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Forcefully manipulate your financial destiny:

Win the lottery
Thank you for requesting Lotto from extraOddinary.
Lets briefly go through how Lotto works. The energy work is based on
5 things
- 2 separate, intelligently forceful magick practices that
manipulate your chances of having the major win.
- A programmed servitor that is present while numbers are
chosen or randomly selected. This servitor is connected to the
spell and:
- The energy field of abundance.
- Aggressive manifestation ritual for solidification and is the last
part of the work before it is fully unleashed.

How to use Lotto

Let us begin.
Send answers to the following questions:
1) Your full name
2) Your date of birth
3) The city/country you will be playing the lottery
4) The first 3 things you will do with the major win
When your session is complete
Play the lottery. Heres how to select numbers:
With your servitor/item near you, (or holding with the hand you are
not selecting numbers with) take 30 seconds of focus/silence and
spend 10 seconds quick recalling each of answers you gave in (4)
this should be brief and merely acknowledgement of the things you
want, not a full visualization session.

1) Select random/lucky dip or

2) - Get a small box, pen, and a piece of paper
- Write down the possible numbers you select from
- Cut each of these into small squares and place them into the
- Shake/randomize until satisfied.
- With the servitor, complete the 30 second ritual above
- Select the numbers as they come. Dont ignore and select
another just for any reason, e.g. because you dont like the
number, its consecutive, etc.
- These are the numbers you will play on this particular ticket.
Next compulsory in your spare time
Find out the details and procedure on what will happen when it
is time to collect your major win. This should be available on
the official website of your lottery. This is to set your mind up.

The servitor will be used for choosing numbers. You dont have
to call upon this always.
The item with field and your spell can be used for other
complex manifestations during games of chance and gambling.
Be patient, expect success, and have fun.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
This manual will be updated in the next few weeks as there will
be updates and fresh casting sessions from time to time.

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