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Subject: FW: Athletic Cooperative Update

From: Mansur, Myra []

Greetings to All:
Attached is the initial outline for the new athletic cooperative. Paul
Rainwater has volunteered to serve as the Executive Director. He has made
arrangements to host the major championships (football, basketball,
volleyball, baseball, softball, track) at LSU and the financial commitments are
in place should members determine this is the route they wish to take.
Please forward the attached outline to any and all parties that may be
interested in a potential move. This new cooperative would require a
minimum of 60 members to begin. Any school (public, private, charter,
laboratory or other secondary) is welcome to join. The initial membership
fee is $15,000.00. Any school that cannot meet this initial financial
commitment may apply to have this fee broken into a multi year
remittance. It is important to note, there will be no recurring annual fees and
no participation fees. This is a one time membership fee.
Please direct your feedback and level of interest to me and I will forward to
Mr. Rainwater. If feedback is supportive of a move, a meeting of all
interested parties will be scheduled to determine the feasibility of this
cooperative being in place for the 2016-2017 school year.
Myra McClure Mansur
On behalf of Mr. Paul Rainwater

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