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'Volume 1, nur~be,r 7




1 July 1932



B. D. J O S E P H S O N
Cave~dish Laboratory, Cambridge. England
Received 8 June 19~2

W e fiere present an approach to the calculation

of tunnelling currents between two m e t a l s that is
sufficiently general to deal with the case when both
metals a r e superconducting. In that case n e w effects are predtoted~ due to the possibility that e~ectron p a i r s may tunnel through the b a r r i e r leaving
the q~mst-particle dlstrtDution unchanged,
Our proceaure, following ttmt of Cohen et aL 1),
i s to tre~t the t e r m in the Hamlltonian which t r a n s f e r s electrons a c r o s s the b a r r i e r a s a perturbation.
W~ s s s u m e that in Lhe absence of the t r a n s f e r t e r m
there exist q u a s i - p a r t i c l e operators of definite
energies~ whose corresponding nunther operators
a r e constant.
A difficulty, due to the fact that we have a system containing two disjoint superconducting r e gions, a r i s e s if we t r y to describe q u a s i - p a r t i c l e s
by the usual t~goliubov operators 2). This i s because states defined as eigeafanetions of the Bogotinbev q u a s i - p a r t i c l e m u s h e r operators contain
phase-coherent superpositions of states with the
same total number of electrons but different numb e r s in the two regions. However, if the regions
a r e independent these states must be capable of
s-uperpoeit~on with a r b i t r a r y phases. On switehthgon the t r a n s f e r ~erm the p a r t i c u l a r phases chosen
will affect the predicted tunnelling current. This
beh~viour i s of fundamental importance to the a r gum ,nt that follows. The neglect, in the quasip ~ r d e l e approximation, of the collective excitations
of zero energy 3) results in au unphysical restriction in th~ free choice of phases, but m a y be avoided by working with the projected states with definite
munbers of electrons ~n both sides of th_ barrier.
Corresponding to these projections we use operat o r s which a l t e r ~ e nmnbers of electrons on the
two sides by definite v~m~ers **. /n par~icalar,
corresponding to the BogoItabov operators e~~.we
use quasi-partv)le ereafmn operators %k, ahk
which respectively add or remove an electron from
~he same side a s i"-, quasi-r~r~icle and leave the

number on the other sid~ unchanged, and pair creation operators S~ f which add a palr of electrons on
one side leaving the quasl-particle dls~rlbuflon unclmnged. The Hermitean conjugate destruction
operators have s i m i l a r definitions. The S eperat o r s , r e f e r r i n g to maeroseopieally occupied states,
may be treated a s th'ne dependent c-numbers t *
and we n o r m a l i s e them to have unit amplitude, tyelations expressing electron operators in t e r m s o~
q ~ s i - p a r t i c l e opera',ors, equal-Vhne anticommutat i e s relations and nu.rnber operator relations may
be derived from those of the Boguliubov theory by
requiring beth sides of the equations to have the
same effect on N l and Nr, the numbers of electrons
on the two s i d e s of the b a r r i e r . F o r example,
=U k a e k O + v k a h k l ,
aekaek=n k,


%+k ahl~ = S~ n k .
Noting that the Bogo~ubev Hamiltontan is H - rtN
(~ = chemical potential), we take our unperturbed
Hamiltonlml to be
HO = ~k nk Ek Xt N~ + kr N r ,
where Ek is the quasl-particle energy in the Bogo ~
linbev the~ "ry, and deri~'e the commutation relatlons

[no,~] ~ ( %
[ao,S~] ~ 2 x~

x~) ~ ,



In the presence of ~unnelllng the Hamlltonla~, Is

H e + HT, where H T exiJressed in electron opera~ors is

* Work suppor~d by Trinity College, Cmnbrldge, ,andthe

Department of Scientific and h~dustrial Research.
** We shal~ use subscripts 1 and r to distinguish n i t r e tots on the two sides, and k to denote an operator referring fx) either s~de.

f These are equivalent ~ the operators which cbm~ge 1/~

to IN + 2) In ~ e theory of Gor'kov 4):
ff Cf. N.N. Bogoltubov ~t el. ~').The phase of a n 3 oper~tor Is related to t ~ orientation of the plume e o r ~ n i r ~
the pseudospin ~rators ~.. Physical ob~ervable~
~.aanot depe~A on the phase of s single S operatol~, but
they can depend on the r~atlve phases of the S opera-tors associated with two sup~roonductin~ regions, as
In the phenomena dealt with here


~ci~:me Z, number 7


wR we d e s c r i b e the t i m e dependence of o p e r a t o r s by
t h e interaction plctare 6), equations (2) imply that
the a and S o p e r a t o r s have exponeath%l t i m e dependence. The c u r r e n t operator in the H e i s e n b e r g p~ctore i s related to that in the interaction picture
a c c o r d i n g to
d/~t) = tr'l(t) dint(t) U(t) ,

U(t) - lira [T exp (- i/h j e el' nT(t') dP)} .

H e r e H T i s e x p r e s s e d in the interaction picture and
U(t): c=m be evaluated by writing H T in t e r m s o~
sUnni-particle operators and using the method of
:C-oldstone 6) We als0 e x p r e s s
dint{r~ = ic/h [HT,Nr ]


in term~ ~ quasi-particle operators, and by r e taining only those t e r m s in JH(t) which can be ex~
p r e s s e d in accordance with (1) a s products of ~ and
number o p e r a t o r s obtain an expressinn equivalent
to Lhc usual one, of hhe f o r m

J g =Jo + J1S~. Sr + J1* Sr Sl '


TO 5eccnd o r d e r in HT, do i s sin~zlar to the e x p r e s Slc~ of Cohen et aL 1), and reduces f o r the s a m e
reasons to the usual one obtained by neglecting coherence factors. The r e m a i n i n g t e r m s oscillate
with frequency u = 2eV/h (V = ~l - t r being ~ e a p plied voltage), owing to the t i m e dependence ~ the
S operators. J l i s p~por~iunal to the effec~vo m ~ trlx element for the tran,~er of electron p a i r s
a c r o s s the b a r r i e r withou~ a~ecting ~:he quasi~
particle distrib~tion, and typical t e r m ~ a r e o~ the
2 'i e u l v l u r u~ Tlr T_ L_r [(i - nlo -

{P e V - gg - E v



Ef . Er)]

(it) at zero voltsg,.: ,. J o i s z e r o , lint a DC s u p e r c u r r e n t of :- ~ ~ ~ a m~Jdmum of [ J l l can occur.

Applied r,~.. ~ :~ds can be t r ~ated by noting that
the oscillation~" ~ V frequency-modulate the s u p e r current. Thus i2 a DC voltage V on which i s s u p e r imposed an AC voltage of frequency u i s applied
a c r o s s the b a ~ r ! e r , the c u r r e n t h a s F o u r i e r components at fre.2zs~ctes 2eV/h~nv, w h e r e n i s an in
t e g e r . If f o r s o m e n, 2eV/h = n~, th.e sUperourront
has a D C component dependent on the magnitude
and phase of tile AC voltage. Hence the DC c h a r a c t e r i s t i c has a ~cro slope resis'~uce part over a
range of curr~t dependent on the rna~titude of the
A C voRage.
Equivalent quantum-meehunical explanations of
these effects c~a be given. For example (i) is due
to the transfer of an electron pair across the barr i e r with photon e m i s s i o n , leaving the quasi-p~.rticle distribution unchanged. Consequently the
photon frequency i s not broadened by the finite
q u a s i - p a r t i c l e lifetimes occurring in r e a l s u p e r conductors. (il) i s due to p a i r t r a n s f e r without
photon emission. The linear dependence of the
c u r r e n t on the m a t r ~ element i s due to the fact
that the p r o c e s s involves mucroscopically occupied
states bebveen which phase relationships can o c tier.
The possibility of o b s e r v i n g these effects d e pends on the value of IJ1]. At low t e m p e r a t u r e s
m~d voltages the f i r s t t e r m of (4) dominates, and
in the p r e s e n c e of tlme-reversal s y m m e t r y all
contributions te it a r e tn phase. [ dl ] i s then equa~
to the c u r r e n t flowing in the n o r m a l state at an a p plied v o k a g e equal ~o ~ t i m e s the energY gap, a s s~med to be the s a m e on both sides. A~ h i ~ e r
tempera~res the third term reduces [J[[ ~ and at
high frequencies the affects a r e reduced by the
c~pacitance a c r o s s the b a r r i e r . Mafp~etic fields,
?ad c u r r e n t s in the f i h n s desLroy the t i m e - ~ e v e r s a l
s y m m e t r y and reduce IJ1 [. The effects m a y be
taken into account approximately by replacing (3)

J =/o +

where -k denotes the state pa~xed with k. The second ~md fourth terms result from processes iavolvlng re~l tnthrmedlate s t a t e s , and can be r e g a r d e d
a s fluctuation~ in the normal current due to enheronce effects. W e note that the f i r s t term remains
f~'Ate at Zero t e m p e r a t u r e and zero applied voltage.
F r o m (3) our t h ~ r y predicts that
(i~ At finite voltages the. usual DC current occurs,
but there is ~Is~ an A C supercurrent of amplitude [ J l l and fr~tuency 2 eV/h ~1 ~V e o r r e slxmds to 483.~ ]Me/s).

1 July 196~

il *l* *r

+ ~Jl'"* ~'r'* *l ,

w h e r e j i s the tunnelling c u r r e n t density~ and *l, *~

the effective superconducting wave fun,etions 7) in
the f i l m s on the two sides. T h i s f o r m u l a predicts
that in v e r y weak fields d i a m a ~ m t i e c u r r e n t s will
s c r e e n the ~thld f r o m the space between the f i l m s ,
but with a l~rge penetra~.ion depth owing to the
s m a l l n e s s o.~j~. ~n l a r g e r fields, owing to the
eXisten=e of a critical c u r r e n t density, s c r e e n i n g
will not occur; the p h a s e s of the s u p e r c u r r e n t s
wfi! v a r y rapidly o v e r *.he b a r r i e r , causing the
m a x i m u m total ~ p e r e n r r e n t to drop off rapidly
witY~ increas~g field. Anderson 8) has suggested
theft the absence of tunnelling s u p e r c u r r e n t s in
m ~ s t experiments hitherto p e r f o r m e d m a y be due

Volume 1, number 7


to the e a r t h ' s field acting in this '~W, Cancellation

of s u p e r c u r r e n t s would s t a r t to "~ceur when the
amount of flux betwee~i the f i l m s , ineludb~g that in
the penetration r e g i o n s , b e c a m e of the o r d e r of
quantum of flux hc/Ze. This would occur for typAeal f i l m s in a field of about 0.I gauss. Such a field
would not be appreciably excluded by the c r i t i c a l
c u r r e n t s obtainable in s p e c i m e n s of all but the
b/ghest ccuduetlvlty.
When two superconducting r e g i o n s a r e separated
by a t h i n n o r m a l region, effects s i m i l a r to those
considered here should occur and m a y be relevant
to the theory of the intermediate state.
I a m indebted to D r . P. W. Anderson and Prof.
A. B. Pippard f o r stinmiating discussions.


i July 1~2

1) M, H, Cohen, L, M. Fali~o~" and J. C. Phillips, Phys.
Roy. Letters 8 (1962) 316.
2) N.N. Bogolthbov, J. ExptL Theoret. Phys. (USSR) 34
(19~8) 58~ translation: Soviet Phys. JETP 7 (1958) 41.
3) P.W, Anderaon~ Phys. Rev. !12 (1958) 1908.
4) L.P.Gor'!mv, J. ExptL Thooret. ~hys. (USSR) 34
(195~) 735; tranzlatiom Soviet Phys. JETp 7 (1958)
5) N.N.Bogolb~k~', V.V.Tolv~ItehevandD.V.Shirkov,
A new method l~ ~he theo.~" of superconductivity (Consultante Bureau, Ins:, }~ewYork, 1959), p. 6.
6) J.Golflsthne, Pr~e. Roy. Soc. (London) A 239 (19S7)
7) L.P.Gor~kov, J. Exptl. Theoret. ~hys, (USSR) 38
(1958) 1918; tram~lation: SoViet Phys, JETP 9 (1959)
8) P. W.Anderson, private discussion.




]nsliP/ts of Theoretical and ExperL~er.La! Phyal~s
of ~,heUSSR Ao~tder~y of Scie~2es, ~fose~.w, USSR
P :ceived 7 June 1982
The importance of the hlvestigation of the anul ~ . c a l p r o p e r t i e s of the s c a d e r i n g araplit-ade a s
function of the angular momentum I) h a s become
c l e a r off late. F o r high e n e r g i e s the expansion of
the amplitude in t'~ree-dimenslonal spherical f u n c tions can be used effectively in those c a s e s when
the r.omenram t r s n s f e r in the s c a t t e r i n g channel
~-ud consequently the e n e r g y in the annihilation
channel i s s m a l l 2-4). If the momentum t r a n s f e r
i s comparable with e n e r g y the study of the a s y m p totic b e ~ t o u r of am~iitudes with *,he aid of the
above expansion becon~es r a t h e r difficult. T h i s
r a i s e s the question of '~m expansion of the a m p l i tufle in the pro~er bz~ct~ons of the four-dimensional
angular momentum or~ to be m o r e specific, in the
irreducible r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s of the Lorentz homogeneous group.
F o r sin~pltcity we c o n s i d e r hero the scattor.~mg
~ntAttude of z e r o spin p a r t i c l e s with equal ~ a s see x. The generaRzation to the case of particles
with spins and different masses does not involve
any difficulties.
F r o m the e ~ s t e n e e of ths ~ispersion relations
with r e s p e c t to the v,mmentl~e t r a n s f e r for the
s c a t t e r i n g s~nplitude U(t, s) (t, s being the usual
Mandelst~n v a r i a b l e s ) follows lhe convergence (at

any fixed S) of the lnvaria.~t integral

~o [fv(t,s) 2dJ~_p<~




:1 ( i " a ) n
where p" and are the momentum and energy of the
s c a t t e r e d particle. If we introduce, having d e s i g nated by pO and p the four momenta of the incident
and scattered p a r t i c l e s , the " c o s i n e " Z


z -7-1

- ~-f,


the i n t e g r a l (1) can be rewritten in the f o r m

N = 4.~x 2

Z,s)l g




/(Z, s)

= V(t, s )
(t - a ) n"
It should he
that since d3#/x2~ i s the u n i t
s p h e r e s u r f a c e element, then, r e g a r d i n g po a s
fixed, we can consider eq. (1) a s an integral o v e r
the s u r f a c e o f the four-dimensional sphere of the
function of the 4 - v e c t o r p. Thus our problem i s
quite s i m i l a r to finding the expansion of the s c a ~
t o t i n g amplitude in three-dimensional spherical
functions. R is lmown that in the latter c a s e the

253 ~

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