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Preservation of wildlife

Man's ever increasing needs and greed have led him to intrude indiscriminately
into the world of nature. He has not only lost the awe and fear which was a part of
nature worship in the early religions, but has developed an almost ruthless attitude
towards the world of animals. He has felled trees, built dams and has disturbed the
peaceful seclusion of the forests. With thousands of men working on dam sites and
vehicular traffic moving round the clock, animals are forced to retreat further and
further into the fast receding forests. Added to these the rapid industrialization with
its accompanying pollution, the use of pesticides and insecticides has made the
struggle for survival a losing battle for a large number of birds and animals.
Nuclear explosions and even holiday picnickers are driving the fish towards
extinction. The lack of oxygen in the coastal waters drives them to their death.
Another contributory factor is man's desire to capture animals and keep them in
captivity. The idea is not wrong but the unimaginative method is wrong. For lack of
space. Animals are kept in small, uniform cages, without bothering to cater to their
individual needs and living habits. In order to avoid cluttering of their cages they
are of even provided with the necessary perches, branches or wooden trunks
which they can bore into. They are thus frustrated, unhappy and at times unduly

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