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East Elementary School

Ms. Niederlags
Pre-K Newsletter

March 2,
Special points of

March 13
Spring ahead
1 hour.

March 21& 22
Book Orders

March 22& 23

March 24 No

We will also be learning about the colour PURPLE this month! We will be having PURPLE days on Tuesday, March 22
and Wednesday, March 23 so please
wear or bring something those colours
to help us celebrate.

March 25
April 4:
Spring Break

With the weather becoming consistently nicer, we will be starting

to go outside more often! This will happen at the end of the day, so
we can avoid dressing multiple times. We will be going on the kindergarten park, closest to our door, as it will make picking children
up easier at the end of the day. With this though, please make sure
you send your child with proper outdoor wear! Our
playgrounds can be muddy and wet at sometimes, so
rubber boots, mittens and even slush pants may be a
good idea. Please make sure everything is labelled
with your childs name as well. Thanks!

Inside this

Happy (almost) spring!

Welcome to March! We had an awesome last month
celebrating Valentines day. Thanks to everyone who sent treats and Valentines, they
were greatly appreciated. This month, we
have already started to talk about Space
and will continue into different types of
transportation and then do some Easter/Spring related activities!

Coming up:

April 4 Classes Resume

April 6&7
Early Dismissal


Outside Time


Show and


Contact Info

March 2016

There have been plenty of

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people asking what they should consider when deciding to enroll

A child should be able to sit and listen to story.

A child should be able to take direction from an adult other than mom or dad.

A child should be able to ask for help.

a child in ECS (Early Childhood Services/Kindergarten) so here are some tips from Black Gold:
Your child does not need to be able to print his/her name, know letters and numbers or be able
to read. These are all skills that the children work on during kindergarten! You can look here for Alberta Educations Kindergarten Program Statement, which outlines the specific learning objectives or curriculum.
In most schools in Black Gold Regional Schools, a child must be between 4 years 6 months of
age and less than 6 years of age on September 1st to enroll in kindergarten. This age gap
means that you have some choice whether to send your child at age 4 or age 5 if your childs
birthday is between September and February. Many parents of children born in January or later
choose to wait a year before enrolling their child in kindergarten. When making this decision,

What are your childs social skills like? Do they play well with peers?

What is your childs behaviour like? Can they handle frustration?

What are your childs communication skills like? Can they express themselves and be understood by others?

What is your childs maturity level? Many children are young for their age
and may do better to wait a year for kindergarten.

consider the readiness skills above, as well as:

Do not assume that your child will be able to do two years of kindergarten this depends on individual circumstances and should be discussed with the teacher and principal. Generally, AlQuestion: I didnt enroll my child in March but have decided that I would like to send my child to
kindergarten. Is it too late?
Answer: No, if your child is of age, his/her community school will have a spot!
Question: I enrolled my child in kindergarten and now think he/she should wait a year. Can I
pull him out?
Answer: Discuss your concerns with the teacher and principal. Depending on his/her age and
the time, it may be possible to withdraw for a year OR your concerns may be relieved with a
simple conversation! Feel free to attend the kindergarten information night at your community
school or contact the principal with specific questions.

Ms. Niederlags
Pre Kindergarten Calendar

Early dismissal
10:25 AM pick-up

Sofia L.

Arielle C.

Daniel T.

Jackson B.

District FOPS

Spring ahead
1 hour!

Connor M.
Cash S.

Chloe V.

Lauren Z.

Purple Days

Titus R.

Victoria H.

Desmond H.

District FOPS

No School!
District FOPS


BLUE NAMES on a date

show the childs Show and
Share day!

East Elementary
4503 45 Street Leduc, AB T9E 7K4
Phone:780-986-8421 Fax:780-986-8423

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