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Male reproductive system

the male gamete (=sex cell), consisting of a
head (covered by enzyme), midpiece, and
flagellum (tail)
a gland in males that produces sperm and
the hormone testosterone
testosterone guides many developmental and
behavioral changes in the body throughout
the testes are located in the scrotum, an
external sac that keeps the testes cooler than
body temperature

Male reproductive system

The path of sperm
sperm is stored in the epididymis after being
when needed, sperm moves through a tube called
the vas deferens to the seminal vesicle, where it
is combined with seminal fluid to make semen
the seminal fluid contains nutrients and protects
the sperm from the acidic environment of the
semen joins the urethra at the prostate gland,
found only in males
ejaculation occurs when smooth muscles contract
and release the semen through the penis

Male reproductive system

Male reproductive system

vas deferens

Female reproductive system

the female gamete that can develop
into a new organism after being
fertilized with sperm
the female sex glands that store
eggs and produce the hormone
the female is born with several
thousand immature eggs in her ovaries

Female reproductive system

The path of the egg
starting in puberty, the ovaries will cause
one egg to mature every 28 days
the egg is released from the ovary in a
process called ovulation
the egg travels down the watery
fallopian tubes to the uterus. As it
travels (several days), it can be fertilized
by sperm
if fertilized, the lining of the uterus will
receive the zygote and begin nurturing
the new organism

Female reproductive system

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