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Kelly Blake’s Business Plan Synopsis

Product/business idea
Out of Uniform is a company that offers accessories for girls in private school
aged from 5 years to 18 years. We specifically tailor our accessories to young
girls so they can feel independent of their school uniforms. Our products
provide an outlet for creativity and style. Products include:
-Wristlets and change purses -Headbands and Hair Accessories
-Eye Glasses Cases -Water Bottle Holders
-Backpacks -Watch bands and bracelets
-Pencil Cases -Lunch boxes

Target market
Out of Uniform’s primary target consumer is the average private school
enrollee, hoping to add a sense of style and individuality to her everyday
school uniform. In addition, Out of Uniform will also target Private Schools as
conglomerate consumers and supply the schools with an array of products to
sell in their school stores on campus.

Need it is addressing
Out of Uniform is a company that enjoys adding style to plain school
uniforms. We create accessories that are custom made for any school
uniform and provide that extra sparkle young girls are looking for. Many
times, private schools impose rules against wearing colored nail polish,
makeup, or even jewelry. Out of Uniform provides a way for girls to add
fashion and creativity to their school uniforms, while following the rules that
their school may impose.

Size of target market

Thousands of Thousands of
Persons Public % Change Persons Private % Change
Year Enrollment Growth Enrollment Growth
10 50028 0.4 5872 0.1
11 50303 0.5 5919 0.8
12 50653 0.7 5946 0.5
13 51093 0.9 5990 0.7
14 51579 1 6038 0.8
15 52135 1.1 6092 0.9

As enrollment in private school increases, the market for accessories for

school uniforms will also increase. This will allow Out of Uniform to expand its
business in the future.
Estimated revenue at 1, 3 & 5years

Year Revenues Generated ($ Million) Growth (%)

2011 7412.9 5.5

2012 7908.9 6.7

2013 8560.3 8.2

2014 9267 8.3

2015 9868.5 6.5

2016 10563.1 7

Cost to produce product, or infrastructure cost of running business

Purchases 49%
Wages 22%
Rent 7%
Depreciation 3%
Other 8%
Profit 11%

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