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Reflection 5:

Today on my observation, I noticed that the teachers

should be a little harsh with the children, so as not to
be hooligans and pummeled children. That helps the
teachers to control them and even listen to her. Also,
she should use the system of punishment and reward,
so these systems will make them disciplined in the
class. Children love more fine motor skills activities
(Piaget theory), such as coloring, sticking, drawing
and playing with clay. They are enthusiastic about
these activities. I was interested more today because
I helped the learners to do the activates and I was
very close to them more than the last weeks. My MST
gave me an opportunity to prominent myself over.
She let the kids asking me to help them like I am the
second teacher. She made me feel proud and euphoric
because I felt that I am important to her.

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