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The life of Rodrigo.

To start this story is necesaty that we know to Rodrigo. Rodrigo is a flea

that lives in the back of a dog, and this dogs lives in one of the most
important college of Economics Sciences: FEN. Rodrigo in his short life
has been lived a lot of experiences in the back of his friend Dog.
Rodrigo and Dog enjoy a lot be in the soccer field, because in this place
they can rest quiet. One day, they met an exchange student that was
very sympathetic with them whos name was Luis. Of that way Dog and
Luis spend a lot od time together, Dog accompanies Luis everywhere: to
the classroom, the library, and even ones time to the rest room. Rodrigo
was very jealous of the friendship of Luis and Dog, for this reason
Rodrigo decided left Dog and start his own adventure. The first place
that Rodrigo visited was the roof, of this way he can saw all the college,
and he saw the canteen, the library and the gym. He decided go to the
library, after to the gym and finally to the canteen. In the library Rodrigo
saw a lot of books that the students not use and he decided sleep in this
place. After a while he wake up and he goes to the gym. In the gym he
saw few people doing exercises and he left the gym very quicly because
there was a bad smell. Finally he goes to the canteen in the noon and
almost he died, because in the canteen had a lot of students. Rodrigo
after all this experiences, he decided come back to the back of Dog. Dog
still was friend of Luis, and Rodrigo to revenge of Dog, he bit him. So Luis
saw that his friend Dog was suffering a lot, and he think that the guilty
was a flea. Luis decided buy an anti-flea and wash to Dog with this. Of
this way end the life of Rodrigo amd this story.

Josue Quilapan Figueroa


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