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corrosion: the process of

chemical or electro chemical
decky for destruction of metal
due to the metal of sarounding
medium is called corrsion

Types of corrosion
1. Atmospheric corrosion or dry corrosion or
wet corrosion
A. Oxidation corrosion
B. Corrosion due to other gases
2. Immersed corrosion or electro chemical
C. Galvanic cells
D. Contration cells

Atmospheric corrosion : The corrosion of

metal due to the corrosibe gacess
present in the sarounding atmospheric is
called atmospheric corrosion

Types of oxide film

1.Stable film : an oxide film formed on the
metal sarface which acts as the
protective poting and prevent of
decreges fargar corrosion is called stable

2. Unstable film : an oxide film formed

on the metal sarface which decomposes
back in to the metal and oxigen as soon
as it is formed due to which corrosion is
not posible is called unstable film.

3. Volatile film : an oxide film formed

on the metal sarface which
veporises as soon as it is formed
and forther the corrosion gets
started is known as volatile film.

Factors affecting atmospheric


Atmospheric corrosion: Atmospheric

air in industrial areas contence the gases
such as O2,CO2,SO2,H2S etc along with
the treses of acieds such as HCL,H2SO4
etc. such type corrosion of metal

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