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Analytical Writing Assessment Session ReKap

Hello Hard-Working GMAT Student,

Congrats on completing your Analytical Writing Assessment Lesson on Demand! In this video, you saw
what the Argument essay is all about, what structure to follow to score a 6.0, and how the essay is
scored. The Kaplan Method, essay template, and style checklist are in the notes below.
Remember, you can watch the Lessons on Demand as many times as you wish in order to feel
prepareddont hesitate to access them if you want to review any aspect of the Analytical Writing
Assessment. In addition, you can email any questions to; our team
of expert GMAT teachers is always ready and willing to help.
Best of luck with your continued studies!
The Kaplan GMAT Team

Session Notes
Kaplan Method
Make sure you spend about 8 minutes preparing and organizing your essay (Steps 1, 2, and 3) before
you start typing. Leave 2 minutes at the end for proofreading.
The Kaplan Method for Analytical Writing
1. Take apart the argument. (2 minutes)
2. Select the points you will make. (5 minutes)
3. Organize using Kaplans essay template. (1 minute)
4. Write your essay. (20 minutes)
5. Proofread your work. (2 minutes)

Kaplans Argument Essay Template

Paragraph 1: Show that you understand the argument by putting it in your own words.
Paragraph 2: Point out one flawed assumption in the authors reasoning; explain why it is
Paragraph 3: Identify another source of the authors faulty reasoning; explain why it is questionable.
Additional paragraphs as appropriate: Continue to bring in flaws in the argument, as time permits.
[Time valve #1: Skip to the next paragraph without adding any additional flaws after paragraph
Second-to-last paragraph: Describe evidence that wouldif it were providedstrengthen the
[Time valve #2: Combine the second-to-last paragraph with the last paragraph.]
Last paragraph: Conclude that without such evidence, youre not persuaded.

GMAT Style Checklist

Be Concise
Cut out words, phrases, and sentences that dont add any information or serve a necessary
Watch out for repetitive phrases.
Dont use conjunctions to join sentences that would be more effective as separate
Dont use needless qualifiers.
Be Forceful
Dont refer to yourself needlessly.
Avoid jargon and pompous language.
Vary sentence length and style.
Use transitions to connect sentences and make your essay easy to follow.
Speak confidently.
Use active voice.
Open strongly.
Avoid clichs.
Use parallel structure.
Use complete, non-fragment sentences.
Do not use run-on sentences.
Be Correct
Make sure subjects and verbs agree.
Use correct modification.
Use pronouns correctly.

Additional Resources
Read and review GMAT Premier pages 10031018.
Read at least one sample Argument essay, GMAT Premier pages 10181023.
Practice the AWA on your CATs.
The full list of Argument essay prompts is available at
Send one CAT essay to to receive feedback from Kaplans essaygrading team (instructions and FAQs on the next page).

Kaplan Essay-Grading FAQs

Where and how do I submit my essay for scoring?
Send your essay as follows:
Subject: Your first and last name, the test for which you are preparing, course code, and the Kaplan
practice test number from which the essay comes (e.g. John Smith, GMAT On Demand, CAT 2).
Do not include any additional information in the Subject line.
Body: Please include the prompt (the specific task, which is in quotation marks) being used and your
essay response. If, for any reason, you cannot copy and paste those items into the body of the
email, you can send them in an attached Microsoft Word file. Remember that using your
keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting will often work if onscreen buttons and/or menus
are not available.
You do not need to include any additional information in the body of the email.
Please note that if we cannot readily determine from whom the essay stems, or the test to which
it corresponds, the scoring of your essay will be delayed.
You will receive an automated response from the email once your essay hits the Inbox. Please read
this auto-response to ensure that you understand the process and have included all of the necessary

Where can I find my class code?

For class code, enter GMAT On Demand.

Which essays may I submit?

Please submit an essay from one of your Kaplan practice CATs.

How many essays may I submit?

On Demand students may submit up to ONE (1) essay total. If more than one essay, only the first
will be scored.

When should I submit my essay?

So that you can get the most out of your essay feedback, we recommend that you submit your essay
only after you have watched the Analytical Writing Lesson on Demand and have practiced with the
Kaplan Method and essay template. Submit an essay that you feel represents your best level of
essay writing under test-like, timed conditions so that the feedback you receive will be most helpful
in improving your AWA performance on Test Day.
Make sure to leave enough time between when you submit your essay and Test Day, so that you can
receive your feedback in time to practice more essays with this guidance in mind.

When can I expect to receive my essay score?

Properly submitted essays will be graded and returned within 45 business days. If, after that time,
you have not received your feedback, contact with the words Question
from First name Last name, GMAT in the Subject line, inserting your name. DO NOT resubmit or
forward your essays unless asked to do so.

How will my essay be returned to me?

Your essay will be returned to you as a PDF file containing your essay, score, and feedback.

Who is grading the essay? What kind of feedback can I expect?

Kaplans essay-grading team consists of a group of qualified Kaplan instructors who have committed
a fixed number of hours per week to grading your essays. Kaplan has gone to great lengths to
establish a professional team of graders who see hundreds of essays and have been trained in the
same rubrics that the GMAT essay graders use. One or more members of the team will give you
specific feedback to help you improve and keep you on track. The feedback is in accordance with the
Kaplan Methods you are learning and the GMAT grading rubric.

What if my essay is delayed or I have issues with the score?

Send a note to with the words Question from First name Last name,
GMAT in the subject line, inserting your name.

Why might I be asked to resubmit my essay?

If your submission is missing vital information, unreadable, not attached, or otherwise inaccessible,
you will be asked to resubmit your essay.

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