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Information Interview Questions

What is Information Interview?

This is a meeting that you arrange to talk to someone in the industry, career or organization that
interests you.
Sometimes called a research interview, it is an interview that you initiate and in which you ask
the questions. The purpose of the meeting is to get information, not to get the job. It is a valuable
screening process to assess whether the career, the work, the industry or the company are a
proper match for your skills and interests.

Sample Information Interview Questions

1. How did you get started in this line of work?
2. How did you get into this particular job?
3. What skills and abilities are necessary for performing this work?
4. What are the main responsibilities in this job?
5. What do you dislike about the job?
6. What have you found to be the biggest challenges in your work?
7. What are the necessary requirements for an entry-level position in this industry?
8. What are the career path options in this industry/organization?
9. What opportunities have you had in this job?
10. Where do you think this industry/career is going in the next couple of years?
11. Which companies do you consider the to be the leaders in this field?
12. What do you think are the available career options for someone with my qualifications in
this industry?
13. What advice would you give to someone looking for a similar job in this industry?
14. Is there anything else I should know about this work?
15. Who else would you recommend I go and talk to?
16. May I contact you again if I need further advice?

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