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1) According to paragraph 1-3 what medical investigators think about the

placebo ?
A) It is the psychological umbilical cord that provides a nourishing and continuing
connection between physician and patient
B) its a famous-name pill
C) areal medical agent that help the body to defense and competing
disorder of disease.
D) B and c.

2) According to paragraph 5 why doctors prescribe a placebo to patients

although he knows that these patients needs reassurance more
than drugs?
a) patient feels more comfortable with a prescription in his hand
b) the doctor knows that the placebo can actually serve a therapeutic
c) Doctors believe that placebo is an excellent drug in competing
d) A-b

3) According to paragraph 6 what is the meaning from the "human

body apothecary" ?
a) The accurate drug to accurate disease may help the body to get off
of the ill.
b) functioning of the patients own immunological and healing system
c) the placebo is a process that make the body filled by the most
successful prescriptions of its own .
d) not of these are true

4)according to paragraph 7 the placebo scholars did not agree with

the interpretation of Berton Rouech?
1) because berton wrote in his article that the placepo is not a drug and will have no
physiological effect.
2) placepo is powerful because its deceive the body
3) the placebo triggers specific biochemical changes in the body

5)according to paragraphs 9-11 whets true?

a) Dr. Henry K. Beecher in his studies proved that placebo can get rid of
wide range of medical problems, including severe postoperative wound pain, seasickness, headaches, coughs and anxiety every time that patients get placebo.

b) Dr. Stewart Wolf prove that placebo can alter the body chemistry in
that decrease the the amount of fat and protein in the blood.
c) In a large study of mild mental depression , found out that placebo can
help these patients with put taking any drugs.
d) all are true
e) b-c
6) according to paragraphs 12-15, what we can learn from the studies
about placepo?
a) we can learn that placebo in an accurate drug that doctors can use
its instead of drugs in most diseases.
b)we can learn that placebo can help patients in some cases of illness
like real drugs.
c)in some cases of illness the benefits of placebo include not just pain
relief but general improvement in eating, sleeping, elimination and
even reduction in swelling.
d) b and c

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