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Poetry Portfolio

by: Angel Massee


repetition of sounds at the end of

Like couch and ouch or left and stress


The beat of the poem

like stress symbols


the formation of a word from a sound

associated with what is named
like whimper,ouch,sizzle, etc.

repetition of consonant sounds at the
beginning of two or more nearby
like How much wood would
woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck
could chuck wood


the repetition of vowel

sounds like instone and


the repetition of consonant sounds

like wide muddy field

The Battle

You say your not a bully when you pick on those girls,
You tell them they arent good enough,
that they can never be loved
to go jump off a bridge and die already,
You like how people feel intimidated by you,
You have murdered millions of kids,
the girls you pick on whimper and say ouch,
They go home and cry on their couch,
Why must my life be so horrible?
You dont care about there feelings,
You just care about the rush you get,
Someday they will fight against you,
they will realize they are not worthless,
to come out of the darkness,
They will form a group of friends,
and finally end this battle.


a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing

with another thing of a different kind, used to make a
description more emphatic or vivid
like my cat is as fat as a pumpkin


a figure of speech in which a word or

phrase is applied to an object or action to
which it is not literally applicable
You are a giant.


the attribution of a personal nature or

human characteristics to something
nonhuman, or the representation of an
abstract quality in human form.
like the sand was dancing in the wind


true actions or qualities are extremely

Like the teacher almost ate me when I
said I didnt do my homework

Water is a good thing

Ode Poem

I remember when
I first learned how to swim,
to see the waves dance
when it was windy,
the calm water was as
gentle as a kitten,
to put my feet into the water
and feeling fish that are giants!
to go under the water and
holding your breath,
the feeling of your lungs burning
for air,
to be able to relax
and play games,
water is like heaven from the gods
on a hot day
it sooth your throat when
its dry
water is amazing
thing for many

The Ghost

The Limerick Poem

Did you see that ghost said the man,
it looked very cold but had a nice tan,
he gave it his sweater,
and he looked much better,
but it disappeared leaving him with just a pan

3 Haiku
I looked outside,
there were swirling white snowflakes
it was wintertime.
the wind was very strong
the clouds were puffy and gray
and then it sprinkled
I knew fall was coming
the leaves were falling off trees
time to bring jackets

ABC Poem

Answering questions
Distracted by little things
Extra credit assignments
Finishing the lesson early
Growling stomaches
In your seat and ready to learn
Journey to class to class
Know it alls who always thinks there right
Labs in science class
Mean teachers
Never ending learning
Quick hustle between class
Ready for lunch
Taking turns
Under pressure
Variety of classes
Waiting for the bell to ring
Xylophones in band
Yelling at your friends
Zealous classes


Acrostic Poem

Friendships that last forever

Remembering small details
Ideas we share
Endless support
Never ending pranks
Delight to be around
Secrets we keep

Life Hurts
Sonnet Poem

The girl looked down at her plate of food

realizing she couldnt eat it if she wanted to lose weight
she wanted to impress this one special dude
she looked in mirror pointing everything she hate
Why cant I be pretty?
she went to the bathroom to puke once again
she went and cuddle with her kitty
all she wanted was to be loved but instead she felt pain
She knew she would be crying herself sleep tonight
thinking about her way out
she would dream about a world that would be bright
she would sit there and count
count how many days that are left
until she will no longer stress


Free Verse Poem

Where am I?
In a world full of darkness
Will I ever be found?
Only if someone cares
Does anyone care?
Those who are loyal
Do I have anyone loyal?
If you have a good heart
Do I have a good heart?
If you let all hatred out and let someone save you
Will I be saved?
Your heart is filled with darkness and hatred
I curl up into a ball
waiting for no darkness
waiting for no hate
waiting for someone to save me
but mostly important
waiting for someone to care

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