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Affirmative Action

By: Claire Larsen and Zack Roberts

What is Affirmative Action ?

One of the most effective tools for redressing the injustices caused by our nations historic
discrimination against people of color and women.

Affirmative action is the policy of favoring members of a disadvantaged group who suffer from
discrimination within a culture.

Affirmative Action Myths


We dont need affirmative action anymore.

2.Affirmative action favors people of color and women, leading to reverse


3. Affirmative action really means quotas.

Affirmative Action Statics

Blacks are almost twice as likely as whites to be unemployed.

Unemployment rate is also higher for Latinos than whites.
In 2000 the median weekly earnings for blacks was $459; for latinos, it was
$395; for whites it was $590.
In 1993 black and latino men vs. white men employment.

Womens Affirmative Action

1998, women earned only 73% of the wages earned by men.

The average woman loses approximately $523,000 in wages over a lifetime
due to pay disparities.
Domestic and secretarial work.
Double burden for women of color.
2000, black women earned a median weekly income of $458; white women
earned $523; latina women earned $373, and white men earned $717.

Opponents of Affirmative Action

Preferential treatment
Reverse discrimination
The argument that Affirmative Action is unfair suggest without such
programs women and people of color would be treated equally.

Reality: neither grant preferences based on race, or quotas; flexible, using goals
and timelines; protect seniority, and be temporary.


men should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their
skin is an unrealistic statement.
The National Urban Institute
Many people of color are aware of disparities, while many white are not.

Corporate America

The number of minorities and women is meaningless unless accompanied by

necessary programs.
Companies remain riddled with racism, sexual harassment, and unequal
Proactive recruitment efforts, diversity programs , and safeguards would help
even the playing field for workplace relations and recourse for workers.


1995, Brown V. Board of Education.

1978, University of California V. Bakke
1996, Hopwood V. UT

Education Cont.

Ten Percent Plan

Ten Percent Plan Problems
Standardized Tests
AP Classes
Equal opportunity in education remains a crucial concern for the future of our

Affirmative Action. aclu position paper. 2000.

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