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Conceptual Frameworks

and Models of Teaching

Understanding Origins of
Teaching Methods and

Conceptual Frameworks
Theories provide a conceptual
framework for understanding.

Conceptual Frameworks
We can think of the
framework as a set
of lenses through
which we see, or

Theory influences what we see

and how we see it.
Analogy: If we look
at an ice cube
through red lenses
we would tend to
view the ice as red,
but if we look at an
ice cube through
blue lenses we
would tend to view
the ice as blue!

Theory influences our

perceptions about learning. So
If theory influences
What we believe about learning,
What learning looks like,
How we believe people learn
Then it should influence
How we teach so that people learn,
How we evaluate learning outcomes.

Models of Teaching
For a given theory of learning, different
models (styles) of teaching and
evaluation have been developed
within the conceptual framework.
Select models that are useful for
identified purposes.
Understand the theory behind the model
in order to make adjustments and increase

Bruce Joyce
Bruce Joyce has
researched and
taught about
models of teaching
for about 30 years
He describes 4 basic
families of models
that we will look at.

Models of Teaching
(Joyce, Weil,
and Calhoun, 2004)

InformationSocial Family


Click on desired family for more information.


Examining Conceptual
Frameworks and Models
In the next frames you will be able to:
Read about the Theory and Conceptual
Read about each of several models

Family Of

Inquiry /


(Hilda Taba)






Social Family Of
(applied Social


Partners in Learning
(Johnson & Johnson; DeVries,
Edwards & Slavin,
Sharan & Sharan)

Study of Values
(Role Plays,
Values Clarification,
Jurisprudential Inquiry)
(Shaftel & Shaftel; Simon;
Oliver & Shaver)

Personal Family Of
(applied Humanistic


(Child Centered

Developing Positive
Self Concepts
(Learning Styles,
Personality Styles)
(Piaget; Maslow)

Behavioral Systems
Family of
(applied Behavioral


Mastery Learning

Direct Instruction


Cognitive Theories Of

In Cognitive Psychology we are interested

in how a person thinks, remembers
and knows. Applications of this branch
of psychology help individuals
understand, remember, and make
connections among ideas and thoughts.

Information Processing
Family Of Models
Models in this family draw from
cognitive psychology. They focus
on ways we can improve a persons
drive to make sense of the world
including how they acquire
information, organize data, frame
problems, and generate solutions.

Concept Formation Model

Some teachers use inductive thinking to
teach. They specially arrange an
environment and give specific tasks to
students so that they form and use
Educational names associated with this
approach are El-Nemr, and Taba. Taba
popularized the term teaching strategy.

Concept Attainment Model

Teachers who use concept attainment provide
students with positive and negative
examples of an idea but dont tell what it is.
Students guess (hypothesize) the idea, based
on the examples. They test their guesses
(hypotheses) against more examples,
confirming or changing their guesses. This
leads to a stated definition, eventually
confirmed and clarified by the teacher.
Names associated with concept attainment are
Jerome Bruner and Robert Gagne.

Picture-Word Inductive Model

The Picture-Word Inductive Model (PWIM)
structures cycles of learning over 2-6 weeks.
These begin with a picture. Students identify
things they see in the picture. Teacher draws
lines from the picture to written words
outside the picture, restates the word, writes
and spells the word or phrase aloud. Students repeat the
word and its spelling, resulting in a picture-word
dictionary. Students receive an individual set of word
cards, check if they can recognize the words. As they
begin to read the words they begin to classify the words
by phonetic, structural or content properties, share their
categories and their rationale for clustering the words as
they did. This approach is related to psycholinguistics.

Memorization Models
All students need information to be available to
them readily so they can learn effectively and
efficiently. This improves learning power,
saves time, and leads to a better storehouse of
information (Joyce, Weil and Calhoun, 2004, p.
138). While memorization may be considered
trivial it is very important. Pressly and Levin
developed a model of teaching for memorizing
that includes 4 phases: attending to the material,
developing connections, expanding sensory
images, and practicing recall.
Mnemonics and link-word approaches are examples.

Synectics Model
Synectics comes to education from industry.
It was designed to help people with
problem-solving and writing activities, to
gain perspectives on topics. Best results
occur when synectics is used over time. It
is designed to stimulate thinking but also
promotes collaborative work and study
skills as well as a sense of camaraderie.
Gordon and Poze have developed a wide
assortment of materials for use in schools.

Advance Organizers
Advance Organizers help students focus on content and
organize information and ideas they are learning.
David Ausubels theory of meaningful verbal learning
deals with 3 concerns:
How knowledge (curriculum content) is organized,
How the mind works to process new information
(learning), and
How teachers can apply these ideas about curriculum
and learning when they present new materials to
students (instruction.)
(Joyce, Weil and Calhoun, 2004, p. 189.)

Theories of Social

Theories of social psychology help us

understand interaction patterns
among people. Large-group
dynamics and small-group dynamics
are two areas that are important.

Partners In Learning
Several theorists have
developed models for using
positive interdependence to
carefully structure small
learning groups so that
promotive interaction takes
place. This promotive
interaction leads to improved
academics, attitudes, and
self concepts. Cooperative
Learning, Group
Investigation, and TeamsGames-Tournaments are a
few of the ways of structuring
student-student interaction.

Study of Values (Role Plays, Values

Clarification, Jurisprudential Inquiry)

These various models are

concerned with the
consideration and
development of personal
values, character, justice and
equality, and democratic
principles. Role plays help
students develop voice and
learn interpersonal skills.
Study of values helps students
identify and clarify their
values, and consider if they
are living by their identified
values. Jurisprudential Inquiry
(for secondary students)
identify public policy and
examine underlying values.

Humanistic Psychology
Humanistic Psychology is
concerned with fostering the ability
of each person to find and express
their maximum potential as human
beings. It emphasizes
consciousness, human dignity, and
the capacity to direct our own

The Personal Family of

Models from the Personal Family draw
on principles from Humanistic
Psychology. They focus on the
individual and emphasize the self.
Helping the student feel good about
herself and empowering the student to
maximize her potential and have power
over her own life are important focuses.

Non-Directive Teaching
The teachers role in this model
is more that of a coach. He
develops a partnership with the
student. Rather than telling
students what to learn how and
how to learn it the teacher
encourages the students to
play an important role in
directing their own education.
He provides feedback regarding
the progress the students are
making, and helps the students
solve problems. Conferences
with the teacher in Writers
Workshops would be an
example of the teacher working
in partnership with the student.

Developing Positive
Self Concepts Models
Students who have negative self esteem tend to be
discouraged and unwilling to apply themselves in
school. Their lack of motivation stems from a belief
that they are not capable of learning and
progressing. Underlying this model is the belief that
all students can learn academic content and social
skills, and also how to become integrated selves.
Within this model good teachers will want to know
about and use ideas from the learning styles
literature (Dunn & Dunn), personality typing - styles
of thinking (e.g. Myers), and perhaps differences
between adult and children as learners (Knowles.)

Behavioral Psychology
The premise of Behavioral Psychology is that
behavior is lawful and subject to variables in the
environment. Behavioral Psychology is only
concerned with measurable behavior, behavior that
can be operationalized. Basic principles of Behavioral
Psychology are as follows: Given a stimulus and an
ensuing response, the response will more likely recur
if reinforced and less likely to recur if punished.
REINFORCER = increased likelihood of recurring


PUNISHER = decreased likelihood of recurring

In Behavioral Psychology we are not concerned with

inner functions such as thought, feelings, or beliefs.

Behavioral Systems Family

of Models
Behavioral Systems Family of Models apply the
principles of behaviorism in the classroom to both
academic content and student behavior. The belief
is that learning is a measurable change in
behavior. By manipulating (controlling) select
variables we can elicit certain behaviors (decoding
words, comparing ideas, performing math
computations, using good social skills, etc.) that
define learning. By reinforcing these behaviors
(providing salient praise, grades, etc.,) the
behaviors will become strengthened and endure.
Names associated with this model are John Carroll
and Benjamin Bloom (Mastery Learning,) Madeline
Hunter (7 Step Lesson Plan), Ethna Reid
(Exemplary Center For Reading Instruction.)

Mastery Learning Model

In Mastery Learning we
believe ones aptitude is
related to the amount of time
it takes to learn given
material. An individual with
less aptitude will need more
time to learn. The
instructional system is
Define Goals
Develop Objectives
Identify materials & strategies
Engage in formative evaluation
and reinforcement
Use evaluation data to provide
supplementary instruction to
overcome problems

(Found on web page of Glen

Hammond, B. A., B. Ed., M. Ed.
[School Admin.], Adv. Cert. Ed.
[Curriculum Studies]

Direct Instruction Model

In Direct Instruction the teacher
designs a plan to generate and
sustain motivation, through
pacing and reinforcement. In
general the Direct Instruction
Model involves:
Structured Practice (immediate
feedback / reinforcement)
Guided Practice (intermittent
feedback / reinforcement)
Independent Practice (delayed
feedback / reinforcement)

Learning From Simulations

Cybenetics (a kind of behavior shaping through self

feedback / correction) influences learning through

simulations, like using a remote control to guide a
toy car. With practice you learn how to manipulate
the controls for the desired effect and direction.
A simulator is a device that resembles reality but
lets us control the complexity of the events. If we
learn a concept or skill in a simulator theoretically
we can generalize that learning to a reality situation.
Nesbit studied simulation games for social studies.

For an example of simulation

ware, go to the following web
site, find product
demonstration area and click to
view (takes a few minutes)

A Beginning
This presentation provides a brief
venture into
Theory Models relationship
Examining models
To be effective we still need
In Depth Understanding
Selection Criteria
Analysis And Consideration For Combining
Models Or Elements Of Models

Teachers Job
Know (not just know about) theories
and models in depth.
Only with knowledge and understanding
immediately available to you will you be able to
effectively and efficiently use theory and models
of teaching.

Teachers Job, cont.

Assess. Know strengths, needs, interests
and ways of learning of the student.
Remembering to use the learning-teaching cycle
will maximize your effectiveness with the student. You
will be able to make informed decisions through the
use of data, tailor education to the individual student
as required by the IEP and by law, engage and
motivate your students, and document growth or lack

Teachers Job, cont.

Study and understand the IEP,
especially goals and objectives.
By studying and understanding the IEP you will be
able to closely align instruction with the plan,
provide for the identified needs of the student,
and use the data information and insight from a
multi-disciplinary team to inform and assist you in
pulling together an individualized program for the

Teachers Job, cont.

Given what you know about the student, the
learning goals, and objectives, determine
models that will be effective with the student
and select materials and styles.
It is the data that you review and collect from a variety of
sources that provides the information that leads to
informed decisions about what to teach, how to teach,
how to assess, what materials to use, how to group
students, and so on. With a solid knowledge of theory,
models of teaching and instructional approaches you have
given yourself a large menu to select from given the
strengths, needs, interests, and ways of learning of the

Teachers Job, cont.

Provide support to the student and to any
other professionals who will provide
instruction, and to family, and use the
materials and approaches.
Many people impact the students life daily, in addition
to the SPED teacher. Each must be informed and trained
regarding an understanding of the student, the resultant
program you designed, and the rationale for the program.
Those who do not know about the program or know how to
implement it, wont be able to truly use it. Benefits to the
student will be limited.

Teachers Job, cont.

Continuously evaluate, analyze data,
and modify
But a good program is not enough. It must be
updated and changed as the student changes. If
the student learns and grows, new challenges
should be introduced, new approaches
considered. If the student fails to progress,
modifications must be made until we find a
program that leads to success. Learning is a life
long process.

The End

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