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Post subject:
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:21 am
God Level

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In re LUCIFER, master metaphysician Phil Valentine elucidates that Lucifer was the "bringer of
light", but of "white light" which is distorted light. White light blinds the eye!
So the so-called enlightenment these white masons brought will blind us (and has). Their
enlightenment is DISTORTED, that's why they practiced slavery of Afrikan people. A truly
enlightened individual would never enslave another hue man being for any reason, economic or
My dear friend Jordan Maxwell (a white man) told me that Black people possess the key of
salvation to the problems of the world. Maxwell said the problem of the world and especially in
America is a SPIRITUAL problem and "your" people are the most spiritual people.
But Jordan also went on to say that entertainment and athletics is being used to detract Black
people from their spiritual duty. White people are doing their duty (wrecking havoc), but Blacks
are not (living righteous, assuming the power of leadership in order to righteously rule). And
many Blacks wonder why white people in general have big luxury homes, are millionaires, drive
nice luxury cars, are always in positions of power, etc. When you do your job YOU GET
REWARDED. Regardless of the evil white people do, they are doing their job and therefore get
rewarded. Blacks don't get rewarded because they are not doing their job. Black people are
depressed when they have to do evil or sell out. That's why successful Black people never shine
like successful white people. White people can live under evil, Blacks cannot (but foolishly
attempt to do so everday).
Black people talk loud, talk about God! That's it! Every last NOI sect that is divided against
itself is under the Rule of Satan and not one of them can deny it. The Black man is God but the
Devil makes his/her clothes, grows his/her food, educates his/her children, etc.
It's funny how whites in power embrace and use ancient African knowledge and wisdom but
most Black people REJECT ancient African knowledge (Egyptology) and some on this forum
have outright made mockery of it, not having a damn clue about Egyptology (or crystals,
dowsing, divination, metaphysics, etc.) because they have never studied it with an OPEN mind,
but are quick to condemn it in defense of that which stems from Arabia. The white man does not
embrace Arabic/Arabia on his ONE DOLLAR BILL that most of us slave and whore for. The

white man embraces EGYPT (ancient Egypt) on his money. His capital city (District of
Columbia) embraces Egypt. That man knows about and honors ANCIENT EGYPT. White
masonry is predicated upon ancient Egypt. Egypt is in Africa.
The whole Muslim world is owned and ruled by GREAT BRITAIN (ENGLAND). The Muslim
world is part of the world trust owned by England and enforced by the Vatican Church. Great
Britain owns the whole planet! Yes, a little island the size of Rhode Island owns and runs the
whole planet. In fact, during the first Gulf war, it was Saudi Arabia who allowed British strike
jets to take off from Saudi Arabia to bomb Iraq, a Muslim country. Saudi Arabia, the home of the
prophet, was on the side of the Christian nations who were at war with a Muslim nation. Nothing
but politics under the guise or banner of religion.
Religion is the greatest controlling device ever devised and I see no freedom from government
bondage as long as religion exists. Religion is just like politics - DEVISIVE! There is no UNITY
in division. A house (nation) divided against itself cannot stand. You cannot get all the sects of
Elijah's NOI under one roof together today because of the sick EGO that is safehavened under
and by religion.
Religion feeds ego. It doesn't destroy it! And because of ego, government and its rule exists.
Government is needed to keep egos in check. An ego out of check (such as an Adolf Hitler) must
be put back in check, hence the result of war (force).
These white masons know this stuff and practice it daily and have been doing so for hundreds of
We should only study masonry to know it, but we must use our Afrikan minds to sift and filter
out all the sickness from it. Or, we can always learn to unleash or unlock the hidden Afrikan
knowledge from our DNA as most of the information and knowledge was hidden in our DNA.
Love of self is the study of self. I thought it proper to end on this note since this thread is on

God Level

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2003 10:04 pm
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Post subject:
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:45 am
You mention the incubus and the succubus having something to do
with the fall of man relating to "sex" and the Fall of Man has or had
absolutely NOTHING AT ALL to do with sex, at least coming from a
metaphysical perspective.
The Fall of Man deals with the degeneration of man, his entire

Location: California

existence. Pertaining to sex in re the Fall of Man (Hue manity), I can

only see or overstand this if you are referring to that one androgynous
being (which was closley female) that degenerated and became two
species which we now have today - male and female, with the modern
female being closer in resemblance to that original andrgoynous being.
That original Being "fell" and also "fell" (degenerated) sex wise as
well, so now we have the degenerate female called "man" or "male"
who is so deformed that his elongated clitoris has become known as a
"penis"; his fallopian tube has become what is called "vans deferens",
his atrophied uterus has become what is called a "prostate", his
deformed ovaries are encased in external bags of tissue called
The two species then became dependent upon each other to procreate.
There was no more parthenogenesis.
Regardless if we take the Annunaki account (dealing with genetic
engineering) or the Natural Degeneration account (due to experience degenerating in order to regenerate, becoming imperfect in search of
perfection, etc.), we have a fall which involves sex, but is NOT caused
by sex.
It's funny how even today most people "unconsciously" embrace the
Fall of Man story pertaining to sex and love and then wonder why our
relationships don't last or are not fulfilling. I hear just about everybody
say they "fell" in love. To fall is sign of a handicap. An injury. An
How many people talk about "walking" into love, or "running" into
love, or "leaping" into love, or "flying" into love? Not many I'm sure!
Most people FELL into love as though love is some dark, bottomless
But then again, we all are subject to our own interpretations of things.
Earth is a free will zone and so we do have choice. We can call a thing
psychic attack or sleep paralysis. It's our choice. But the genuine
question is, as earth is a free will zone, how come most of us don't
choose to listen to our inner selves? How come most of us don't think
for ourselves? Why aren't most of us true to our own selves?
We'd rather use and trust science, but science has not solved any of our
problems, only masked and prolonged them.
MORE NEXT TIME! I gotta go!!!!!



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Post subject:
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:08 am
Dnniss, Osho made me think about the sickness (warpness) of man's
mind and Justice_Team's assertion of psychic attack as "sleep paralysis"
via an article written by a man. Osho is so correct about man's
mechanical mind. For example, I admitted about my childhood
experiences of "psychic attack" during sleep. But what did I say or
admit to being the "cure" or "healing" of it?
Now for purposes of argument (reasoning), I'll call my "psychic attacks"
SLEEP PARALYSIS, which according to Justice_Team's article, many
people (millions) suffer from. And since "sleep paralysis" is not natural,
it is therefore a disease or abnormality. So since sleep paralysis (which I
suffered from) is a disease, what is the cure or healing for it? It has to be
a cure for it because I no longer have it (hadn't had an experience since
1993). What did I say I did to end my alleged "sleep paralysis"?
Answer: I chanted Allah-u-Akbar! So according to Osho, the medical
and scientific cure or healing for sleep paralysis is RELIGIOUS
CHANTING, Allah-u-Akbar specifically. After all, that's what I
(Djehuty) did. But do you see the problem?
The medical Merck Manual should list "chanting" as a treatment, if not
the cure (though allopathic medicine is not interested in cures) for this
disability or abnormality. So now, all people have to do to end their
"sleep paralysis" is to chant ALLAH-U-AKBAR (regardless of their
religious persuasion).
So if we leave it up to the scientific mind of man, all victims of sleep
paralysis have to do is chant ALLAH-U-AKBAR to become
nonvictims. As Osho says, everything has its opposites. Every
abnormality has its normality. Every disease has its cure. Or (being
technical) every paralysis has its nonparalysis. It's the law of polarity! If
we accept man's "sleep paralysis", there must be an opposite (cure) to it
as there is an opposite to all things.
So do you see why it's dangerous to trust outside of self? Just because I

chanted Allah-u-Akbar to end my "sleep paralysis" doesn't mean every

single person can do this to end or "cure" their "sleep paralysis."
I found MY cure/answer for my "sleep paralysis" WITHIN self! My
answer did not come from OUTSIDE of self from the mind of another
person who because of a worldly position or title (i.e. PhD, M.D., D.D.,
etc.), made THEIR answer/discovery/solution THE
As Osho said, "Be authentic!"
But for some "nonthinking" individuals, it's much easier to borrow
someone else's answer that THEY found or created! How many people
trust a doctor's opinion over their own body's intelligence? You feel pain
but the doctor says you're fine. This is trusting other than self - being
nonauthentic! And yes, we doubt SELF because we don't use (much
less) believe in INTUITION (which we ALL have). We'd rather pay
TUITION (money, fees) to some institution created by a man (mind)
and get someone else's opinion (answer, solution) for OUR problem(s).
So although Jesus said "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN", you find
most people still seeking WITHOUT. And in case you didn't know it,
the word "without" means LACKING!!! So anytime we go OUTSIDE
of self for an answer, it is a clear and convincing sign that we lack (are
without). in other words, we are DEFICIENT (inept).
"No one can be a free and great thinker who does not recognize that
his/her first duty as a free and great thinker is to follow their OWN
intellect to whatever conclusion it may lead to."
We can also substitute the word "experience" for "intellect." How many
of us follow our own experiences over those experiences of others who
have made their experiences THE EXPERIENCE(S) simply because of
a worldly title or position.
Djehuty is one who helps people to "go within" self for their answers. I
know it's dark inside the inner self. But self-trust (intuition) is a light!
That's why I don't hesitate to express my views, research, sentiments,
findings, discoveries, etc. I'm a trailblazer! A pioneer! A pathfinder!
As Osho said, it is the mind (ego) that cares what others think. The inner
self is not concerned with what others think. It is following the inner
self that leads to true freedom and bliss. Following others is what leads
into captivity or bondage.
How come I don't have a driver's license, vehicle registration, any type
of insurance; pay state and/or federal taxation, is employed in corporate

America, have never registered to vote, don't give money to

foundational charities, is not a member of any organized religion, not
married to any unilinear individual in a modern business contract called
"marriage", etc.??? Because I THINK and ACT outside of the box. I
follow my instincts (intuition) and my heart (conscience) without
thought or fear of consequences, including death. It is only beyond
death that true freedom is found. Not in actual death, but in fearlessness
of death!
Clearly something to think about (if you are OUTSIDE of the box).
Certain people (whether they are conscious or not) always volunteer to
bring shiit (manure) to help a good farmer grow his grass.

Post subject: Medical Liquid Assassination of Johnny Cochran
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:02 pm
God Level

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Right after local Los Angeles television station KCAL Channel 9 did the story on the medical or
health condition of Johnny Cochran last year, I knew Johnny Cochran was a dead man and
publicly stated this.
A family member of Johnnies said Johnny would be out of the lime light for a while to deal
with a medical condition. At this time, the specific disease or medical problem was not
announced although there were leaks that it was Alzheimers or Parkinsons Disease.
However, it was news later on that the medical condition pertained to Johnnys brain. Well,
word is out now that it was a brain tumor.
Why did I tell local folks that Johnny Cochran was dead last year? Because I knew what Johnny
did publicly, nationally and internationally during the O.J. Simpson trial he brilliantly
displayed intelligence and legal brilliance from the mind/brain of a Black man, a serious NO NO
to the ruling Elite. Johnny embarrassed and defeated the entire Los Angeles County District
Attorneys office in addition to coming on board of an all-white legal Dream Team of the

best attorneys money can buy and outshining every last one of them.
Johnnys threat to the Establishment was the IDEA of what Johnny Cochran represented,
especially to African American males. As a single man, Johnny was not a paramount threat, but
the idea of hundreds and possibly thousands of little Johnny Cochrans infiltrating a
predominantly ran white judicial system (which is the political machine that legally binds
African Americans, especially Black males, to the American penal or criminal system) and
boldly, brilliantly, and successfully defending accused Black males (felons) was a serious threat
to the System (Establishment).
Johnny Cochran humiliated white males collectively during the O.J. Simpson trial and he had to
pay for that, just like Muhammad Ali did for humiliating white males collectively and their
System during the 1960s.
Yes, Muhammad Ali was injected with a neuro-poison that caused his brain to degenerate which
has been medically diagnosed as Parkinsons Disease. The Elite didnt want Ali dead.
They wanted him to hang around as an example of a n!&&#^ who gets out of his place and runs
his mouth too much (against the white Establishment) and the consequences thereof, because
this has a trickling down effect on Black people. It serves as a constant reminder to stay in your
place. A quick death would have been too easy and good for Muhammad Ali, nor would he have
suffered. They wanted this man to suffer and he has been for more than 20 years now. Upon
becoming an Orthodox Muslim and turning from the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, Ali began
using and trusting white medical doctors, just as many other high profile Blacks do. Ali went
from a man who talked too much (in defense of Black people around the world) to a man who
can barely speak now.
The U.S. Government utilizes agents as medical doctors to do their damage (medical liquid
assassination). This same thing was done to musician Jimi Hendrix when British and American
Government agents posed as medical doctors and responded to the request of medical assistance
from Jimis late girlfriend Monica (who was found murdered days before she was to break
her 20+ years of silence in regards to the death of Hendrix). This was truthfully depicted in a
rare Hollywood movie entitled Beyond the Doors (originally entitled Down On Us). I saw (and
own a rare copy of) this movie and studied it thoroughly. In my opinion it is 95% accurate. You
have to see this movie!
Author Gurudas of the book Treason: The New World Order
Post subject:
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:34 am
God Level

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Greetings Anne!
Thanks for that on Bob Marley. I wrote a little something on the murder of Bob Marley on my
site last year. However, Josef Issels DID treat Marley. It was Issels who stuck LONG needles in
the chest of Marley, injecting him with immune weakening susbtsances.
The melanoma cancer was the result of being stuck with long needles from Issels after Bob was
infected by a nail-like substance placed in a pair of boots given to Marley as a gift. This gift was
given to Marley by a reporter of Rolling Stone magazine. The bizarre thing is though, the
Rolling Stone reporter was NEIL BUSH, son of the Devil George W. Bush, a former head of the
CIA who was out to get and silence Marley. Bush was posing as a reporter to get next to Marley
while Marley was low-profiling.
In re COCHRAN, if Cochran was an innocent succumber of death to a brain tumor, why the
secrecy of his disease/ailment?
Cochran was more of a threat than any Black leader simply because he was IN the system and
IN one of the two most important aspects of the system (judicial). People like Carmichael, Huey
P. Newton, and even Min. Farrakhan are NOT a threat to the System to the degree of a Johhny
Cochran because they are NOT IN the System. They are outsiders and outsiders can't impact the
System like someone on the inside.
For example, all Black leaders PAY income taxes and CAN'T do a damn thing about it. It was
reported a few years ago how Min. Farrakhan and the NOI owed the Devil IRS $600,000 in
taxes and for what? The NOI (just like every Christian Church and Jewish Synogogue) is a
straight IRS 501(C)3 CORPORATION and all 501(C)3 corporations are chartered (fathered) by
the federal government (federal State). The U.S. Government is PARENS PATRIAE
(daddy/father; sovereign head) over the NOI and every other religious institution in America.
Hard facts that can't be refuted!!!!
Another profound example, Orthodox Muslim and Los Angeles community activist Najee Ali is
in jail right now because of driving with a suspended DRIVER'S LICENCE in relation to a hit
and run incident.
Even Min. Farrkahn and every other Black leader/activist has a driver's license, Social Security
Account, Birth Certificate, etc. which means they are OWNED lock, stock, and barrel by the
State. So as long as Min. Farrkahn, Jesse Jackson, or whoever else keeps their mouth shut on
what is really enslaving the American people, they are NOT a threat.
Stokely Carmichael left America in 1969 after learning a little of what I just relayed. Watch the
awesome video entitled THE CAPITALIST CONSPIRACY. Stokely (and King and X) started
doing their research and was delving deep into the true problem. You see, King and X became

dangerous because of impacting the System by getting INSIDE the System. Malcolm didn't
actually get inside the System, but he was going and getting there. Malcolm was going to get
inside the Civil Rights Movement where he could have impacted the movement and therefore
the System. You can't change the System from the outside (unless you can impact the people
NOT to participate in the System AT ALL which would be virtually impossible as the American
people are SLAVES and need to be told what to do or in other words, ruled).
Many may say Farrakhan supported registering to vote, which is a very big mistake in my
opinion. To register means to turn over personam jurisdiction to another (in the case of voting the State).
The Minister was having people to register to vote in a corporate election for a corporation
called UNITED STATES, INC located in Washington, D.C. and which has or owns 50 corporate
franchises called States, i.e. State of California, State of New York, State of Illinois, etc. Just
study Title 4 of the United States Code, sections 100-113 and you may understand what I'm
talking about.
The real states are California Republic, New York Republic, Illinois Republic, etc. which were
politically hijacked in 1940 via the Buck Act.
A state is a political franchise (i.e. State of Israel, which is the 51st State of the corporate United
States which is why Israel gets 5-8 billion in federal money per year, just like all of the other 50
Many Black leaders (and people) be complaining over the U.S. giving aid to Israel. They are
outright ignorant to what's really going on. The federal government gives aid to all of her states
(corporate franchises), so what's the big deal?
What good is it being awakened by the teachings of THEM or whoever else and you are still
getting screwed up the rectum with no vaseline?
Yes, you know God but where's the God power to get PHYSICALLY free from the pseudo God
called government? No man can serve two masters! So you bow down to God (allegedly) but
then you run to the adversary of God to get a marriage license (permission from the Master to do
an act that is God-given in the first place). And people are quick to justify this nonsense and
enslavement, talking about "when in Rome do what Romans do." The Romans were damn
faggots! So because I dwell in modern day Rome I have to be a faggot??? Not the Ma'at-Ra! I'd
rather be like those 4 Hebrew boys in Babylonian captivity who defied the Babylonian way of
life (and government) and ended up working miracles in Babylon and rose to a high level of
status in their enemy land due to staying loyal to their God. Read the Book of Daniel in the
When you are in the legal game, you have serious power. I know firsthand! Law is what enslaves
us! Legislators make the laws (actually statutes) and judges interpret them and provide
CONVICTION in violation of such statutes. Judges are more powerful than legislators because
judges have the power to lawfully violate the Separation of Powers doctrine by also creating law

i.e. CASE LAW.

Under this doctrine (SOP), no government official can serve in more than one branch of
government at the same time. You can't serve as a judge (judicial branch) and a prosecutor
(executive branch) simultaneously. But it happens all the time, especially in Traffic Court. Okay,
we got a judge in the court. The police is the State's witness. You are the Defendant. The State is
the Plaintiff (which is a CONTEMPT OF COURT by the way, see Black's Law Dictionary, 5th
ed., pg. 562 "Fictitious Plaintiff"), but we have NO prosecutor! And when you ask the Judge
who's going to try (prosecute) this case, the Judge will straight up tell you "I'm going to
prosecute this case! A prosecutor does not have to be present!!!" Ma'at-Ra says BHULL
SHIIIT!!!!!!!! Traffic court is 100% CRIMINAL which requires a prosecutor!
I make those bastards bring in a prosecutor (yes, even for a basic traffic infraction) or dismiss the
case (and I have ample proof via Ansel Littlejohn, Ana-Isabel Gonzalez et al right here in Los
Angeles County).
Hell no! If you get inside the legal field, you got some power. I remember hearing Sis. Ava
Muhammad talk about how when she was a prosecutor she and a Black Judge had a thing going
on where they were letting Black people off the hook. They (court administrators) eventually
broke their scheme up, but look at the idea. You see, it was difficult because it was only Ava and
a Black judge, but just imagine if that System was infiltrated with at least 30-50% Black judges
and prosecutors in that same courtroom, city, and county.
Judges have the power to let people off the hook. Prosecutors have the discretion of prosecuting
cases and offering nonjailable plea bargains. Blacks are given the longest jail sentences and the
most diabolical plea bargains (deals), which usuallly entails years of probation. Probabtion deals
with PROPERTY (as in PROBATE COURT) which means our people are being turned over
TWICE to the State (legally and then physically).
Hell no! Law is too important and can do more damage than community activism. Hell, even our
activists end up in jail (H. Rap Brown, Huey P. Newton, etc.) due to legal ignorance.
In closing, Al Pacino's role as the Devil return in the movie DEVIL'S ADVOCATE summed it
all up for me. Out of all occupations in modern life, he (Devil) came back as a lawyer in the field
of law. This is just too profound for Ma'at-Ra to ignore.
Law (and health) got our people HEMMED UP! Even if you got good health, it doesn't mean a
damn thing if you are caught up in a legal situation and don't know a damn thing about law. I see
it all the time and it grieves my heart.
Peace ya'll!


Post subject:
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:33 pm

Greetings BX!
God Level

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2003 10:04 pm
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In re Assassination: beloved, it wouldn't surprise me if the devils are

plotting against me right now. I know they know about me. The FBI
came out unannounced in late 2002 and interrogated me for nearly two
hours. They asked me if I was a dangerous man. They were'nt talking
physically dangerous, they were talking mentally. I told them that I was
mentally dangerous in certain respects (enlightening people). I'm quite
sure when they left they wrote a memo on me.
They couldn't handle me. The Universe guided my words and actions
that day. Those FBI agents didn't know law. I made sure to quote Title
18 United States Code all interrogation long because that's the federal
criminal code.
I told them before they left that if I'm doing anything wrong or
criminal that they could summon me to any court in the U.S. and I'd be
Before they left they shook my hands and told me I was a rare person,
a righteous man, and highly intelligent. I gave them a business card
and told them that any future visitaions would have to be by
appointment as they made me miss a chiropractic appointment that day.
The inquired of me on: Muslims, 9-11 (New York), my views on
Terrorism, Black militancy, health and natural medicine, did I have a
license for any thing I was engaged in (and did people know I was
unlicensed in all of my activities); what form of payment am I paid in;
was I making/producing government-issued ID cards (of course
not!!!!!); stress and how to naturally cope with it, and a host of other
Basically, they were picking my brain and I knew it. I let them know
that I had no fear of any agency or person, my actions are predicated
upon God/truth and I'm Universally protected, I love a good challenge,
and I don't care about material things or possessions.
They left knowing they could not use anything against me.
I must say it was very fun and joyable - a learning experience.
After they left I knew I was on the right path in life, because they didn't
come out because of drugs, rape, terrorism, or any criminal activity;
they came out because I was using my mind. All I could hear after they
left was the words of Min. Farrakhan in my head ("You know you're

doing the right thing when the Devil is disturbed and coming after
I also remembered the words of my buddy Jordan Maxwell ("You can
tell the stature of a man by the size of his enemy").
Damn, all I was doing was using my mind, but in the area of law. They
never came out before until I got involved in law (so-called
Well, it wasn't over with the FBI. Our nameless Group at the time was
under surveillance. I noticed the pattern of the FBI because they only
targeted our sisters. Sisters would call me and tell me how a white van
followed them to work. One day while a sister was getting breakfast,
the FBI approached her and inquired of her. They wanted to know what
was the name of our group (which we didn't have), who we were
working for (which was nobody but ourselves), who was the leader of
our Group (which we didn't have), why were we doing what we were
doing (rescinding all government contracts), and why were we willing
to put ourselves under such scrutiny. Sister Loreal Muhammad was just
brilliant in handling the FBI. She played ignorant asking "what
Group?" "Leader of what Group?" She told them that she worked for
Pacific Bell Telephone Company (which she really did and after all,
they asked her who did she work).
I prepped everybody on how to handle government interrogation. Most
of the members were in their 20s, had good corporate jobs, drove
nice/luxury cars, but more importantly - had HEART!!! (some were
from Mosque 27 & 54, former members). They were down with the
Ma'at-Ra and sovereignty. We were awesome! We had Nextel phones
for communication. When a person was arrested by police in re right to
travel, we followed the police to the station. I had various sisters call
the police station and to inquire on the person arrested every 10-15
minutes to let the police know what time it was. We had a bail
bondsman (Vic Cuadra) who we only had to make a call and the person
was out immediately. Government knew we were highly organized.
This is why they had us under the scope.
One morning Sis. Loreal called me and told me that two men in a white
van were looking into her house with special binoculars. I told her to
go outside and wave at them. She did and they started up the van and
I learned how to handle Government from my knowledge in re
COINTELPRO. Because I knew what the FBI did to our Groups and
leaders in the past, I was able to prevent modern reoccurrences. This is

why I am forever grateful to THEM, Malcolm X, The Panther Party,

AIM, Martin Luther King, Jr., Kwame Toure, et al.
I knew not to have a group name because of the insight given from Sis.
Barbara Hand Clow:
Nothing will become more dangerous for you in the coming years
than your involvement in groups gathered together around archetypal
belief systems. The bombings of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas,
in 1993 and the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 which
both caused the deaths of many innocent children are only an early
warning. Literally, the only thing that can stop this hideous acting out
of unprocessed inner violence is recognition by each one of you of
your own inner pain.


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Post subject:
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:19 am
Peace Bro. Naim88!
Beloved, I too experienced what you stated above. But that was in the
past. Hardly nobody says a damn thing to me these days in re so-called
conspiracies, especially after 9-1-1 and the Michael Moore movie that
followed and also because I'm quick to make a you a dub of just about
any so-called conspiratorial subject video or audio tape.
Yes, I have told people the Jonestown Massacre of 1978 by Jim Jones
(who's still alive living in Africa) was not a mass suicide but a MK
ULTRA mind control experiment using innocent Black people.
Jim Jones got the names of mostly poor, widowed Black women from
the San Francisco County Department of Social Services (welfare). He
made these innocent but ignorant and poor Black women turn over all
their assets to him and his People's Temple.
Jones had more than 900 Blacks and 200 whites in his cult. The Blacks
were the victims (guinea pigs) and the whites served as his government
Jones flew the Blacks in from San Francisco to Florida. From Florida
they left for Guyana. However, while on board the plane in Florida, the

Blacks were bound and shackled by chains. Once in Guyana, they were
seriously brainwashed with drugs and mind control techniques (more
powerful than the religious mind control used in California).
The Blacks worked 18 hours a day (under gun control) and only fed
rice, white rice at that.
Jones used to put cocaine in the cookies that were given to the little
Jonestown children.
The people of Jonestown were murdered because Congressman Leo
Ryan from San Francisco went to Guyana to investigate allegations of
kidnapping, imprisonment, etc.
The CIA notified Jones in advance that Congressman Ryan and
television reporters were coming to Guyana. A few people ended up
leaving with Ryan and the reporters and the CIA could not have this.
They gave the orders to assassinate Ryan and the detractors to prevent
exposure of the MK ULTRA experiments which were banned by
Congress in the 1960s.
Black people are dumb but not that damn dumb to drink cyanide-laced
purple Kool-Aid. Half of the Blacks ran for their lives in the backwood
jungles of Guyana. However, British Blackwatch troops and U.S.
military were called in to hunt for these escapees. When they were
found, they were gathered up and handcuffed. Many were shot and
killed. They were brought back to Jonestown and were injected in the
shoulder area with the cyanide. The little children ignorantly drank the
cyanide because they didn't know any better.
President Jimmy Carter (whom Blacks loved) purposely let those Black
bodies stay/sit in the hot Guyana sun for 5 days before the bodies were
removed because he wanted the bodies to decay so as to hide those
needle injection marks and gunshot wounds.
"Dr. Mootoo found fresh needle marks at the back of the left shoulder
blades of 80-90% of the victims." The Black Hole of Guyana, by John
Judge, from SECRET AND SUPPRESSED, by Jim Keith, pg. 130
NOTE: Jim Keith was murdered in the late 1990s. he went in to the
hospital for a knee injury and allegedly died of a heart attack
Many of the dead bodies were brought back to the U.S. and burned
(cremated) immediately before U.S. medical autopsies could be

What was the final number of Jonestown dead people? 913. But
remember, 900 were Black and 200 were white. The Jonestown cult
applied for 1,100 passports. So who were the 187 of Jone's cult that
escaped death on that fateful day in November 1978? Answer: The
white people who served as his government officials (with 13 whites
being killed in the massacre).
Good reading on the Jonestwon Massacre include SECRET AND
MEDICAL EXPERIMENT (by Michael Meirers).
I have the tapes by John Judge himself and Mae Brussells (Queen of
Conspiracy) in addition to those by Meierers himself. Yes, I spent
thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours researching books,
newspaper articles, video and audio tapes, etc.
Bro. Naim88, so-called conspiracies happen all the time. However,
conspiracy is really truth, but most people just don't want to deal with it.
Check out some of the quotes of certain high profile individuals and
what they have to say in re CONSPIRACIES:
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it
was planned that way.

Post subject:
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:23 pm
God Level

Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:04 pm

Posts: 3984
Location: California
Peace Bro. Naim88!
Thank you for your words, beloved!
In re J. EDGAR HOOVER (a/k/a MARY - drag name), the CIA took Hoover out so that they
could put one of their operatives at the helm of FBI director so they could run things on the

American front. You see, the FBI handles domestic situations and the CIA handles international
The American CIA is really a branch or arm of British Intelligence MI5 (Military Intelligence). It
carries out world functions in British's central area or jurisdiction of the world which is the U.S.
That's why it's called CENTRAL Intelligence Agency and not American Intelligence Agency or
U.S. Intelligence Agency.
It is the U.S. military that handles intelligence within the geographical U.S. as the U.S. military
has a constitutional duty to protect all 50 (or 51) States geographically speaking, whereas the
FBI is federal in nature and by law (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, clause 17) only have
jurisdiction within the Ten Mile Square (Washington, D.C. a/k/a UNITED STATES, INC.).
So really, the FBI was only supposed to handle intelligence in Washington, D.C. (Ten Mile
Square) for the federal government but because the federal government under its corporate name
UNITED STATES, INC bought all 50 sovereign American states back in 1940, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can now legally exercise jurisdiction in all 50 states (corporate
franchises of the corporate UNITED STATES, INC) and the proof of this is in the ZIP code all
states use.
You see, a ZIP code denotes a federal territory and does not every city within a State have a ZIP
code? Do not the American people (U.S. citizens, slaves, corporate entities) have and utilize Zip
codes? Why it is the people themselves who openly state that they live or reside in a federal
territory by the use of the ZIP code which they ignorantly think is mandatory for mailing out
Use of the ZIP code is 100% voluntary and this is substantiated in Domestic Mail Manual Sec.
122.32. However, without utilizing some 5-digit number, your mail will be dealyed. It'll still be
delivered, just delayed (which is an inconvenience to the American people).
So you have to know how to navigate in this corporation that you think is a country.
So does Djehuty have and use a ZIP code? HELL NO! Djehuty utilizes a Postal Zone which is
91205 for purposes of receiving mail, but "without prejudice" (or reservation of all constitutional
rights pursuant to U.S. Constitution 1:8:7) as receiving mail is a benefit (privilege) of the federal
government (UNITED STATES, INC) which creates a QUID PRO QUO (something for
something) contract under statutory contract and business law. That's why Abraham Lincoln
gave all citizens "addresses" so that the federal government could extend jurisdiction over all
Americans. Originally, only businesses had an "address" and having an "address" denotes a
"residence" which denotes the exercise of a corporate privilege within the corporate state you
NEW YORK, etc.
This is why I always spell my state's name out using upper and lower case letters, i.e. California
and followed by USA (denoting the country I'm a Citizen in). I never use the 2 letter upper case
abbreviation of CA for my state as this denotes the California territory (or franchise) owned by

the federal government (UNITED STATES, INC.).

CA does not stand for California Republic of 1849. It stands for State of California created in
1940 via the Buck Act. The same applies to every other state. There are 2 separate states, People,
with 2 sets of laws. Read Title 4, Sec. 100-113 and Title 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1746 of the United
States Code and Article 1, Section 8, clause 17-18 and Article 4, Sections 1-2 of the United
States Constitution. It's all there! They are not hiding a damn thing!
Yes, yes, yes! It was Abe Lincoln who paved the way for our present corporate existence even
though he was killed (due to later finding out that he was being misled by Rothschild agents).
The FBI can only exercise jurisdiction over Preamble or so-called sovereign citizens ONLY
when the Citizen violates the corporate policy of the United States, Inc.'s criminal code (Title
18). If there's no violation of law (statutory law under Title 18), the FBI has no jurisdiction.
I told the two white FBI agents this back in 2002 and they knew my words had merit although
much of what I said went straight over their heads as they were very ignorant to law (minus Title
18 which is why I made sure to quote it periodically during my interrogation).
The FBI can only exercise jurisdiction (authority) over U.S. citizens, which are legally defined
as "residents of the United States, Inc. and who are located within the Ten Square Mile of the
district called Washington, D.C.).
The tentacles of the FBI have stretched to include YOU because your State owns YOU due to
your parents (especially your mother - government INFORMANT) ignorantly giving you up to
the State when she CERTIFIED your "birth" (entrance into commerce under admiralty or
military jurisdiction) via a corporate BIRTH CERTIFICATE which registered you with the State
via the State's Secretary of State Office which recorded your corporate birth and thereby created
a State charter for your existence as a legal entity or artificial entity which lawfully allows the
State to rule and regulate you under the legal doctrine of Parens Patriae.
You see, I've deviated again! Let me get back to your initial inquiry.
The CIA (set up by Hitler's Nazi's), formerly the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) wanted
control in the U.S. so as to have both agencies under one wing and initiative. Hoover was very
arrogant and selfish and saw the FBI as his agency. He somewhat used to compete with the CIA
(and OSS) and was also rebellious in many respects which pissed of these Nazis within the CIA.
Hoover also involved the FBI in many international schemes and also carried out secret
initiatives in foreign countries (stepping on the CIA's toes).
Hoover pissed the CIA off and they took him out by hiring the same Cuban refugees used in the
1960s Bay of Pigs to break into his apartment and put sodium morphate in his toothpaste.
The notorious faggot named Mary (who wore a red wig at drag parties) was found dead on his

bathroom floor which his toothbrush in his hand.

Hoover always denied the existence of the mob (Mafia) because gangster Meyer Lansky
obtained a picture of Hoover performing fellatio (head, oral sex) on his male lover (of course),
one Clyde Tolson, on the side of a building.
Lansky and the mob used this picture to control Hoover.
Anyways beloved, this is why the CIA took out J. Heather Hoover.
The CIA is very diabolical. It was the CIA behind the coup d' tat of Richard Nixon forcing him
to resign. It was the CIA who prepared crack cocaine way back in the 1960s in the Golden
Triangle countries of Asia, even utilizing a Pepsi Cola plant to manufacture this stuff.
Regardless, Negroes are still gonna drink pepsi cola.
The CIA just took out Gary Webb for exposing their dirt back in 1996 and was about to put out
more dirt.
Beloved, the world is CONTROLLED by DEVILS. Folks can talk God all day long. Devils run
this biitch, as the rappers would say; and God is sitting back waiting for His/Her Children who
profess Him/Her to DO SOMETHING against these devils for "their" OWN salvation.
Peace beloved!

Post subject:
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:17 am
God Level

Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:04 pm

Posts: 3984
Location: California
Greetings of peace!
There is a connection between the late Pope of Rome (John Paul II) and the Vatican Church and
medical liquid assassination.
In no disrespect to the late Pope, the Pope was no saint or holy person by far. Most people
dont know the hidden history of their beloved Pope, especially Catholics.

During War World II, Pope John Paul II worked in Germany at Germanys I.G. Farben
(Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben) which produced the lethal gas (Zyklon B) used in the gas
chambers that annihilated hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews. I.G. Farben received its
petroleum from the infamous American Rockefellers via Standard Oil (today called or known as
Chevron and Exxon).
Most folks dont know it but it was America that developed Hitlers military machine.
Yes, corporate America aided Hitler in his wickedness. IBM and IT&T developed Hitlers
communications system. Ford Motor Co. and General Motors built Hitlers tanks and jeeps.
Standard Oil (Exxon and Chevron) supplied Hitler with petroleum to make poisons in which to
kill Jews. Citibank and Chase Manhattan, both Rockefeller-owned banks, financed Hitler. I
cant forget Alcoa, Dow Chemical, Bendix Aviation, and General Electric (we bring GOOD
things to life!)
Without American assistance, there would have been no Adolf Hitler and Third Reich.
Actually, without the Rothschilds, there would have been no Hitler because Hitler is a
Rothschild (just like former president Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller), believe it or not, because
Hitlers mother got popped (became pregnant) in the House of Rothschild in Vienna at the
hands (actually the peniss) of Baron Rothschild while working as a maid.
After the war, the Pope and other higher up Nazis were secretly brought to America via the
Vatican Church under the auspices of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the predecessor of
the CIA, in a secret mission known as Operation Paperclip. Yes, the Vatican Church secretly
brought fascists into America after WWII.
Major Nazis were brought to America to help develop American science and intelligence,
including the CIA; and to deliver the educational deathblow by introducing psychology into
education (hence Ritalin drug given to students to destroy their minds).
The late Pope only became the Pope due to medical liquid assassination of Pope John Paul I
(PJP 1).
PJP 1s mission was to clean up the Vatican fiasco created by Michele Sindona, a Sicilian
banker with Mafia ties who was laundering Mafia money through the Vatican Bank into
Switzerland, which caused a 1 billion dollar loss (or debt). Sindona was the financial advisor to
the Vatican Bank (which owns Bank of America and which also hoards all of the gold that
England took/stole from America (from 1930-1970) via underground tunnels that started from
Fort Knox). The movie DIE HARD 3 displayed this (stealing money via underground digging).
The Vatican also is one of the worlds largest realtors owning property all over the world,
including the Watergate Complex (now a Hotel) which was owned by Generale Immobiliare. In
fact, England (Great Britain) owns the U.S. (UNITED STAES, INC.) and which is operated by a
trust carried out by the Roman Catholic Church.
Hollywood (Magic Wand) was used to help the Vatican Roman Catholic Church to subliminally

indoctrinate Americans into submission to the Roman Catholic Church. This was done with
certain television series such as Star Trek. I could go off into this and break things down but I
dont feel its necessary. But theres a reason why there were characters named
Captain Kirk (Church), McCoy, Dr. Spock (the Vulcan; Vulcan the Roman god of fire), Uhuru,
Christina Chapel (Christian Chapel), etc.
The Jesuit Order was also used to indoctrinate Americans via academia for the Roman Catholic
Do you remember the movie GODFATHER PT. 3? That movie was based on real life events that
occurred in New York City (in 1978 and 1979) and Rome. What city does Godfather 3 begin in?
Answer: New York City. Go rent and watch the movie again.
What was the name of the building Michael Corleone purchased from the Vatican Church?
Answer: Immobiliare (as in Generale Immobiliare).
In Godfather 3, Corleone was purchasing Immobiliare for 600 million dollars. The deal to
purchase Immobiliare was initiated by Michael Corleone giving a grant (donation) of 100
million dollars to the Vatican Church (entrance into Vatican secret society). But in reality, that
was Michaels fee to become a member of the Knights of Malta, a Vatican Masonic Order
whos military wing is known, albeit secretly, as P2

makeda is pretty but wrong on that meat s%#$

7odisgod 20 hours ago
Beauty is damn sure in the eye of the beholder. ANY female who desires to be a man is an
ugly muthafucka in my book. Yang dominance in a female is some UGLY shit. She has no value
outside of shaking her ass. That's all she can do. She's the perfect slave. When you have people's
eye/ears and don't have a product to sell them to better their condition you are not understanding
the land you're in and then you wonder why you're broke, despite having all this so-called
Dhealthstore in reply to 7odisgod 13 hours ago in playlist Uploaded videos
I like what she does as far as teaching women (though I don't believe in everything she
teaches). It ends there though. Makeda is imbalanced as she is only into physical fitness
to the neglect of more important things, i.e. proper nutrition, economics, spiritual awareness, etc.
She has a very poor and ugly attitude and is a very poor loser. Ever since she lost that debate we

had, she has put me on her shit list. I let her attack me first and then I blast her ass because the
type of cat I am.
Dhealthstore in reply to Dawn Porter (Show the comment) 13 hours ago
Makeda Voletta is a straight carpet muncher. She gets down with males and
females. Trust me, I am a master psychic senser and this individual is a male
trapped in a female's body that she is attempting to get back to that of a male's as
I'm sure in her last incarnation she was a man and since the last incarnation is so
close to home, people not grounded in the present incarnation will attempt to get
back to the last incarnation's vessel. Makeda is a just a fuck for males, not wife

The well-known celebrity Herbalist and owner of, Djehuty Maat-ra,

established his brand and bolting reputation as a spiritual guru and worldly health
educationalist. He utilizes an unconventional approach to existing teachings of health
consciousness and offers a renewal of original preventative health care. On January 27, 2012,
I got an opportunity to chat with Djehuty and found him to be mystical but unbelievably
down-to-earth with painful experiences, colorful references, and of course, great advice. He
began his journey into health consciousness after suffering from acute asthma as a young
man. Experiencing the death of both parents (following health challenges) and an Aunt (due
to suicide), Djehuty found motivation that grew into dreams from which we all benefit. I got to
know him this day. The following abridged interview is below (live recording avalaiblable at in the News and Media tab):
Well, I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to speak with you. I learned of you
about three years ago one night while searching for information on a number of ailments. I
was concerned for my friends as I do nutritional counseling. Thats how I initially found
you. So, I thank you for speaking with me in the capacity of a journalist (writer for the
Examiner's DC health column).
No problem. My pleasure. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed. We have to
get the information to the people so I thank Journalists and I thank people who interview me
because it helps me do what I am on planet to do so thank you love.
I am just so happy that I am in your space. At this point, I am going to give you a little
about me and then give you an opportunity to talk about yourself maybe giving me
information about your original name, then your new name, and just a little about your
journey. So, let me start to say, I am Pamela McKenzie, Writer for the Examiners Healthy
Food Column. I have a background in Finance and I work for federal government but I

find that my mission isnt being addressed if I dont do something about our community
when it comes to health and just having the appropriate knowledge to prevent illness so I
dedicated the last ten years of my life to studying natural medicine and writing for this
column. I have a small company where I offer specialized products and I provide
nutritional counseling (been doing it for 2-3 years). Thats a little about me can you tell me
about your original name, your current name and just a little about you in a time-line
Ok. I was born Earnest Cooper Junior; Second son named after my father. Earnest has Germanic
origin and means one who is sincere and of an important nature. For a brief period, I dallied with
Islam and changed my name to Jaber Abdul Akbar ("Jaber" literally means bone-setter). Under
that name, I became a healer. During the mid-2000s, I kept hearing in my head Djehuty,
Djehuty. At the point, I changed my name again from Jaber to Djehuty and thats when things
really took off. I became a light-worker under Djehuty.
Thats beautiful. In that space of time you decided that you wanted help others and
formulate nutritional products. How did that come about?
Honestly, I knew my lifes purpose and had a sensing of it as a little boy. While playing with my
brother and sister, I would be the one who would administer a healing aid- even though I was
using Vaseline and toilet paper, it was still there. I was still inclined. After my favorite Aunty
committed suicide in 1976, I went out to her backyard of her home in South Central Los Angeles
and looked up to heavens and said God when I get older I want to be there to listen to people. I
had learned that my Aunty was depressed and didnt have anyone to talk to so I said at the age of
six that I would be there to talk to folks.
Being radical or the black sheet of the family, led me the Nation of Islam where I saw a lot that I
didnt like. I tried the Afrocentric community in the mid-90sgot what I could get from that.
But I would always do my own personal studies/ personal research. I spent thousands of dollars
on books, studied political issues, conspiracy theories, goddess studies, legal issues, feminism
and African history. I studied so much. I got into health and studied biology in 1995/1996. In
1999, my mother died of pancreatic cancer and my Dad succumbed before my Mother in 1994.
In 1997, I got into health and herbs it was a wrapby 1999, I was ready to gostarted Afir
Did you go officially public or just started the company?
Officially public in opening my company. Like I said, from 1995-96, it was lots of research..I
researched and healed myself with herbs of bronchial asthma. With the success of experimenting,
I thought, if I can heal myself from bronchial asthma, the same thing could happen for the
blood ,the colon, liver, etc. It just took offmy wife, family, and friends tried the herbs and the

results were mind boggling and in November 1999, thats when I went public with the Full Body
Detox and individual herbs. I didnt have an online presence until 2003. Previously, I did
business via phone. Celebrities would come to my small apartment- I am talking about
luminaries.Stevie Wonder, Brandy, Shumar Moore, Darin Hensen, Boris Kodjoe. I didnt have
the internet! I was doing business by telephone!
I am sure that didnt shock you...since when you are on your path. It's "like"the fastest
communication.forget internet!
All I had to do was go downstairs to my mailbox and thats how I was making my money. I was
working a corporate job but retired March 23, 2001 -I know it was that day because that day is
my Mothers birthday.
What were you doing in corporate America?
I was working at an investigation agency, auto insurance industry, Stein Investment Agency
worked at Stein for seven years and I was pretty much a factotum I am a Taurus so I am very
laborious and proficient at getting things. I would go to the law firms and commune with the
Attorneys, drop and pick up files, I did accounts payable/receivable. I did everything. When I
decided to leave, those people did not want to see me leavethey wanted me to work part-time.
They didnt want to leavethey said herbs (herbal business) are not guaranteed and kept
reminding that I had a great job and good future there. With Mars in Gemini (astrological natal
chart), I am quick witted so I couldnt be convinced to say. They taught me a lot but I still retired
and I am never going back to corporate America.
Thats great. Can you tell us a little about your immediate family? How many children do
you have and how did you meet your wife?
I have six kids (five biological) - two from my previous union, one from her previous union and
we have three together. This story of meeting my wife is a magical story (you dont find a lot of
men particularly African American men who believe in fairy tales and fantasies) but I do because
I am mental scientist. It goes back to the power of the mindthe subconscious mind doesnt
know the difference between that which is contrived and what is actual. So I was going to get
what I could conjure up in my mind. I wanted the ultimate wife, marriage, family I knew that I
could get it through the use of my mind!
Previously, I went through an ugly divorce with the first wife in 2002took a couple of years to
heal Chakra balancing Meditationlocked himself up from the world for four years. I
purchased books, education videos, studied, and enhanced my vocabulary. I was celibate from
2002-2006. I was healing myself from the heart (fourth chakra). In 2004, I kept hearing I am
ready for love, I am ready for love. Astrology books said the same. I was like, no I am not!

During that time, I went to see my daughter and her Mother (the first wife) and she came out of
no were saying she would like to talk - she expressed that she wanted to get together. I realized
that I had been prepping myself for love at that point! I had watched movies When Harry Met
Sally and Xanadu. So, I finally decided that I was ready. And low and behold, a women I was
talking to invited me to her church to give a lecture in June of 2005- this was totally plutonic but
something happen and by September 2005, we knew in spirit that we belonged together. In
September of 2005, we got married and consummated in November of 2005.
You should write a book on love!
I have! Its called The Love Manual an ebook. Its available on the websitethere is no way I
wouldnt cover that story (
Its amazing to see your conviction. You have stone-hard conviction. Where did your
convictions come from? Where you raised Catholic, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc.?
I know it was something I was born with; it had to be cracked open. I cant deny religious studies
helped especially Islam but religion just refined me. All of us have this. Anytime we have
something unique about ourselves, we were born with it. We may go through manmade
institutions, but all that does is polish it and get us ready to claim it and live upon it. I know that
was the case with myself with my religious studies. Christian, Hebrew, Islamic, Buddhist,
Confuscionistic Principals I studied everything under the sun. I have Neptune in Sagittarius in
my natal chart. In astrological language, this means its like a caterpillar. The religion is the
caterpillar and spirituality is the butterfly. So when you have Neptune in your natal chart, you are
going to be very religious and graduate to spirituality. Thats the trait that signifies that. I have
that in my natal chart so I was born with it. Went through stuff to polish it and became conscious
of it. It's second nature. I am passionate about anything dear to my heart and as far as
convictionsthere is no other way to live.
Neptune in Sagittarius is completely above my familiarity is limited.
Well, it in your natal chart. There are free internet sites out there like
whereby you can punch in your date of birth and your chart will pop up. You can find out what
sign Neptune was in at the time you were born. I was born May 4, 1970 and at that particular
time, Neptune was Sagittarius. The planets are in signs in intervals of 7 years, 13 years, 19 years,
etc. The year you were born will dictate what sign Neptune was in.. it may be different but it
means something and it is usually positive. This helps us to learn more about ourselves. We have
two personalities - the inner and the personality predicated on life experience and the blueprint is
the ultimate personality.
Do you consider yourself an empath and how do you feel about empathetic spirits?

Ah man, I really came to that realization of in 2005. I know we dont have much time but there
are so many things that happened to me of a paranormal natureit freaks people out. Because
Ive worked so hard to establish myself, lots of folks are opening up to the paranormal realm and
multi-interdimensional realm. But something happened to me, beloved, starting in 2002 -2005
that just cracked me open. I started having prophetic dreams! I realized I am empathic a
commercial Empath without a doubt.
Lets move on to talking about your products- they are awesome. I know that you are no
longer with I learned of your former company initially and shared your Full
Body Detox with a lot of folks that did the full body cleanse as a result of my running my
mouth. While most purveyors of nutritional products focus on vitamins, minerals, and
other new wave products, your company has a stronger position for herbal products and
herbal formulas. Can you share why?
Without a doubt because nature does not produce anything in isolated form- Let me say this,
Nature does not and she would never for if she did, there would be no life on earth, wed be
dead. Because if you remove the nitrogen from oxygen (air), we'd be dead. Youre not going to
find anything fragmented or dead or isolated in nature. Nature deals with the whole. Ok, we want
to heal ourselves; we have to go back to whole foods. When you dealing with whole foods, its
stable. It has numerous ingredients - never just one nutrient. You cant eat an orange and just get
vitamin C. Nature doesnt do that. Nature gives you vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium,
vitamin D, amino acids, you get everything you need. When you understand the herbs compared
with the supplements on the market, you find out that the herb is the plantthe plant is holistic.
Man will sell you vitamin C by itself and the trip thing about that is that vitamin C is ascorbic
acid. The ingredients on the bottle should say vitamin C derived from the following foods
because our nutrition should be food -based. When you turn that bottle around its saysascorbic
acid and there is no ascorbic acid in nature.
Didnt Linus Pauling use ascorbic acid in his research?
Ascorbic Acid yes. You have acerbatewhich is found in nature but ascorbic acid is a
chemical. There are great researchers but even some of them miss the mark when it pertains to
nature. If you are not experimenting with rosehip or hibiscusyou are going to come up short. I
understanding why you dont have scientist dealing with herbs; herbs cant be patented. No one
is going to research herbs over chemicals. Researchers are looking to invest in something that
they can benefit or get a cut from.
Cant own something already owned by the earth. Thank God folks are waking up.
Yes, some people are waking up! I have couple of videos to do on that. I just blast- I hit the solar
plexus! No time for faking the funk peopletime is moving guysyoure not getting any

younger. Youve got to claim your destinydeal with the ugly stuffdeal with the truth and
move forward. Weve got to go back to nature.
I totally agree because I had a stress ailment in 1988 and initially, I had been this
energetic person; I wanted to accomplish everything. I was going to college, singing backup in a band, I was working full-time, had this demanding boyfriend and so my whole
system just shut down. I didnt know much about nutrition and didnt realize how I was
harming myself. I had to realize that I was responsible for this illness. Basically, I needed to
undo it so that was the beginning of my journey and that is a longer story and this is your
time. But I wanted to ask if there is a difference between mainstream herbal products and
your products. I know your capsules are not gelatin based. What are they made
from.....why are your products better?
I am always going to give you the best for less. That is the's motto. Its my
personal motto. I believe that people should always have the bestI cant fake the funk. I cant
own the truth and then not give it to you. So you are dealing with herbs here. Commercial grade
versus my herb theres going to be a big difference because I am not into saving money. I am
into giving you what you need so that you can get better especially in the field of health. See,
with commercial companies, its all about profits so they are not going to give you 100 percent
red clover or 100 percent red raspberry. Theyre not going to do it. They are going to mix it in
with silica. They are going to mix it is with some type of fibrous aid basically, they are going to
cut it. You might get 60 percent red clover and 40% saw dust, fiber, silica, and/or magnesium
stearate. I am giving you 100 percent plant herb in a vegan capsule because I dont believe in
using anything from animals. I dont like how man eats the animal and makes a whole industry
off of animal by-products. So when you understand that gelatin is derived from horses, cows, and
pigs, you know that goes against a certain belief of mine. So, I am not going to use anything that
comes from an animal and gelatin does - gelatin does not dissolve fully as do vegetable cellulose
capsules. I need to get 100 percent assimilation, digestion, and absorption of the herbs. That is
what vegan capsules allow and gelatin doesnt.
So, the vegan capsules are made from cellulose? I was wondering how you did this Does
your former operation ( using gelatin capsules?
Wow, I get so many inquiries about those guys. All I can say is I really hope that they are
because I got an email from someone yesterday and she let me read it. Its like, wow, that
company is really devolving. Its unfortunate because they are learning the hard way of what the
D in Dherbs stood for - everybody in the world knew except for themso I step away and
give these guys an opportunity. They have seven years up under me and you would think theyd
know how to manage but you know whats being revealed - it was just not in the heartyou
knowlike the Jesus says The disciples will fast when I am no longer there. They are going
through their period when the soul is gone and hope they are still using the vegan capsules but I

really dont know because I left in July of 2011 and took all of my products I took everything
that belonged to Djehuty Maat-ra. However, the articles are still on their site so people can get
the knowledge even though they removed my name. I am building a new website for where I will place 700 of my old articles and about 50-55 new articles that I
have not revealed yet. You will have the new articles as well as the old articles on the new site.
Its going to be off the chain because my new website is going to be predicated upon the
metaphysical and spiritual. In the past, I wrote about the raw and mundane type things but it still
helped people but where I am about to go is going to be off-the-chain. And that information is
only going to be available on It is unfortunate to hear all the things that I hear
about the former business. I always knew that those guys didnt have it like methey pretty
much worked for me they did administration, phone calls, shipping and stuff like that and of
course I was the brain of the operation. I was the image, the spokesperson, and all of that. I was
the soul of but what happens is you can start making so much money that you kind
of loose site of the mission and that will never happen to me because I put that in the Universe
you know asking God to always protect me. He will never let money corrupt me. When I was 19
years of age, I made this conscious through prayer; well, it wasnt pray but a decision - I just
spoke to God and said I didnt want money until twenty years from then because I saw a trend
with the dope boys getting the cars and the fine women. I knew that was going to end. That
didnt move me. I said God dont let me get money until I get a head on my shoulders I needed
some sense in my head. It didnt take twenty years it took fifteen years so by 2005, Dherbs
started to make some money and my life begin to change. By 2008, Dherbs went to multi-million
status after I was on a Warren Valentine show for fifteen minutes and that changed the history of
Dherbs and also changed my life as well.
Now, lets go back to the Dherbs operation again. You had how many people working with
you? I know you mentioned AD was your main partner whom you started with right?
Yes, maam, Ahman Dolphin (AD) and Jamel Dolphin. It was just us and then ADs girlfriend,
Catalina Hash-Kova, came on board. We had some people who came and went but by 2007, it
was Samantha, Cory, Fatima, Kimmy and then Tonya. So we had about eight employees.
I do remember that and it was great. Its whatever the universe sees as fit. But it would be
great if your former partners could figure it out and bring the soul back. They should
figure out the appropriate direction because if not they going to lose.
Without a doubt they are going to lose. You know the heart is not right but AD is really a good
person; he just got out of blocks. I told him if you dont get your life together, you are going to
lose everything. He also has Saturn in TaurusI have Saturn in Taurus so we both have great
work ethic. However, that brother has too many financial problems and fears.too much fear. A
lot of people dont know that the Universe will give you the desires of your heart. My desire was
having ultimate freedom and I am a wild and crazy person when it comes to business thats my

success. Now, I also am going to do things from the world like study business, corporate law, I
love to studyso I got the mundane business thing mastered but I got that new age business
model mastered where you use universal law. Think big and you dream and you do different
things; dont follow other people, you are a trendsetter. That is me. That scared the hell out of my
Dherbs partners. I say its draining having to continuously build people up because they wont
take to time to work on self like I did. There were a lot of variables that led to the break-up of
Dherbs so I dont regret it a single day. I am at the peak of existence in business on planet earth
right nowJupiter is in Taurus it has been in there for since June. It's going to be in there for a
whole year and when you have Jupiter in Taurus you have expansion of the material and let me
tell you. In seven months, Dhealthstore is where Dherbs was in its zenith it took me seven
years to get Dherbs up to this point. In seven months, Dhealthstore is where Dherbs was in its
hay day. I have fifteen employees in a 1000 square foot facility. Dherbs had a 5500 square foot
facility My former partners have moved out due to poverty consciousness. The rent was like
$5,500 per month. When I left and AD was in charge, poverty consciousness was in charge so
they moved to a smaller building and they are only saying $2,500 dollarsthat doesnt make
sense when you are making over $100,000 per month. What are they afraid of?
Why didnt they take your fear elixir? (laugh)
They need to take a whole lot of other things over there!
Now, did you take your entire inventory when you left?
Without a doubt. I trademarked everything. Thats why you see changes on both sites where
theyve changed the name to the Full Body Cleanse. Djehuty Maat-ra does not make the Full
Body Cleanse, he makes the Full Body Detoxtheres a difference. FBC is different form FBD.
Theyve added herbs to their rendition of my formula because by law they had to change the
formulas due to the trademark and patent that was placed on my products. They dont want to tell
the people the truth therepeople are saying this stuff isnt potent, theres something going on
and everything. And then they come to Dhealthstore and find whoa(!) Djehuty is not with Dherbs
anymorewho is making the herbs and formulas at Dherbs. Another reason they are going to go
down is because they wont be truthful. They know the majority of the people purchase at
Dherbs because of me and I got the emails to prove it but I dont need to prove it because I
already know I was the soul of it. So when people found out that I left, those people followed me
and thats why Dhealthstore is doing so well so early off.
Well as mentioned in one of your questions I think you asked me how I found out about
it. And again it was one of those nights where I am seeking knowledge and I was on and there was young lady who had begun to talk about her previous
experience with Dherbs. Her caption said I no longer patronize Dherbs and I scrambled

to look at that video so she explained that you were no longer there and then I started
searching for your explanation on
Are you headquartered in California? Have you expanded beyond California?
I am in my dream city of Glendale, California and we plan to venture out. We are doing the
dream unlimited to where there is going to be Djehutys Health Stores in the major metropolitan
cities of the United States and the World. We would like a store in the bay area of San Francisco,
Atlanta Georgia (which is my number one market), New York, and Chicago. You know,
everywhere where the people are. I have a lot of customers in London....this whole thing has
been wild. I answer the phone and talk to people from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong
Kong, The United Kingdom. These are countries Ive never traveled to. These people got the
product, got their lives changed, and read the information. The Internet has connected us and its
mind boggling. I am doing what I always wanted to do but I never knew Id be doing it to this
I am in Maryland we can certainly use something like that out here. I mean if I werent a
busy Financial Analyst by day, I would be begging you to allow me to support you in that
capacity. We have GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Wholefoods, but there is no discrimination in
some of these places and the prices are outrages. I think I speak for the entire DMV (D.C.
Maryland Virginia) area when I say we need something out here.
The DMV has a lot of strong supporters. There is no way I can expand without putting a store in
the Maryland, Virginia, and DC area. I was just in the Newport News area in December and the
love there gets stronger in stronger with every visit. I going to Atlanta in March and I can already
feel this is going to be the ultimate lecture and visit. Ive gone there a few times and there is a
magic in the air and I felt it in VA.
Dherbs was great but like I said, there was a lot of limitation and a lot of restriction. You have to
explain lots of things so I had to let go of dead weight and go solo. I have an Accountant who
that works for me, right? She is a professional. See, I always wanted to hire corporate people
because I knew that I was the rare dude that was into the occult and divination and I didnt
expect a lot of people to like me. Most people have gone to college and their pretty structured as
far as how they work. Like I said, I study corporate law and I know you have to fuse the two
together so the people that work for me came out of corporate America. I have and Assistant who
worked for Kaiser for 25 years and I have a person (Anu) who was an Accountant with a major
firm and you know I always wanted to take the best from corporate America and bring them on
over to the spiritpreneur side and that is exactly what Ive done. Anu acknowledged that I
didnt do business like everybody else and basically admitted that its responsible for my success.

She does not understand everything but she sees the success. Not condemning their former
occupations I am just offering something different. Like now, we are getting so many orders
and its a small facility with hundreds of orders a day. People actually spend the night. You know
I cant find words to describe that dedication. Ive never experienced anything like that.
Thats love
Without a doubt. My friend, Ace, said Ive seen you with Afia, Djehty Herbaceuticals, Dherbs,
Trinity, and I see you with Dhealthstore; this is the team! And you know what Pam, I know it.
Experience from the corporate world and they are going to use it in the spiritual world.
Entrepreneur but living a spiritual existence... Its a business that has a heart.
Yeah, we are going to keep praying that it maintains that structure; just seeing positive
images. Its important as we need this core. We need somewhere to go. Its kind of like
having the church to go to. Somewhere to go even if I am just in a bad mood or just to build
hope. Its really significant. This is why you are being blessed. Now, I want to ask you about
success stories. Has there any success stories for major ailments, like HIV, high blood
pressure, Depression, etc.
The whole site includes 150-200 pages of testimonies still on the Dherbs site. I have them
myself; it would takes months to talk about all the success stories. Thats why I point folks to the
website and that made it easy to me. At first, I was the one walking around saying my man T
got healed from herpes but I am just talking. People where like hes got something to se11. Folks
can reference the site and not just listen to me. When you create a testimony page and people are
writing their own testimony. Its going to blow you away. Like, I tell people I pretty much seen it
all. I spoke to a guy on the phone yesterday who had issues with his spine. He said that the
doctor said that his spine will never be the same again. You cant come to me with that kind of
talk! I have seen too much. The best success story to me is about myself when those medical
doctors of the western world told me that I would have bronchial asthma for the rest of my life!!
Even back then at age 12, I just couldnt embrace that.
Yes and that is obvious because you can literally hear it in the asthmatics voice. I do not
hear it in your voice.
Yes, I was like, man this doesnt sound right and I would fantasize about gases and things going
into my body. It was thoughts of gasoline or a liquid substance that was purifying my body then
low and behold, I discovered oxygen therapy. The fantasy was oxygen therapy and IT was
purifying my body. I was like this was the catch! Thats why I kept like fantasizing about this gas
saturating my body. Oxygen therapy came about in the late 90s early 2000. It was a wrap. The
herbs worked wonders but the oxygen just took things to another level. Herbs, including
fenugreek and cayenne, got rid of the asthma because it was mucous. No one ever told me about

mucous. My mother loved me. I dont think she tried to constantly kill me but she fed me white
rice and veggies out of the can, meat loaf, and hog-mog. You know- the traditional diet of the
black American family. I have Aries in the sixth house which means I am prone to certain
diseases and certain physical debilitations but nobody told me that I almost died because I had so
much mucous in my body. My body was trying to steal water from the tissues of the lungs to
save me. When anyone breathes, they lose water so you actually need water. Even, as a little boy,
I knew I got relief when I drink water. Every time Id drink water, I felt better. You mean to tell
me if that if I drink more water than soda pop and Kool-Aid, I wouldnt had to suffer the way I
did? I got the lesson and I am going to share with other people and its all good. We live and we
learn and thats what my dad always told me.
We live and we learn. I am especially wondering about lupus. As you know, Toni Braxton
has Lupus.
Yeah, I deal with a lot celebs. Theyre no different from people who are not celebs. They are just
as ignorant pertaining to diet and life. Its no different. Folks wanted to know how you came on
the scene and have all these celebs (all these other herbalist have been on the scene for many
these years). Well, I have my reasons. The thing about myself and the celebs over the years, I
never over charge them. Stevie Wonder, Bruce Bruce and what have you, I never over charge
them. I would charge them $100 dollars for the Full Body Detox who they would be like, are you
serious? They thought I would be like other Herbalists who would charge $1500-$2000 because
they had money. My product is priced a particular price and I don't switch predicated upon who
you are. You are a celebrity but your organs are not a celebrity, your kidneys are not a celebrity. I
never got caught up on that so if the detox is $100 to you, its $100 for Stevie Wonder or Bruce
Bruce or Brandy or anybody else. Number two, I always keep it real with them. I never talk to
them about the industry, when is your next album movie coming out, etc. I don't talk to them
about Hollywood or the industry, never. They told me you are so real and that they dont have
anybody to talk to. I remember (name omitted) called me 12 midnight crying. She was like you
and wife are the only friends I have. You don't know how it is thinking that millions of people
love you...thinking its love. Its an illusion because they don't know the real person . Its like
slavery for these people. As a celeb, you got to buy peoples way. When you go to dinner, people
expect to her to pay their way. (Name omitted) would come over and I'd be like lets take a walk
and go to Jamba juice and I would say what do you want? The girl starts crying again! I was like
what is it? She said no one has ever bought me anything. You know so it is a certain side of
humanity that a lot of us take for granted. Even, I can relate to it now because I have been given
the stigma of the celebrity Herbalist in dealing with celebs and now with the
thing and the videos. That did it for me. I talk to people on the phone every day and
they are like Oh my God, its Djehuty! Honey, I am talking to Djehuty! Its crazy, I am just
Djehuty but that whole Celeb thing, I understand. I go to Wholefoods and folks are like its
Djehuty, the guy on! I just want to get my food and go. I am no special person, I

am just Djehuty. I understand the Brandy's, I understand the Shamar Moores....I understand
these people.
But it is tough to be brave. You are popular because you are being brave. You are kind of going
up against the machine and I know you know that. You reach a lot of people and I kind of
wonder whether or not the CIA or the FBI is looking at him in particular and l am praying
hoping not.
I have had my run ins with them (pause). I did back in 2002. I was going to see my Chiropractic
doctor and these two white gentleman ("phoop") flashed the badges. All snap, I finally made that
list. They basically said, can we talk to you. I was ready though. They interrogated me for 2
hours. They definitely dissected my mindset. I know for a fact that I am on the list but I am not a
threat. They watch me and they know I am all about personal responsibility. If I would have
stayed in the Nation of Islam and been militaristic -get the gat and show him where its at or
the white man is this or that (all that stuff that a lot of people still subscribe to), maybe I would
not be on the phone right now. Because of my message and my link to the Universe and cosmic
forces, they don't mess with me and I told them that. The DEA came and Ive dealt with the
DEA, FDA, FBI agencies. I never wanted to deal with but what you run from you run to.
I dont know if this is a proprietary question but are your products sourced from the
United States or internationally?
Everywhere. Thats what makes them so great. I get the best blood herb from China or from
Africa, the best blood herb from American. All of these countries... That would mean that people
from all races can take these herbs and get staggering results. You hear about traditional Chinese
herbs. Ok, cool, I am going to put it all together. I want to be about humanity across the globe.
Thats the Sagittarius in my chart -all people. Omin Rah once told me the best business advice
that I ever got. He is on the west coast and makes Egyptian magic salve. He said brother, let me
tell you, dont limit yourself to black people ...don't be African...don't limit to Kemet. Be
universal. That was from a black man. I tell you, I took that in proverbial fashion and ran all the
way to bank with it.
Yes, because you can't be as big as you need to be to continue to support the black people.
You cant just limit that target. The one thing that I wanted to mention was whether or not
you believed in eating for your blood type. Do you have a position of eating for your blood
Yes, I do. I wrote an article on that and don't really believe in that because the animals don't eat
predicated upon blood type and when you tap into the spirit and blueprint of yourself, you dont
need to be pricking needles and checking your blood type in order to eat a certain food. You can
use energy to dictate what type of food you should be eating. You can use pendulum to find out if

the food is energetically compatible with your make-up. It doesnt make sense. This is modern
day stuff.
If a person is not in-tune, I guess they can just look at how their body responds after
You can do things like but you shouldnt have to be pricked to have to know your blood type.
Just simply take things out of the diet and then reincorporate and see what you positively react to
and see what they adversely react to.
What do you think about RH- people?
Again, I cover that in the article. I don't deal with it because these names and codes have been
created by man. When you deal with man you are going to get something faulty. A lady came in
the Dhealth store and she was trying to do the whole blood-typing thing. She was eating meat
and dairy products. I said why are you doing that maam? She replied that she was eating for her
blood type. I said you mean to tell me that you are going to eat for your blood type and its not
compatible with the rest of your biologynot compatible with the rest of your body. I said you
are black. You are melanite and you are lactose intolerant by nature and the blood type disagrees
with that? So you are eating dairy and meat because of the blood type. She said that her doctor
her to eat for her blood. Again, I explained that youre going to go wrong with man. She
mentioned that she get gassy and spasms. I asked her who she was going to listen to. God just
knows blood and it is composed of certain substances.
You are a vegan, right?
Vegan/raw foodist
And you know, it shows. Your skin is great and its really smooth; I dont know your age.
Also, you are particularly lean. Is that your natural body type or is it due to the vegan diet?
I am 41 and Ive been lean my whole life didnt matter what I ate. They call it naturally raw
bone. It didn't matter if I ate meat, hamburger, quarter pounder, I ate bad like everybody else; it is
fast metabolism. This comes from my fathers side of the family. We don't put on weight. We are
lean of course until you overdose on the SAD diet (Sad American Diet). My brother and my
whole family were lean but my brother has bulked up. My sister is now over 200 pounds. The
coopers were lean people but eating the meat and everything. The last time it was like wow. My
sister saw me on and she said brother you are looking good. We talk via phone
periodically. I saw my older brother at my daughters graduation about a year or two ago. He is
only one year older than me. He looked like he was 63 and you can see the years of rough living,
lying, cheating, and conniving bad...eating bad. You can see how the world robs you

zaps you of life. We are just one year difference! He was like you look good man. Its because
Ive done different things man for twenty years. He started to tell me that I act like I am against
the family man and that I dont celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving. Its like you are too good
for us. No man, I have eyes to see and I see where this particular lifestyle which is a death style
will leads to. You cant go against the patterns of a cycle so I made changes so if we eat like
Mom and Dad, so what do you think is going to happen to us. You drink alcohol and drink
cigarettes man. Its a conclusion that you cannot alter. If you do these things you are going to get
the same results pursuant to the law of cause and effect. So I see that and I made changes and I
am bold enough to make the changes. They say I act like I am too good for the family. Thats
your perception. Thats not necessarily my reality! I just love myself. I don't come around the
family because I still love you guys. You all may not think that. You all think that I am in the
boondocks and that I am balling and all this stuff here but I still love you guys. I love you guys
so much and I cant be around you guys watching you hog yourself under the banner of enjoying
yourself. I dont get down like that.
I completely understand that and my heart aches for that. I can understand seeing the
family doing things...and cant
Exactly, so I don't go around because I don't anyone to feel bad. I want you all to have a good
time. You should have a good time because the matrix is putting fire to your backside so you
need the weekend and need to go clubbing. You need the family reunions. I dont need that stuff
because my family reunion, my Christmas, my Easter and everything you people wait for is
every day in my life.
Now ok. So what do you think about wine every so often. Should we not have
any People cant have any you'd say?
People can have anything they want...they can have gasoline if they want.
You know what I mean. From your perspective...your advice.
.Certain people have a proclivity to alcohol based on astrological straits like Virgo and Pieces.
That's why Micheal Jackson was on the know...look at the Virgo female. They are
prone to drinking alcohol. Certain people have a proclivity to drink based on what they do in the
matrix. Because alcohol is called an intoxicant , I can't mess with it because its I know its called
a toxicant. This is what man has said Alcohol is an intoxicant. I am going to look at the root
word. Toxic means poisonous. People say I am too technical...maybe I am. I am a Taurus and I
am stern, rigid, and methodical but I am going to follow nature. If it is toxic, it doesnt belong in
my body. Yeah wine, a little wine, but its a toxicant. It doesnt grow wild in nature. There are no
rivers of wine. Wine is processed by the hands of man.

And its not just grapes with antioxidant...people use that as excuse as well.
Antioxidant? You might as well get some grape juice. I mean wine is fermented. Your stomach
automatically ferments food. You let it ferment outside of your body. It is processed.
I feel that way for certain.
I dont tell people what to do. You can drink some gasoline if you want to. If you ask me my
position, then I tell you. I don't mess around with wine because its processed with ether,
formaldehyde and I know formaldehyde is used for embalming fluid. I just put two and two
Yeah, I believe that because it makes me sick. I try it for relaxation and I am not digesting
this stuff, so I go and get niacin, co-enzymes, and other enzymes to try and break it down. I
am like why do I have to do all of this stuff but obviously I do consume it every so often but
its really interesting but I am going to ask you this. You say you dont want to advise
anyone on the diet that they should have but what about a diet with 75% veggies and some
hormone-free meat. Absolutely not or?
If people want to do that and it makes them happy, I say go for it but the Deputy perspective is
no, I am never going to embrace a diet that is predicated upon animal flesh because life brings us
life and death renders death. You cannot get life from consuming death and the things they do to
those animals is outright barbaric. You are what you eat whether its hormone free what have
you? Those animals still had to die for you to consume it and all the animals we are eating are
female to so it plays a role in the disrespected females in our society. If you eat meat you are
going to behave carnivorous. You know what I am saying. It is in our language. We call women
chicks. We pull up to the fast-food restaurant and ask for two legs, two breasts, two thighs. These
are all body parts that we use to describe women and there have been books that have been put
out by feminists that make some solid points. The disrespect of women is evident in the food that
we consume. We are not consuming male animals, we are consuming 95% female creatures
because they are biggerthey get bigger because of the estrogen. That is why they give them
hormones. Basically, the females carry more meat and u know more meat, more production,
more profit. Look at the terms...this is a predatory disrespect of nature. Its like a
see it in society...let me go pick up a couple of chicks's hilarious! I love the matrix man.
It may sound like I am adverse to American society. I got to tell the truth. I mean I really love it
because its a maze. Its like a riddle. I have Mars in Gemini which describes my mentally in
addition to Mercury...I love it and its fun cracking the riddle. Folk are like but Djehuty, they
lied to us....they got us paying taxes...taxes are unconstitutional man. They took away our right to
travel and we got to get a drivers license now, it aint right man...". Well its fun and we are
consenting to it. We don't do nothing to change it. You are contracted and you don't want to go to
the want to trust an want to elect politicians you want to believe in a

Reverend. You got to tell someone outside of yourself to tell you to do every damn thingkeep
your mouths consent...I don't want to hear nothing about corrupt politicians...we
consent...we about to get off into the election bug this November. We like it. Man, you know its
all corrupt; they choose the president. So what! You like it and you keep it going because if you
really didnt like it, you would change it. We change what we really dont like. When you really
don't like a man and you really don't like a change it.
Its a matter of fear and courage. I think a lot of us lack that (courage).
Oh, a lot of people do. I was on the phone with a dude yesterday. I told my friend Gump. I told
Gump that half of my consultation with this dude was dealing with his fear. A grown man talking
about fear of the doctor and harping on about fear... I asked him why he kept harping about fear
as I told him what to do. He was still like, "I know but its just the fear". I decided that Ive got to
make a couple of videos on fear. DO THE THING YOU FEAR AND THE FEAR WILL
DISAPATE? You got to walk in the direction of fear because it an illusion. The more you walk
in the direction you get knowledge right. You going to be like, all snap! Youre going to tell me
that Ive been afraid because of ignorance? Because knowledge is a form of experience and
experience is that ultimate teacher. So many people deprive themselves of the experience
because they allow fear to paralyze them. You see its not so much the fear but what you do in
response to that fear; that is the key. So, thats why I love being bold and radical! The more
you're like that predicated upon intelligence man, you are not going to be a fearful person. You
are not going to be dealing with a lot of situations predicated upon fear.
Well thank you...that speaks to me.
I tell people that there are some people in the afro-centric community who are upset with myself
because you dont hear me talk about all the racism and all that stuff there. I am too smart to
know that it doesnt exist! I have learned how to work mental science and Universal law so I
dont have it in my life. Just because I dont experience racism doesnt meant that it doesnt
exist. I simple change the channel to a channel that best serves and suits my needs so I don't deal
with a lot of the foolishness and the craziness, the sexism, the racism. Hell yeah, its there but its
not in my world because of my frequency and I learned I had the choice to do that. As a little
boy, I wanted to combat racism. White men wouldnt hire me and they would look me up and
down. I went through that you know. I always knew in my life there was a problem but I never
knew I would actually penetrate that barrier through health. Even religion couldnt unite us!
Because when you are sick...ya sick...when somebody can help you, you aint tripping on the
color! They just want to feel well.
Well, Djejuty Ma'at-ra, this concludes our interview. I just want to ask you if you have any
Question for me? I would just tell you, beloved, because I can hear and sense it in your spirit. I would tell
you to keep doing what you are doing. You are most definitely on your path. We learn in the
astrology that what we do within the mundane world serve a purpose for what we do in the
spiritual world meaning on a higher life purpose. You deal with the economy that industry there.
It may not look like it beloved but it does play a role in your life even pertaining to what you
desire to do and I am speaking from experience.
Thanks for that confirmation for I really appreciate it. I just want to let you know that I
send love and appreciation your way and I thank you for your time and pray for continued
success in anything that you lead. I dont care if its not Dherbs but whatever you do I pray
that you continue...I would like to chat with you soon. Before I publish the article, I will
send a draft
When u are ready if u want that consultation on health, its on me. The consultation is my gift to
you for the interview.
Well, thank you. Ive learned a lot from you as well and I read a lot, however, I need more
No problem; whatever I can do. Lock my number in. I got your number...just whatever...I am
here for you.
Thanks so much and I thank your family for allowing me to steal an hour and 15 min of
your time.
You have a beautiful rest of the day.
Thank you. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Take care now.

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