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February Morning Meeting

Good Morning-Jason 5 days

Pledge- Shreena 5 days
Word of the week - Jackie
Book of the day - Shreena, Vidal,
Jackie, Camilo and Edna - Done!!
College of the week - West Point
Black history -Shreena

Habit of the week - Forrest Humility

Quote of the day - Tati and
Janessa 5 days
Meet our Advisory - Jonnae
Basic Design - Camilo and

Please go join your


I Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Any Announcements?
Celia and Roscarli need 5-8 year old models for the
fashion show
The dance is tonight! Tickets will not be sold at the
Saturday Academy 8-12
College Visit: to Anna Maria College this Saturday
Debate Tournament today and tomorrow!
Good Luck!!
Progress Reports go out next Monday!!

In honor of Black History Month!

Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as

"Negro History Week" and later as "Black History Month."

Lucy Terry, an enslaved person in 1746, becomes the earliest known

black American poet when she writes about the last American Indian
attack on her village of Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Phillis Wheatley's book Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral

is published, making her the first African American to do so.

Gabriel Prosser, an enslaved African-American blacksmith, organizes a

slave revolt intending to march on Richmond, Virginia. The conspiracy is
uncovered, and Prosser and a number of the rebels are hanged.
Virginia's slave laws are consequently tightened.

Meet our advisory- Vidal

Birthday: February 4,2001

He's Puerto Rican
Nickname: Lucky

Meet our advisory- Jameel

He does MMA and boxing

Aloof unfriendly;
Its hard to form good
relationships if you remain

Habit of the Week


West Point Military Academy

Book Of The day!

Tears of a Tiger
Author: Novel by Sharon Draper
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Rating: 4

Summary: Andy and his friends win a basketball game

and then celebrate by drinking some beers. Andy the
one in front of the wheel crash in a wall. The only ones
who make it out are B.J, Tyrone, Andy and Robbie does
not. Robbie couldnt get out and B.J, Tyrone, Andy
couldnt help him. Andy has a hard time dealing with
being, the one who lived.


Clean your tables

and get to class!!

Book Of The day!

Stolen: A letter to my captor

Author: Lucy Christopher
Based on a true story.
Genre(s): Mystery, & Romance.
Rating: 4.5

Sixteen year old Gemma is kidnapped from Bangkok airport in Thailand and taken to the Australian outback. This
wild and abandoned landscape becomes almost a character in the book, because of how vividly it is described. She
was stolen from an airport. She was taken to the sand, dirt, and danger.The story takes the form of a letter, written by
Gemma reflecting on the strange and disturbing months in the outback. Read more to find out what happens next!

I would recommend this book to anybody who likes the genre mystery and a mix of You romance It leaves you

West Point military Academy - Sports Teams

-NCAA Division 1 Athletics

(Male/Female) Gymnastics(Male)
-Football (Male)
-Cross Country

- Baseball(Male)
Boxing (Male/Female)
-Soccer(Male/Female) Golf(Male)
Ice Hockey(Male)




Book Of The day!

TItle: Carrie
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Horror
Rating: 4.5/5

This book is about a high-school girl who gets bullied harshly by everybody in the school. Her name is
Carrie and she lives with her mother who is an extreme Christian which makes Carries life limited to
very little due to her mothers beliefs. However, one day, there is a dance which she is invited to and that
causes her life and hundreds of others students lives to change.

I totally recommend this book because it is scary and it is actually incredibly interesting to read.


Habit of the Week


In this book the main

character Rico runs a drug
business underneath his
exotic cars dealership. His
innocent wife helps him with
his car business not knowing
that the funds came from
drugs, she has no idea about
her husband but suspects he
has a mistress and that he

West Point military Academy

-Student to Facility- 7:1
-93% return for sophomore year
-84% graduate within 6 years
Degree offered- Bachelors
-Few Majors
Engineering, Social Sciences,Business, Foreign
language, Computer & Information Science

Ruby Red
By; Kerstin Gier
-Mystery, Fiction
The Montrose family has a female gene
carrier that is suppose to be born October 7th and
the last time traveler. The DeVillar family has the
male gene which is the second to last time traveler.
Charlotte was born on the 7th and Gwendolyn was
born the following day or that was what she
thought. Charlotte and Gwendolyn are cousins
and lived together. Charlotte was trained to know
what to do when she would time travel and
Gwendolyn was always kept hidden from the
secrets. Now the truth has come out and
Gwendolyn becomes the last time traveler, the
Ruby. Now Gwendolyn and Gideon travel back in
time and try to find out why their ancestors try to
stop the circle of blood to close and the secrets
being hidden from them.

of the

Quote of the day

Clean Your tables and

get to class!!

Meet Our Advisory - Jakelin Hernandez (Jackie)

Jakelin Hernandez
Birthday: July 7, 2001
Shes full Guatemalan
When shes bored she gets
REALLY annoying
Add her on the snap:

Quote of the Day

West Point Military Academy

West Point is the training academy
for the US Army
High GPA, +3.5
Top 10% of class
SAT scores above 1900
Physical fitness
Good Health
But, remember, if you meet these, it is
a free college education!

Quote of the day


A friend should not act aloof

towards you; acting cold and
distant is not the way to be!

Meet Our Advisory - Camilo Ramirez (CaMILKo)

Camilo Ramirez
October 27,2000
Hes full Colombian
He likes posing funny for
Add him on the snap:

Aloof - adjective
Distant or cold/unfriendly

Meet our Advisory-Jason

Birthday: May 15, 2001

-He LOVES to play Soccer
-Started high school varsity soccer
for Tolman

Meet our Advisory- Janessa Avila-Crespo

Birthday: December 29, 2000
She is full Puerto Rican and a
Tolman cheerleader
She has hazel eyes & is super funny!

Wash Your Hands!

Meet Our Advisory- Ya fav Shreena:)

Birthday: November 29,2000
She is vegetarian
She LOVES being on her
phone and taking


Sometimes people who are shy

are thought to be aloof, but
they are not the same!

Meet Our Advisory - Edna Hernandez

Birthday: July 14, 2001

She is full Mexican and
she started varsity for
Lady warriors soccer
She seems quiet,
but that is a lie

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