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Games development level 3: Final Major Project

Project proposal

Section 1: The Project

For the final major project, I have decided to take an artistic approach, which
requires showing my artistic side and using that to progress to the final result
which will be in the form of working game. The game I have decided to make for
my final project is a game called Blackwell. This game will be centred on a
protagonist dealing with his mental illness of schizophrenia after experiencing
the loss of his wife. This will be centred on the themes of horror and
hallucinations around a murder and repeating a small 3d environment like a hotel
hallway but always repeating it over and over again, very similar to the recent
silent hill demo titled PT. Touching on common themes of loss, mental illness and
guilt is the driven themes throughout the game. I want this project to
demonstrate my digital graphic skills and produce a heavy quantity of Photoshop

Section 2: Inspirations & Ideas

With the character and player seeing visions that may or may not be there, I was
thinking that this game could share similarities to Konamis Silent Hills franchise,
especially the recently cancelled PT demo. Really messing with the characters
mind, going through the same corridor over and over again but slightly getting
distorted over and over again. I think this would be a perfect demo/extract I
could demonstrate in my final major project, having the player go down a hotel
corridor. This also allows me to add more detail since I wont use a large
environment. I will also research into the schizophrenia illness and really try to
represent an accurate experience.

Section 3 Technologies &

The first forms of media and technology will be heavily used in the unreal engine
and Photoshop. Creating the game initially in the Unreal Engine 4 and Photoshop
will be used to create the art work like logos, textures, cover art, advertisement
for the game like posters and billboard advertisement and many extras like
moodboards or any other designs. I will be trying to show as much as possible
within Photoshop. I will also try to demonstrate some sketches in different styles.
With timescales, I should be doing small things like magazine covers in games
this month and by the end of March start building the level. But everything must
be roughly done at the end of May.

Section 4: Evaluation Work

Bailey Goble

Games development level 3: Final Major Project

Project proposal
I will be doing a self and peer reviews and try to capture everything in an
evidence PowerPoint showing the steps to get to the final product. I will try to get
peer review on the work and also try to reviews from other people in my course
so I can get 3 or 4 reviews on my work showing other peoples view on the work
and if they think I have achieved my target. From comparing to the assessment
criteria, I will be taking the artistic pathway and producing a game level and
trying to reach my target and producing a lot of Photoshop work like logos,
textures, concept art etc.

Bailey Goble

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