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Personality of House Dres

House Dres is a society without generosity. They are xenophobic, hateful, and stern.
Dres are the Dunmerest Dunmer, the ones who never smile. Even more so than other houses, the
Dres are taciturn and unapproachable. Even rather insignificant things are considered hard-won
knowledge that can only be shared within the Great House or even vassal minor House or family.
Faction members will often refuse to give directions and asking them about "a little secret" will
likely piss them off.
House Dres is a society without innovation. The Dres have a deepseated belief in their
traditions, which are more ancient and less modern than any other house. They are dubious of
change, of new inventions or new customs.
House Dres is a society without luxury. They value hard work, and though their success
has largely come as a result of shameful dealings, they regard it as the result of their hard work, a
bit hypocritically. They do not indulge themselves like the Indoril & Hlaalu do.
Their specific Tribunal is Sotha Sil.

General Structure of the House Dres

Dres itself is a confederacy of minor houses. The council is made up of the Patriarchs of
each Minor House in Dres, which still have their distinct identities, unlike the other houses. Over
time, some of the houses have come under the suzerainty of other minor houses, so that a
member of a different house will be their patriarch. This is how the player becomes a member of
the council even though they aren't a part of a minor house; their title will be Suzerain rather
than Patriarch.
The only members of Dres who really matter are the Chap-thil and superior ranks of 'thil,
such as the Molag-thil and the Muthser-thil (who are the elder nobility at the top of the different
minor houses). To be recognized as chap-thil, one must own land and not be employed by
anyone else; one must be self-sovereign. Dres employed by plantation owners or other chap-thil
have the rank Crewman.
Central house governance is administered by Nomarchs, who are each assigned a
different precinct. This is a distinct system from that of the minor houses; while the minor
houses have rights over persons, the nomarchs provide governance and regulation to regions of
land. The exact extent of their powers is limited. To advance toward muthseraship, the player
will become one of the nomarchs.

Key Historical Events for House Dres

After the War of the First Council, the Annunciation of the Tribunal was interpreted
different by different houses. In the south, around the Deshaan and on the southeastern coast, a
variation of the Tribunal faith predominant that would become a heterodox tradition once the
Indoril theology became acccepted as the universal orthodoxy. They regard the Tribunal as the
Realization of the Good Daedra, rather than seeing the Good Daedra as the Anticipations of the
Tribunal. They accept the Tribunals' divinity, but in a way which maintains an equality (or even,
possibly, a certain inferiority) with Daedra, rather than holding the Tribunal to be the greatest and
most mighty divinity imaginable. They maintain different burial rites and records of ancestry
from the north, and did not send dead to Necrom until the Tribunal required it for the Ghostfence
(which remains a controversial point).
In the late First / early Second Era, the houses united into the Dres confederacy to keep
from being swallowed by the Indoril behemoth, but many Dres maintain a loyalty to their
particular minor house clan rather than to the Dres identity proper. It was around this time that
the Dres learned to make the Deshaan bloom. Prior to the Second Era, Morrowind did not
benefit from the huge saltrice yields that have become a staple crop for much of eastern Tamriel.
It was through a deal with the Sload that the Dres learned the secret of tilling salt.1
At first, the Dres relied on Hlaalu imported slaves from Elsweyr as the majority of their
labor force. During the late Second Era, though, Dres leaders made a secret trade deal with the
Hist which would be their downfall if it was discovered. They traded a small number of Dunmer
to the Hist in exchange for a huge amount of Argonian slaves. Little did they know that the Hist
are disecting the Dunmer to make fake Dunmer to infiltrate and conquer Morrowind.2 Things
almost came to ahead in the Arnesian War, when one of the Dunmer attempted to run from the
Argonians, but for now the Dres have kept a lid on the externalities of their deals.
Everything is coming to a head though. Whatever the Sload wanted is coming due, and
the Hist are coming for their own as well. The leader of House Dres is surrounded by Hist
agents, not only the slaves, but also several Dunmer replicas that he thinks are his advisors.
Things are about to get serious.

1 Some part of this deal maybe also made them become vampires.
2 The Hist are exokalpic alien monsters that got trapped in Nirn and, due to differences in physics models, are
being improperly rendered as trees. They are slowly unravelling Nirn's earthbones to render it compatible with
their full existence. The Argonians are their first project, but they also made Kothri in an attempt to infiltrate
other societies.

Hierarchy of House Dres


Head of House Dres, title unspecified as of yet.


Player's title when they sit on the Dres council.


The high nobility and respected elders of House Dres.


An administrative ruler of some precinct or district. The player receiving this title advances thir standing.


Some middling rank,




An independent Dres farmer.

VIII. Crewman
A Dres working for someone else.


An initiated member of House Dres.


Taken an oath to serve House Dres exclusively.

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