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E : This great world, built of four nations,
rises above the expectations of the ordinary man.
A place and people not united by uniformity but a common destination,
for amity and benevolence
S: FinLeilei, the tropical getaway and relaxation destination,
strives for tranquility, internal peace, enlightenment and nationwide harmony.
C: Goodman Town, the hard hitting glacial escape,
strives for honesty, integrity, drive and tenacity.
L :Lennonsville, the tranquil forest haven and treetop stop,
is driven towards kinship, gratitude and initiative,
E :Taylopolis, the real city that never sleeps,
Sets goals for innovation, bravery, modern living and common fortitude.
Together they form Cleste, the almighty but the gentle, the lighthearted but intelligent,
a place where virtue is strong and each individual works for their place.
T: This Republic, built of both leader and people
will in time, do much,
not just for itself but for the universe.
Architecture, art, science, sports, music and different ways of thinking,
not just one strength but a realm of them.
ALL: Together, as citizens of Cleste, we can continue to grow and innovate,
rising as not just the most respected and powerful nation,
but as the most peaceful and virtuous.

when issues in the world are reflected now and how are they important to you!
Physical appearances farms, islands etc.
Discuss the different elements which make up your utopia (e.g. government, work,
welfare, law, housing, education, ecology or religion)

giant island- quadrants- forest, mountains, jungle, metro city area- nations
4 nations- snow- goodman town, tropical-finalalay , metro- taylopolis, woodlandslennonsville
president- Mr Rigney III
Disease clearing chambers- pods
age limit 80- float off in a beautiful ceremony to the other island where your soul
Cable cars to transport- hydro power- everything is eco friendly
council three members from each nations are elected- to handle day to day affairs

to travel between nations you need to go by underground trains

50,000 per nation
Worship of the ecosystem of the nation- paying respect to home as well as the idea
that good deeds will bring you comfort in death- reincarnates as part of life
Medical advances therefore complications are ruled out- people only die from
accidents and when they become 80
Commits an indictable offence they are exiled from the island on a boat- sent to
prison island
Trading, bartering, working- you work to gain food for that day
gap isn't too large between classes however there is room to motivate yourself to be
of higher wealth
Each nation must be involved with sport- Goodmantown- skiing, snowboarding, ice
skating, glacier cliff gliding. Finlalalay- surfing, swimming, wakeboarding, diving
Taylopolis- bike riding, basketball, footy Lennonsville- rowing, hiking, rock climbing,
archery, horse riding, zip lining
Military - each nation has a military design to protect their own however have the
ability to bind together in times of need against external threats
square shaped island
Mandatory schooling from age of 5- 18- 4 day weeks hours from 8- 4- sat and sun
and wed off- universal school for each nation- rigecation- 4 in each nation all branch
of same school- same building, same lessons, E teachers
housing - each nation have different materials for their town- iglus, beach house,
tree houses, lofts
Occupations- labour and construction, Law/ government/enforcement,
science/medicine/environment , Finance/welfare/media

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