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Wildlife conservation in India


Wildlife is a collective term that includes animals, bear, butterflies,

crustaceans, fish, moths, aquatic and land vegetation which forms a part
of a habitat. Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human
benefit has occurred many times all over the planet and has a major
impact on the environment, both positive and negative.

Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems, deserts, rainforests, plains, and

other areas-including the most developed urban sites – all have distinct
forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to
animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that
carbide around the world is impacted by human activities.

Wildlife is a national resource that maintains ecological balance and is

bifacial for economic, recreational and aesthetic proposes. With the
expansion of agriculture and industrial acuities, the number of ruled
animals has declined. Some of the species have become extinct and
others are on the verge of being so. Mass-scale killing of wild animalsfor
their meat, bones, fur and skiers, depleted their numbers. Therefore, the
need for wildlife conservation has now become a necessity.

Pollution, climate charge, deforestation, industrialization and population

explosion have destroyed the natural habitat of wildlife; hunting, habitat
reduction and land degradation have threatened the biodiversity in the
industrialized world.

National Parks :

They are strictly reserved areas meant for the betterment of the wildlife.
They are reserved for improvement of wildlife. In them cultivation,
grazing, forestry operation and habitat manipulation is prohibited.

Sanctuaries :

In them protection is given only to the fauna (animals) and harvesting of

timber, collection of MFP and private ownership rights are permitted, but
interference with the well-being of animals is not allowed. Here wild
animals can take refuge without being hunted.

In sanctuary the boundary is demarcated at the time of declaration. In

national park boundary is well-defined and accurate

Conservation of Wildlife:

The management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield the
greatest sustainable benefit to present generation and to maintain its
potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations is
called the conservation. It is scientific management of wildlife to maintain
it at its optimum level.

The conservation of wildlife is directly related to healthy and better

forests. Wildlife conservation includes protection, preservation, and
perpetuation of rare species of plants and animals in their natural

Conservation of living resources has three specific objectives:

To maintain essential ecological processes and life supporting systems.

To preserve diversity of species.

Sustainable utilisation of species and ecosystems which support rural

communities and major industries.


Exploitation of wild population has been a characteristic of modern

man since our exodus from Africa 130,000-70,000 year ago. The
rate of extinctions of entire species of plants<3 and
animals across the planet has been so high in the last few hundred
years it is rudely considered that use are in the sixth great
extinction event on this plant. The Holocene mass extinction and
destruction of wildlife does not alary lead to on extinction of the
species in question; however, the dramatic loss of entire species
across earth dominates any review of wildlife destruction as
extinction is the level of damage to a wild population from which
there is no return.

The four most general reasons that lead to destruction

of wildlifeinclude over kill, habitat, Impact of introduced species
and chairs of extinction.


Overkill occurs whenever hunting occurs at rate greater than the

reproductive capacity of the population being exploited the effects
of this are often noticed much more dramatically in slow grouping
populations such as many larger species of fish. Initially when a
portion of a ruled population is hunted, an increased availability of
resources (food, etc) is experienced increasing growth and
reproduction as density dependent inhibition is lowered. However,
if this hunting continues at rate greater than the rate at which new
members of the population can reach breeding age and produce
more young, the population will begin to decrease in number.


The habitat of any given species is considered its preferred area or

territory many processes associated human habitation of an area
cause loss of this area and the decrease the carrying capacity of
the land for that species. In many cases these changes in land use
cause a patchy break-up of the wild type of extremely fragmented
habitat, forms sprawl across the landscape with patches of
undeclared woodland or forest dotted in-between occasional

Examples of habitat destruction include garaging of bush land by

farmed animals, changes to natural fire regimes, forest clearing for
timber production and wetland draining for city expansion.


Rats, cats, rabbis, dandelions and poison cry are all examples of
species that have become invasive threats to wildlife species in
various parts of the world. Frequently species that are uncommon
in their home range become out of control invasions in distant but
similar climates. The reasons for this have not always been clear
and Charles daring felt it was unlikely that exotic species would
ever be able to grow abundantly in a place they had not endowed
in the reality is that the vast majority of species exposed to a new
habit do not reproduce successfully. However occasionally some
populations do take hold and after a period of acclimation can
increase in numbersignificantly haring destructive effects on many
elements of the native environment they have become part of.


This final group is one of secondary effects. All wild populations of

lairing things have many complex interring links wrath other living
things around them. Large herbivorous animals such as the
hippopotamus have populations of insectivorous birds that feed of
the many parasitic insects that grow on the hippo.

Conservation Strategies:

For wildlife conservation and its propagation, proper management

techniques should be employed. Sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere
reserves, projects, etc., have been created for exclusively protecting the
wild flora and fauna in India as well as in other countries of the world.
Scientists of 100 countries of the world have evolved comprehensive
“World Conservation Strategies” for the judicious use of resources.

To save the existing species of wildlife they proposed some steps which
are as follows:

1. Wildlife should be protected in their natural habitat in situ and in zoo

and botanical gardens (ex situ). The threatened species should be
conserved in situ as well as in ex situ.
2. Identify the habitats of wild relatives of the economically valuable and
useful plants and animals and preserve them in protected areas like
sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves.

3. The critical habitats of the species like feeding, breeding, nursery and
resting areas should be protected (safeguarded).

4. In case of migratory or wide ranging animals, protected areas should

be established to preserve their habitats.

5. For migratory or wide ranging animals, pollution and exploitation of the

environment along their migration routes should be controlled.

Important Indian Wildlife:

The science of zoogeography has both ecological and historical
aspects and the two are intimately interwoven. Animals and plants
are living indicators of the characteristics of their environment.
Their ranges mark the places in which environmental conditions
are the same or similar. The evolution and distribution of species
throws light upon the geological evolution of various parts of earth
and upon the course of global changes in climate and vegetation.

1. Lion (Panthera Leo Persica):

It is gregarious carnivorous animal. It prefers open scrub forest mixed
with thorny deciduous forest. The temperature of its habitat should not
be more than 45°C in summer and not below 5°C in winter. It is found
only in Gir forest of Gujarat State as well as in the whole Asian continent.
Its habitat should be improved to raise the carrying-capacity for the prey
species to meet the full demand of lion.

2. Indian Tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris):

Tiger is a solitary carnivorous animal having apparent territory. It is
nocturnal predatory inhabiting dense forest such as thorny forest, dry
and moist deciduous forest, evergreen and semi-evergreen forest. For
raising its population, pasture lands should be improved for raising the
carrying-capacity of the habitat for herbivorous preys.

India has a rich heritages of wild life as well as long history and
traction of conservation the conservation ethic was imbibed in
the sylvan surroundings of the ashrams of our sager which
were the seat of learning in the country's ancient past Indian
mythology is equally profuse in references to our regard and
love for wild animals different animals were associated with
different gods and were thus provided with religious sanctity
and ensured conservation.

In living memory, India hunting Cheetah, which was the fastest

land lion-the 'such' which a loves the country national emblem,
is confined only to small pocket in the Gir forest of Gujarat.
These are only a few of the examples in the last 500 years, one
in every hundred of the world's higher animals has become
extinct, and the shadows are closing around several more.

The concern for wildlife is however, the concern for man

himself. All form of life human, animal and plant are so closely
interlinked that disturbance in one give rise to imbalance in the
other. If spicier of plant or animals become endangered they
signify a degradation in the environment which may threaten
man's own existence. So conservation of wildlife is
an essential part of environment by conservation, we do not
mean merely preservation, but conservation means the
utilization of renewable national resources in such a manner
that they are not allowed to destroy but are to be used later.

In order to conserve the wildlife the following methods are

currently being used for the wildlife conservation.

(1) Habitat Management : In many cases, wildlife can be

helped by ensuring that their environment is favorable with
regards to availability of food water and shelter, this method is
called habitat management. It includes ecological study
of habits and habitats ofwildlife species, protection,
preservation and improvement of habitats, census etc. it also
involves such action as soil conservation, good forestry
and wildlife management.

(2) Breeding in Captivity : Sometimes species find it extremely

to survive in their own once favorable environment. Such
species can be protected by breeding in captivity and releasing
in a protected area that satisfies the conditions favorable for
survival. Tree species such as Ginkgo has survived only in
captivity. Tiger, white tiger, today live in national parks. A
species threatened with disease can be protected
by sanitation measures in a habitat.

(3) Controlled Hunting : Excessive increase in the number of

one species in a given area threatens not only its own
endurance but also that of the other species by consuming
major portion of available food. Such numbers must be reduced
by controlled hunting or by restoring its natural enemies where
they have become scarce.

(4) Reintroduction : Several animals and plants are become

extinct, were allowed to regenerate and reproduce and flourish
in suitable places similar to the original once later these were
reintroduced in several park and sanctuaries and areas of their
original Habitat.

(5) Mass Education : For any conservation program me, there

is a great need of educating the people to achieve their
partition. The methods adopted are "celebration of wildlife week
every year, publicity through media and film show, setting up
nature clubs in educational institutions".


Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals.

This can occur in a variety of ways. Poaching can refer to the
failure to comply with regulations for legal taking of wildlife that
would otherwise be allowable. Examples include: Taking
without a license or permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap,
taking outside of the designated time of day or year, and taking
of a prohibited sex or life stage. Poaching can also refer to the
taking of animals from a gazette wildlife sanctuary, such as a
national park, game reserve, or zoo. Most countries enforce
various sanctions on the hunting of wild animals, and
international controls, such as bans, restrictions and monitored
trade, are all aimed at controlling poaching. However it is
important to note that hunting, under specific regulations, is in
fact often permitted in designated game preserves.

Wildlife protection Act, 1972 strictly forbids hunting or poaching

of wild animals under section 9 However, according to section
11, hunting of wild animals is permitted in certain cases :

(a) If the wildlife warden is satisfied that any wild animal has
become dangerous to human life or is disabled or diseased
beyond recovery, he may permit a person to hunt such an

(b) The killing or wounding of a wild animal in self-defense or

defense of any other person shall not be an offence.

(c) Any wild animal killed or wounded in defense of any person

shall be government property.

According to section 12, the chief wildlife warden, may permit

any person to hunt a wild animal for the purpose of:

(a) Education, 

(b) Scientific research and management,

(c) Collection of specimens,

(d) Derivation, collection or preparation of snake-venom for the

manufacture of life-saving drugs.
Section 44 of the Act, prohibits a person without proper license
from undertaking:

(a) Business as :

(i) Manufacturer or dealer in animal articles.

(ii) Dealer in trophy (trophy means rugs, skins, specimens of

animals mounted in whole or in part antler, horn, hair, feathers,
tooth, musk, nest, eggs, or captive animal or meat).

(iii) Taxidermist (curing, preparation or preservation of


(b) Cook or serve meat in any eating house.

(c) Derive, collect or prepare or deal in snake-venom.

3. Elephant (Elephas Maximns):

It is found in plains and hilly forest up to 1500 metre elevation. It needs a
lot of water for drinking and bathing, so there must be perennial river,
lake, etc., in the habitat. Its food is bamboo and grass, which should be
in sufficient quantity. An adult elephant needs about three quintals green
fodder daily. It is distributed throughout India except Madhya Pradesh,
Andhra and Maharashtra. Generally only the males have large tusks,
which are the extension of second pair of incisors. Canines and all
incisors have lost.

4. Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Unicornis):

It inhabits forest having marshy land and tall grasses. It feeds on
grasses and also water-hyacinth. In 1904, only about twelve rhinos were
left in Assam and fewer in North Bengal. In the past they were found
extensively in river Indus plain and Ganges in northern India. Temur
killed several of them on the frontiers of Kashmir. Babar also hunted
rhinos in different parts of northern India.

Wildlife trade refers to the sale and exchange of wild animals

and plants, and products made from them. Live animals are
sold as food and pets, while ornamental plants and timber, and
an array of wildlife products, such as exotic leather goods,
musical instruments and even medicines, and can be found in
markets around the globe from into a well-organized,
sophisticated network of racketeers across the world, who carry
out a trade ring worth an estimated 6 to 20 billion dollars
worldwide (Ministry of Environment and Forest), second only to
the narcotics (Drugs) trade in magnitude while most of the
trade is legal, a substantial portion of it is not.

Illegal wildlife trade is one of the primary threats to a large

number of species. Since 1970, for instance, more than 90
percent of the world's wild rhinos have disappeared,
slaughtered by the thousands for one primary reason: their
magnificent horns. The convention on International Trade in
endangered species of wild flora and fauna (CITES), was
established most of the countries in the world, in response to
declining wildlife populations due to over-exploitation for
international trade, but there remains much work to be done.
World wildlife fund (WWF) plays an important role in fighting
this illegal trade, most significantly through TRAFFIC (Trade
Record Analysis of Flora and Fauna) the world's largest wildlife
trade monitoring network.

The global wildlife trade includes primates, ivory from African

elephants, orchids, live birds, reptile skins, butterflies, animal
furs, and tropical fish. The United States is the largest
consumer of wildlife in the world, India, home to several mega-
species such as the tiger, elephant, rhino, snow leopard, and
musk deer, which are highly valued in this trade, has
consequently become a crucial target for poaching and export
of wildlife products.

Wild life trade has pushed several species to the brink tiger is
one such precious animal hunted all over its range for its skin,
bones another parts, besides finding use in trophies. In fact,
every part of the animal is used in one way or the other. Its
bones find their way into traditional oriental medicine, though
there is no scientific evidence of their efficacy. Most consumers
of tiger parts are from south-East Asia (China, South Korea,
Japan and Taiwan). In India, tiger skins have a ready market
and sell for anything between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 each.

Another highly endangered animal, the one-horned rhino, is

hunted for its horn. These horns are smuggled to South-East
Aria for use in traditional medicine, falsely believed to be useful
as an aphrodisiac and for the treatment of blood pressure,
paralysis, and brain fever.

According to the recent trade survey carried out by TRAFFIC,

the trade in marine species warrants a special attention.
Besides turtles and tortoises slaughtered for meat and for the
pets business, the unchecked trade in sharks is also alarming.
Products made of turtle shells are freely available in states like
Orissa and other areas.

Unless, the ongoing trade in wildlife and its derivatives is

stopped, most species-faced as they are with problems of
habitat loss, fragmentation and inbreeding-will be lost forever.
The cheetah is a classic example in India. A beginning can be
made if the consumer is sensitized to the issue and only if
demand is curtailed will the illegal trade of our available flora
and fauna stop.


Ever since man emerged on the earth, animals have been his
companions. Animals were his life support: they provide him
with food (milk and meat) to eat, clothes (hides and skin) to
cover his body, bones to make his shelter and weapons, and
they served him as beasts of burden. As civilization advanced,
man learnt the art of cultivation and to make clothes and his
dependence on animals was reduced to some extent. But he
continued to exploit the animals for his own benefit.

Animals are treated cruelly for the following reasons.

(1) For Commercial Purposes : Millions of animals are killed

annually for skin, fur, ivory, horns and other parts. Some
animals like foxes, ferrets, lemming bears, mink etc. are reared
in fur forms where they lead a life of misery and pain in small
cages. The passenger pigeons were killed because their meat
was good to eat, their feazther4s could be used to make
comfortable pillows. Similarly, blue whale, the world's largest
animal has been hunted to near extinction for its oil, meat and

(2) Illegal Trade in Animals : The illegal world trade in rare and
endangered species of birds and animals is estimated to be US
$ 8 billion per year. Most of the poachers in the developing
countries are poor and illiterate and depend on this trade for
their livelihood. They kill animals indiscriminately.

(3) For Entertainment : A number of animals like elephants,

lions, bears, horses, dogs, cats, some birds like pigeons, hens,
etc. are trained to perform in the circus, TV shows, on the
streets, etc. during their training period, they are chained,
whipped and tortured to perform and act as per the wishes their

(4) For Experimentation : The severest form of cruelty is

inflicted on the animals when they are captured and kept in the
laboratories for testing new medicines, cosmetics, etc. All new
medicines and cosmetics are first tested on the poor animals
that are made to suffer the pain and side-effects on these

(5) For Domestic Needs : Some of the animals like bulls,

Oscan, horses, etc. have to perform various duties for their
master. Bulls, horses and camels are used in the carts to carry
people and load. They are often made to perform tasks which
are beyond their capacity.


The wildlife protection Act of 1972 refers to a sweeping

package of legislation enacted in 1972 by the government of
India. Prior to 1972, India only had five designated national
parks. Among other reforms, the Act established schedules of
protected plant and animal species, hunting or otherwise
harvesting these species was largely outlawed.

The Act provides for the protection of wild animals, birds and
plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or
incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India, except the
State of Jammu and Kashmir which has its own wildlife act. It
has six schedules which give varying degrees of protection,
with absolute protection being provided under schedule I and
part II of schedule II with the highest penalties but the penalties
are much lowe4r, with the enforcement authorities having the
power to compound offences (as in they impose fines on the

The major provisions of the Act are :

(1) Strengthening management and protection of infrastructure

of National Parks and Sanctuaries. The government may
appoint the following officers to implement the provisions of the
Act as follows:

Central Government: A Director of wildlife preservation and

Assistant director of wildlife preservation. 

State Government: A chief wildlife warden and wildlife wardens.

It provides for the appointment of wildlife advisory Board,
wildlife wardens, their powers, duties, etc.

(2) Protection of wildlife from threats of poaching and illegal

trade in wildlife products.

(3) Special care and captive breeding programmer for highly

endangered species. (Examples : Gharial, estuarine crocodile
of wildlife.

(4) Research and development 

(5) Development of selected ex-situ conservation areas, like

zoological and botanical gardens.


Wildlife conservation is applied ecology and may also be

regarded as bio-economy. In other words, conservation is
defined as sound preservation, management and sensible use
of the available natural resources. Considering this definition in
view, governments of several nations have passed law and set
aside national park, sanctuaries and other wildlife reserves in
an effort to save the dwindling wildlife.

Why do we need to protect our wildlife from extinction? Why

should we care about disappearing animals?

The answer to such questions can be attributed to many

reasons. Some of them are as follows :

(1) Survival value : Every species plays an important role in

maintaining an ecological balance among the living system of
the earth. These systems must continue to function if is to
survive. Loss of any species threatens the survival of several
species inclusive of man. Destruction of wildlife may cause
upset in such a balance resulting in severe consequences.
Thus, protection of every animal species is of great importance
to the quality of life and to the survival of man himself.

(2) Scientific Value : The study of wildlife provides valuable

knowledge about life processes, which has helped scientists to
understand the functioning and behavior of the human body.
Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered
important medical products by studying wildlife. By studying the
effects of environmental pollution of wildlife it is possible to
learn how pollution affects human life.

(3) Economic value : Wild species of animals provide meat for

food and skin for fur. They form an important natural resource.
With proper care and management, it can yield good dividends
and even earn foreign exchange. Wildlife trade stands just
second after narcotics. The economic value of wildlife is best
seen in marine fisheries.

In addition, conservation of wildlife becomes necessary and of

great importance due to the some other values to mankind
these are:

(a) On all continents wildlife is becoming an increasingly

important recreational asset and tourist attraction.

(b) The preservation of wildlife helps many naturalists and

behavior biologists to study morphology, anatomy, physiology,
ecology, behavior biology of the wild animals under their
natural surroundings.

(c) Wildlife represents the result of many years of evolution and

constitutes an environment heritage to the past, a world which
once surrounded our ancestors.


The wildlife protection Act of 1972 refers to a sweeping package of

legislation enacted in 1972 by the government of India. Prior to
1972, India only had five designated national parks. Among other
reforms, the Act established schedules of protected plant and
animal species, hunting or otherwise harvesting these species was
largely outlawed.
The Act provides for the protection of wild animals, birds and
plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or
incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India, except the State
of Jammu and Kashmir which has its own wildlife act. It has six
schedules which give varying degrees of protection, with absolute
protection being provided under schedule I and part II of schedule
II with the highest penalties but the penalties are much lowe4r,
with the enforcement authorities having the power to compound
offences (as in they impose fines on the offenders).

The major provisions of the Act are :

(1) Strengthening management and protection of infrastructure of

National Parks and Sanctuaries. The government may appoint the
following officers to implement the provisions of the Act as follows:

Central Government: A Director of wildlife preservation and

Assistant director of wildlife preservation.

State Government: A chief wildlife warden and wildlife wardens. It

provides for the appointment of wildlife advisory Board, wildlife
wardens, their powers, duties, etc.

(2) Protection of wildlife from threats of poaching and illegal trade

in wildlife products.

(3) Special care and captive breeding programmer for highly

endangered species. (Examples : Gharial, estuarine crocodile of

(4) Research and development

(5) Development of selected ex-situ conservation areas, like

zoological and botanical gardens.


Wildlife conservation is applied ecology and may also be regarded

as bio-economy. In other words, conservation is defined as sound
preservation, management and sensible use of the available
natural resources. Considering this definition in view, governments
of several nations have passed law and set aside national park,
sanctuaries and other wildlife reserves in an effort to save the
dwindling wildlife.

Why do we need to protect our wildlife from extinction? Why

should we care about disappearing animals?

The answer to such questions can be attributed to many reasons.

Some of them are as follows :

(1) Survival value : Every species plays an important role in

maintaining an ecological balance among the living system of the
earth. These systems must continue to function if is to survive.
Loss of any species threatens the survival of several species
inclusive of man. Destruction of wildlife may cause upset in such a
balance resulting in severe consequences. Thus, protection of
every animal species is of great importance to the quality of life
and to the survival of man himself.

(2) Scientific Value : The study of wildlife provides valuable

knowledge about life processes, which has helped scientists to
understand the functioning and behavior of the human body.
Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered
important medical products by studying wildlife. By studying the
effects of environmental pollution of wildlife it is possible to learn
how pollution affects human life.

(3) Economic value : Wild species of animals provide meat for food
and skin for fur. They form an important natural resource. With
proper care and management, it can yield good dividends and
even earn foreign exchange. Wildlife trade stands just second after
narcotics. The economic value of wildlife is best seen in marine

In addition, conservation of wildlife becomes necessary and of

great importance due to the some other values to mankind these

(a) On all continents wildlife is becoming an increasingly important

recreational asset and tourist attraction.

(b) The preservation of wildlife helps many naturalists and

behavior biologists to study morphology, anatomy, physiology,
ecology, behavior biology of the wild animals under their natural

(c) Wildlife represents the result of many years of evolution and

constitutes an environment heritage to the past, a world which
once surrounded our ancestors.


The term wildlife was introduced by Willion Hornaday in 1913 in

his book "our vanishing wildlife". Wildlife is commonly respired
to represent the non domesticated animals living in natural
habitats like forests. In simple world, wildlife means non-
domesticated animals found in wild without caring of human

Wildlife literally means wild untamed animals roaming in forests

and flourishing without human care. For a lay-man, wildlife is
just the wild animals like lion, tiger, panther, elephant, rhino,
deer etc found in forests. Wildlife is an integral part of any
country representing culture, tradition and heritage.

Wildlife plays a very significant role in maintaining the

ecological balance of the nature and thus directly influencing
the country's natural heritage and human environment. 

In ancient times, a wonderful variety of wildlife had been

flourished in India. Big heads of elephants roamed the Shivalik
ranges where they are no more to be seen now. The area also
abounded in hippos, rhinos of several kinds along with wild
oxen, giraffe, bison, deer, antelopes and wild pigs. Apes like
chimpanzees, orangutans, baboons, languor and macaques
infested the forests. Then there were abundant carnivores like
Asiatic lion, cheetah, the saber-toothed tiger etc. in Indian
forests. For a long time, these wild animals lived and flourished
in conducive surroundings protects by the deep-rooted Indian
tradition of compassion for wildlife.

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