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Lesson Plan: Blocking 101

Standard(s): What standards is this lesson accomplishing?

TH:Cr3.1.HSI: b. Explore physical, vocal and physiological choices to develop a
performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant to a drama/theatre work.
TH:Pr5.1.HSI: a. Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or
drama/theatre performance.
Th:Pr6.1HSI: a. Perform a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience.
TH:Re9.1.HSI: b. Consider aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre
Planned Outcome:
Students will be able to direct/perform blocking for a scene that has no stage directions.
Stage Directionless Scene Handout
Do Now: Why is blocking so important? How did you feel when you had to do a scene
and remember all of the blocking? (5-8 minutes)
Power Point presentation (10 minutes)
a. What is blocking?
b. How to write it
Student directed blocking. (45 minutes)
a. Form groups of 3.Hand out the same stage directionless scene to everyone.
b. One student is the director and has to create the blocking. The other students are
the actors and have to remember the blocking.
IV. Ice Breaker (20 minutes)
a. Wink game
i. One student is IT and the others walk around making eye contact with
ii. The students that is IT is supposed to secretly wink at another student, that
student then has to perform a dramatic death scene.
iii. Once the student has finished the game continues until the IT student has
winked at the rest of the other students or until someone accuses the
correct IT person.
Learner Practice:
Students will practice listening skills during the video and during their directed scenes.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of blocking a scene and performing with the
proper body positions.
Students will demonstrate note taking skills and test review skills while we go over their
quiz review.

Formative Assessment: Students will be graded on their blocked scenes.



Writing Blocking With Stage Directionless Scenes

You and your group partners will create blocking for this scene.
Please refer to your power point notes on how to write blocking.
One person will be the director, this person needs to create the
blocking by telling the other two group member where to go and
how to stand.
The other two people will be the actors, their job is to remember
the blocking given to them by their director.
In order to receive a 100 you must have the following in your

1 entrance
1 exit
2 crosses
1 counter cross
1 sit or 1 stand
Include 3 different areas of the stage

You will document your blocking and show it to the class. This
will be collected. You are not limited to the number of stage
directions given to you, if you want to put more than required

you are welcome to.

Stage Directionless Scene for DRAMA I
ALEX: Hey! Do you have a minute?
SAM: Yeah, whats up?
ALEX: Did you get your test back from Mrs. Mayers class?
SAM: Yeah! Got a 100! How about you?
ALEX: No I was out that day. Shes letting me make it up today.
SAM: I hope you studied! That test was hard, and I crammed all night for it!
ALEX: Oh great! Im gonna fail! I was out last night Cara so I couldnt study. Let me just see
your test!
SAM: WHAT?! No. That would be cheating!
ALEX: Oh come on Sam! I need to pass this test! If I dont I cant go visit my brother at college
this weekend!
SAM: I dont Alex, I just dont feel comfortable giving you my test. I mean, what if Mrs. Mayer
finds out? Then were both screwed!
ALEX: How is she going to find out? No one is around. Ill just take a few pictures of the test,
hide my phone in my lap, and BAM! I pass the test and I can go party the weekend up
with my big bro!
SAM: Thats still cheating, and its not fair! Why should I give you my test for you to just copy
it and memorize answers, when I stayed up all night actually studying?
ALEX: Come on Sam! I thought you were my friend? What if I invite you to come to see my
brother with me this weekend? Its gonna be fun!
SAM: Im sorry Alex, I just cant risk getting caught. And besides my parents would never let
me go away to a college for the weekend.

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