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Parent Meeting for 3-12-16

Upcoming Dates and costs

Wednesday March 23, 2016 Fundraiser- March Madness
Hoopathon. This Fundraiser is shooting free throws in support of
teens going on missions and also for teens going to camp. (Some
lower income teens need to raise the money)
March 30th Thrive Missionaries Report on 8 week trip across the
US. This will be our Wednesday Night program. There will also be
a special offering time to support our missionaries.
April 13th Camp Deposits due for June 28-July 2nd Youth Camp
April 15-16th thrive Youth Advance (Retreat) Cost is 50 Dollars per
person, Zip lines/ Paintball. Leadership training. Plenty of Devotion
time and relaxation in nature. Timberline BAPTIST Camp
April 29th Thrive night in. We will be having a Bonfire, BBQ Feast,
with night games, and sports. This is a general hangout night.
Very basic. It will be at Lance and Neda Marrows Place in Lindale.
May 8th Love your mom Day!!! teens will be encouraged to be a
complete servant to their mothers for Mother's Day. We will be
encouraging teens to do, chores, dishes, laundry, messages, baby
sitting, take a day of fasting video games and social media.
May 14th Pancake Day fundraiser. We will be cooking pancakes
and Coffee/OJ for any and all of the people around us. We will also
be having entertainment. This will be a super low key version of
the Valentine's Day fundraiser. This will go towards the missions
teens who are going to LA.
May 20-21st Friday and Saturday we will are having our Gender
specific camp out-sleepover.

(Men's) Survivor Weekend, Camping, hiking, fishing, biking, fire

building, land navigation, backpacking, general manliness and the
walk of manhood. Location Tyler State Park.
(Women's) Feeling Fabulous weekend, Trip to the galleria, ice
skating, shopping, fashion show, makeovers, movies, and of
course a sleepover at Jenny B house.
June 2nd- August 4th Every Thursday from 12-5 we will be doing
various things to help teens connect. This series of events is
called The Summer Alive Series of events.
Events: Swim day at TSP (Multiple times), Biking/hiking/fishing
Day at TSP (Multiple Times), Slip and Slide day at the church,
Tribes Game day at the church, Water Wars at TSP. ( A few more
low/no cost events are needed to finish off this series.)
Launched New Ministries
Missions Outreaches- Community outreach (Widows and Orphans)
Parent update/planning meetings. Various days we will do these
update meetings 3 times a year. And 1 New Years Vision meeting
at the end of January. Of every year.The parent planning
committee meets every 3rd Sunday of the month after service.
Youth Camp- We will be starting to go to the COG youth Camp in
Weatherford, TX The Cost is 115 Dates June 28th- July2
World Missions- Starting out we are going to take a very
affordable trip to the LA Dream Center in California. We will be
driving in the Van, there is a limited space. (15)
The Dates are August 7-14th Cost is $500 per person Multiple
Fundraising opportunities will be available. If child is under 15
they must be accompanied by a guardian.

Teen Talent- Talent Showcase and Development Ministry This will

be Developing teenagers talents and abilities to showcase among
our church as well as in the state and national competitions- Neda
Marrows will be the ministry leader/organizer.
Bus Ministry- We are starting to run the buses to the Jr. high and
high Schools This ministry will bring more teens in to hear the
gospel as well as giving teenagers a place to come after school on
Wednesday to study, Hang out, and do activities that help instill
Christian values. Jr. High pickup- 3:30 High School Pickup- 3:45
Missionary support and Tithe and Offering- The Teenagers will be
given the opportunity with an offering box and offering envelope
to donate to our local missionaries as well as designate tithe and
local ministry offering.

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