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Addition and Subtraction


Objectives: SWBAT identify an addition sign and subtraction sign and the right
times to use it.
Assessment: Students will answer several addition and subtraction problems and
identify what sign is used in each problem on a worksheet.
Key Vocabulary: Addition- add, plus/ Subtraction- subtract, minus, take away
Anticipatory Set: Play Adding and Subtracting (song for kids about
addition/subtracting) by Harry Kindergarten Music on YouTube.
Activate Prior Knowledge: I know you all already know how to add and subtract,
but sometimes we work so fast that we do not pay attention to what the problem is
asking us to do. Think in your head what does an addition sign look like. Show the
class an addition sign and subtraction sign. Show me with your finger, which one is
an addition sign. Hang up the addition sign on the whiteboard. What does an
addition sign tell me to do? (Add two numbers together, it can also be plus). So if
that is an addition sign, what is this other sign? Hold up the subtraction sign.
What does this sign tell me to do? (Take away, minus).
Input/Modeling: Briefly review what the children may not have mentioned while
activating their prior knowledge. Make sure you say that addition and subtraction
can be called different names (add, plus, all together/ subtract, take away, minus),
but the signs will always be the same. Also you make sure to emphasize that when
you add the number gets bigger and when you subtract the number gets smaller.
Pick on a student to come up (someone who has been sitting nicely and
participating). Have them roll a die and tell the class the number, right that number
on the board under the plus sign. Pick on another child to roll the die and right that
number on the board next to the other number. I am going to draw a plus sign in
between these numbers. I want you to think in your head what blank plus blank is.
Give them all time to think and then tell them to whisper their answer to a neighbor.
When I count down to zero I want you to be quiet again and read to share your
answer. Write the answer on the board. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if we
subtracted these two numbers. Write the number sentence under the subtraction
sign. Whisper to your neighbor what your answer is. Did the answer change? (Yes!
Its blank now). So it is important to pay attention to what the sign is and what it is
telling us to do, because it completely changes our answer!
Check for Understanding/Guided Practice: Now we are going to do something
a little different. I am going to put a number sentence on the board, but it is missing
something very important. You all need to be detectives and figure out which sign
we should be using, addition or subtraction. Use the numbers as your clues. Look
really closely at how the numbers change, ask yourself Did the answer get bigger
or smaller than the numbers in the sentence? and then think which sign makes it
get bigger and which one makes it get smaller. But I dont want you to tell me with
your mouths. I will count down 3,2,1 and then I will point at you and I want you to

Addition and Subtraction


show me with your arms if it is addition or subtraction. Practice with the class
making an addition sign by crossing your arms and a subtraction sign by just
holding one arm out parallel to the floor. Go through all 4 problems and write the
answer in the box as the children give them to you.
Closure: Wow you practiced a lot with addition and subtraction. Lets see how fast
you can go through my cards before we go to our desks to work a bit more. Tell the
children that you want them to say either add or subtract based on the card that
you show, just like they do with their letter cards. Okay, now that we have so much
practice we are going to go back to your desks to see if you were paying attention.
On your desk is a worksheet. There are problems with both addition and
subtraction. But dont let that trick you. When you go back to your desk I want you
to remember to do 2 things. First, put your name on the paper, second circle ALL of
the addition signs, so they will not trick you when you are going through the
Independent Practice: Instead of doing centers for the sake of time, the students
will all work on a worksheet at the same time. The worksheet has 10 different
problems, 5 subtraction and 5 addition. They are mixed throughout the worksheet
though, so the children need to pay close attention to the sign. I will be walking
around and monitoring to make sure everyone is doing the problems correct.
Differentiated Instruction/ Accommodations: For the children that finish early, I
will give them the opportunity to work on more addition and subtraction problems if
they would like. This will probably be too high for Weston. If the situation permits
work one on one with Weston using manipulatives, if not, solve a couple problems
one on one with him and then write the correct answers to the problems in
highlighter and prompt him to trace the numbers (number tracing more closely
relates to IEP goal).

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