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3821 National Ave.

San Diego, CA 92113

April 9, 2010

Mr. Tracy Thompson, Principal

Lindsay Community School
232 West Ash St.
San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Thompson:

I would like to inform you that my classmates and I, as teenagers and mothers, are concerned
about our school lunches. I, as well as my classmates, believe that the school lunches are not
healthy for us and our children.

Just the other day for lunch, we had Hot Pockets and Goldfish Crackers. Schools provide free
lunches for us and our children in the nursery. I can say that we don’t really thank the people
that make decisions on what we eat for lunch when they are exposing us to danger. We eat our
school lunches on a daily basis without knowing all the chemicals that are killing us and our
children. We found out what we are consuming, in our “supposedly” healthy lunches, our
teacher Ms. Miller provided for us with an article on Hot Pockets and Goldfish Crackers. As we
were reading along in the article, we found out that we didn’t even know how to pronounce some
of the words or even know what they meant and this is what is being put into the food that we are
eating everyday for lunch. According to Antoinette Bruno in her article, The Childhood Obesity
Epidemic in America, “This only shows that we are condemning ourselves and our children to a
future of morbid obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions”. Instead of
providing healthy food to our schools, studies shows that in 2001, the USDA spent $350 million
on high-fat beef and cheese and $161 million on fruits and vegetables. They are spending twice
the more on food that has chemicals that our killing our children, and leading them to obesity and
other severe medical conditions. I would really appreciate the person choosing our lunches to
take in consideration why we need a change for better and healthier school lunches for our
children and ourselves.

Thank you for taking the time and reading my letter. My classmates and I really hope there will
be a change in our children’s future.


Elizabeth Chavez

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