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Re: Dregs

to: Darren Dreger

10/25/2009 01 :37 PM

Oh! No kidding! Bobby Mack and Dryden. Hey ... the GMs have played and they have changed seats .... 82 since I got
this job and they don't want to take this type of hit out of the game. In my humble opinion it would change the fabric
of the game totally. AND, don't give me the OHL example ... all due respect to Dave Branch it is not called the way it
should be if you totally extract it from the game.

From: "Darren Dreger" I

Sent: 10/25/2009 01:21 PM AST
To: Colin Campbell
Subject: Re: Dregs

Mostly TSN analysts are the Monday am QB's ... :)

From: (Campbell
To: Darren Dreger
Sent: Sun Oct 25 13:04:35 2009
Subject: Re: Dregs

Sure. Bear in mind we distributed a DVD prior to the season that was very short and to the point exactly outlining
unsuspecting, what is late, what we consider illegal and had 4 examples for all the players and coaches in the league
to see. This was the result of an intense presentation to the GMs in the finals last year when we went around the
entire room with input from each GM and their comments on "do they want to eliminate what is now legal .. shoulder
hits to heads"! The answer was a resounding NO. I don't know where your getting your Monday morning QB's from
but I have had few people (1) who thought this was illegal. Late? No ... 1/2 a second. You hate to see this but it is a
physical game.

From: "Darren Dreger"

Sent: 10/25/2009 12:29 PM AST
To: Colin Campbell
Subject: Dregs

Co lie,
Doesn't have to be today, but I would like to discuss, or have you email me any criteria that is used in the fight
against hits to the head.
I think most are confusing the NHL's crackdown on "targeting" the head with head checking in general.
Hence, a ton of Monday morning QB's are about to surface over the leagues decision not to spank Richards.


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