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TeTax, and cone here. BB takes her in his ame. sup again. HB pats his finger +: “rout t0 speak REPRISE "WOULD YOU ow HE HoxDS HER IW HAs ARyS”WoULD YoU, ouLD You HE TELLS HER OF WeCHARNS WOULD YoU, WouED YoU many ver as y@6 nu T aun TERY WERE OMLY FRIENDS ‘hiss az the music continues and the Lights RESSING ROOM. TRE LicENS COME UP DOWNRIGHT AS ZINA fEiDR ENTER AND WE HOVE INTO: Lamang SCENE 3 At rises INA and ZE2DA enter. Zelda, you know, you have to ses things with your own eyes to believe it. If you hadn't opened my eyes, S°9 still be walkin’ azound in the dark. ZELDA ‘That's what friends are for... You're a real pal. This business is a jungle. re dog-eat-dog. Viltures waiting to eat your carcass before you're dead. And how ebort that little snake in the grass? You were right. And 1 wasn't going to believe you. can you imagine what Iles she must lave cold him about Sof, Ne — his fee-an-see! The girl he's gonna’ marry! You Fead all about it) ELD ‘Sure. You must be broken-hearted, LANA Yeeh, I'm crushed. But I's not takin’ this lyin’ down. Lina Lamont # no fool, yoo know. Zin callin’ ay lawyer. I'm callin’ my agent. I'm callin’ my mother! I'm a big start ‘You are, Lina. You got rights. Lama Tove my public. Just thinking of that alone makes me exp Wow don't make yourself sick. awa when they find out they're using someone else's voice Instead Of mine == and what's wrong with my voice anyway?! ‘Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yeah, ain't it the trvth. ELDA ‘bon't let it upset you, honey. I gotta’ go. Now stay Calm. You know how it makes jou sweat. And renenber. Last time you got hives. neldat {LERA/EELDA (emicen WAVING to each other) Palst JELDA oxite. LIMA sits dove at her dressing table and looks into the mirror. iam i'm beautiful, ain't 12... Yeah... And I'm talented, Ain't Its. Yeah... If you was aman, you could fall in Jove with nes. Yeuh.-. And would you ever be Qpfeithfui? s11 MEVERI sc. You'd always adore mo? ... Rivayst ++ x don't understand it. NUMBER: “WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?" WHATS WRONG WITH ME? PUNO VOCAL 165 ‘SINGIN RAIN WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? ina: "don't understand” WHATS WRONG WITH Mt?- 31 ito pat Bs Car Pita? BH Bi t i ty i t PIANO VOCAL. 107 ‘WHATS WRONG WITH M:?-31 PIANO VOCAL 168 WHATS WRONG WITHME?- 3 1 Why bbe cht wth ies? he ec te mer In mat was att wong th oni Gorta’ paxce ccHoRus GorrA’ DANCE ow Gorza’ DANCE DANCE SECTION ~ sexy vance section - rage veux ARTER THE NUMBER BUDTONS, ZWSEMBLE EXIT, Dow 1 RRPLACED BY COSNO AGAIN AND THE RE OFF Ié8, Ghat RESTORED. WITH RF AND ROSCOE IN THE SANE’ DoSrTToNS ‘AS BEFORE. (fusfing and puffing, as if we s acted out the entize number) Well, boss, whet do you think? It's @ little hard to inagine. could you tell it to ne again? ‘SCENE NEWSPAPER CROSS. Lights up on four people on downstage pavenant. bach one is holiling & NEWSPAPER. man #1 Extra, Extra! Read all about itt wou #2 ‘pEemiere tonight at Graumann's Chinese Theatre! yan #2 Bon Sockwood and Lina Lamont star in... wouan #2 ‘the Biggest picture in history! [BLACKOUT on PAVEMEND. Lights up on R.F SIMPSON'S uF, SINDSON's OFFICE. RF at desk. ROSCOR ansvore @ ringing telephone. ‘Yea? They’ xe loving it, R.F. They're loving it siMPsoN ‘Of course they're loving it. his le an R.F. Simpson production. Rop enters resding @ newspaper, aghast. SIMPSON Gand DEXTER notice him, and walt to hear what Ho has te say *Nomsmental Pictures wildly enthosi: singing pipes and dancing stems." SIMPSON T'never said that! ‘premiere tomorrow night to reveal Lina Lenont big musical talene.” Bose you can't poll a sviteh Like this On the publicity departaent! We ware all prepared for the canpaign on Kathy Seiden. ‘SmMPSON ‘Now, wait @ second - I don't know anything sbout this. Thad nothiag to do with it! R00 Well, what are we going te do? INA flounces in right, dressed in evening gown othing! You wouldn't want to call the papers and Lina Lanost isa big fat Liar! ‘simpson Lina! Did you send that stuff out? nama (very pleased with hersei£) T gave an exclusive story ~ to every Newspaper in tova. simpson ‘Lina, you'll never get avay with this. Rod, call the newspepers back. Y wouldn't do that if T were you, R.P. SIMPSON ‘Don t tell me vhat to do, Lina. awa, What do you think I am? Dumb or somethin’? 1 had my Lawyers go over my contract. simpson Contract? aKa Yeah -~ and 1 control ay publicity -- not you. (angrily) Lama Yeah! The studio's responsible for every word printed about me. And if I don't like it, 1 can s (pronounced “eyoo" ) SIMPSON ‘what? Lama Z can syoo! If you tell the papers about Kathy selden, ie Would be (Very grandly, Like an election ftadene) *Determontal and deleterious to my career.” T could LINA hands R.P. a contract open to a certain page SIMPSON unaz's a lot of nonsense. contract dated gune &, 1925 -- fs 0 right here. ‘the party paragraph thirty-four subdivision letter A Of the first part ==" That's net ‘You win, Lina, Satisfied? LINK only one Little thing nore. srHPsoN Yeah? Want me to change the nane of the studio to Nfanont Pictures Incorporated"? nam oh R.F,, you're cute. No, i was just thinkin’ You've Siven this girl @ part 18 felda’s picture, and you're Gonna give fer an even bigger one in the Sexts.* SIMPSON 802 ma So! If she's done such a great job doublin’ for my. voice, don't you think she'd better go on doing just that’! “ane nothing elze! simpson ‘Lina, you're out of your ning! After all, I'm etill more important to the studio than she di simpson Zina, I wouldn't do thet to her in a million year Why, you'd be taking that girl's eareer away ~— awa (Savoring the thought) yeah. SIMPSON People don't do things like thati Lana, . People! People! I ain't people! I'm a... (SHE searches in the papece SHE Se holding for the quote SHE wanes and Feeds it triumphantly) + ‘shinnering, gloving star in the cinema firmanint!

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