers
International luxury consumers
New generation of luxury consumers

Baccarats Objectives
Adapt and change social presence across the digital
landscape, in effort to:
Increase brand awareness and loyalty in the
international markets (Latin America, North
America, Caribbean)
Grow Audience
Increase current user engagement
Monitor online reputation

SWOT Analysis

Baccarat has a good foundation to
grow digital presence
Stronger following compared to direct

Weaker following compared to other
luxury brands/ indirect competitors
Poor fan engagement
Few original posts on Twitter

Influential brands as fans of the page
Start an engagement
Raise awareness among international
Increase purchase intent

Many competitors
Presence of major companies in
Baccarats social media niche
Aggressive campaign by competitors
Ads within social media pages,
competing with Baccarats content

What Can Baccarat

Do Differently?

Build Customer Loyalty with Social

Monitor Customer Comments
Anticipate Needs
Address Complaints/ Compliments
Engage Customers
Encourage Satisfied Customers to Talk


Think Locally

Corporate content certainly should be included (think new

product or national contest) but it should represent no more
than 40% of the total contents. The 60% bulk of content
responsibility rest squarely on the shoulders of the local

- Matt Long, Social Media Expert


Integrate Live Events into Social

Live tweet or feature
pictures of events as they
Feature behind the scenes
pictures (i.e. events, crystal
making, product design)


Best Use of Social

Media Platforms


Facebook Best for everyone

Organic Reach
Lookalike audiences- allow
you to reach people that may
be interested in your business
because they are similar
Retargeting- showing ads to
people that visited the website
or mobile

Fast Facts: 80% of

consumers with an
income of at least
$240,000 have at least
one social networking
profile usually Facebook.
Facebook reaches 51%
of households of
$100,000 or more.


Twitter- Best for brand with market

predominantly in the US
Planned real time marketing
Ex. Live tweet events as they occur
Twitter Statistics:
95% stronger message association
58% higher purchase intent
27% increase in engagement rate
#Hashtags Campaigns
Use hashtags people are already using

Instagram- Best to show the

personal/fun side of the brand
The gap is closing between
Instagram Marketing and
Facebook Marketing
Interaction rate of 1.53%
compared to Facebook .10%
interaction rate
Ex. Post behind the scenes
photos, event photos. Have
users post their own photos
featuring Baccarat

Pinterest- Best for B2C company

that sells products to women

21% of Pinterest users have purchased an item that

they have found browsing (Abrams Research)

Todays brides/grooms have many tools for wedding

planning. Social Media plays a large role, especially
sites like Pinterest- which acts as a source of


How To Measure


Monitoring Online Reputation

Burrelles/ Metlwater measures visibility of the brand on
social media
Social Mention is a social media search analysis platform that
aggregates user generated content from a number of
different social media platforms into a single stream of
Contact database or CRM can connect marketing activity to
sales activity




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