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Zaniya Robinson
Mr. Hall

#2 - Introduction: claim and thesis, reason

Hook sentences:Do you like art and literature under the influence do to classical
art model in the 14th century.
Background information:The Renaissance,a French word for rebirth and the began
on the Italian peninsula.
It's location is close to the Western Europe the Byzantine empires
The Muslims world gave the access to the to the Mediterranean Sea.

#3 - What made this contribution significant

during ancient times?
Topic sentence: The renaissance was a transformational period in the european
history from roughly.The fourteenth to the seventeenth century.
Detail1: Renaissance art was classical learning and individual view of man
Detail 2: Renaissance art ,painting,sculpture architecture,music,and literature
Detail 3:Renaissance proper was preceded by an import proto-renaissance
Concluding sentence: They had to practice painting everyday to make good
painting. Citation: (research)

#4 - What makes this contribution significant

Topic sentence: The renaissance artists and authors generally focused on religious.
Detail1: The renaissance has had a large impact on society in a multitude of was.
Detail 2 : Its been instrumental in shaping our cultural outlook and various ways of
Detail 3:The renaissance began to turn society toward a more humanist view.
Concluding sentence: The renaissance period began in the latter part of the 14th
Citation (

#5 - Conclusion - Restate thesis statement.

Topic sentence: The renaissance period began in the 14 century in florence.
Detail1: The renaissance lasted from the late 13th to the early 16th century and to
the black death in the 14th century.
Detail 2:the renaissance was an european cultural movement that began it italy in
the 14th century.
Detail 3: after the stagnation of the middle age the renaissance began
art,music,science , and other things.
Concluding sentence:The renaissance is defined as an intellectual movement.

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