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Web Developer Test

Make a website from PSD file attached!
We are currently have a regular online tournament for one of our game, we will used
the website for user registration. Online tournament using team , a team consist of
two people.
Candidate must build this website from the PSD file given and convert it to CSS and
sliced assets, candidates have to use the assets to make list of pages below:
o Users need to login first before they can register to our tournament.
in this page, Candidate have to follow the instructions below:
Validation must be made on server-side and client-side.
Username field length must between 6-15 character, and
only alphabet and numeric are allowed.
Password field length must between 8-16 character.
Validate if user is exists in the database.
Create session after the data is valid and redirect to
Tournament Registration page.
Tournament Registration
o Users must login first before they can access this page. in this page,
Candidate have to follow the instructions below:
Validation must be made on server-side and client-side.
Team Name field length must between 4-15 character,
Unique, and only '_', alphabet and numeric allowed.
a Team consist of two people, one is captain of the team and
the other is member.
Name, Phone must auto filled from the user session.
Name field must unique only alphabet and space are allowed.
Phone field length must between 7-14 and only numeric
Gender field have two choices 'Man' and 'Woman'.
There is a pop up to show tournament rules and regulation.
if data is valid, Insert team data to the database.
if data already inserted, redirect to finish register page.

Finish Register
o In this page congratulation message is displayed. If user already
registered for the tournament, after login they must redirected to
this page not to the tournament registration.
o Logout and clear all session.

Only for PT Garena Indonesia internal use only


o If users not have username, they can register here. In this page,
you have to follow the instructions below:
Validation must be made on server-side and client-side.
Username field length must between 6-15 character, Unique
and only alphabet and numeric are allowed.
Name field only alphabet and space are allowed.
Email Field must have valid (I.E:
Password field length must between 8-16 character.
Password and Password confirmation must have same value.
Insert user data into database.
Redirect to login page.


Candidate should create their own database structure.

Candidate need to check to the database for the unique rules.

Only for PT Garena Indonesia internal use only

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