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Alexa Pellechia

AICE Media Studies

Mr. Furman
In the beginning sequence of the 2005 TV mini-series, Fingersmith directed by Aisling
Walsh, starts off with the narrator looking at the girl who she is fascinated with. The tone of the
narrators voice makes a serious aroma. It explains how this person has changed her life for the
better. It takes place during the mid-1800s in England as displayed by the clothing and location.
The mise-en-scene in Fingersmith showing when the show took place is portrayed
through costumes, set design, and props. It is predicted that the time it takes place is around the
1800s. This is determined by how the characters are dressed, objects they are using, and other
background scenery. For example, horse and carriage is seen in the background and how candles
are used inside. It is set in England or London based on the scenery. The way the characters talk
is just on concept, but how the buildings are structured also gives way into location and time
The video clip first starts with a master shot, showing the two females in a room with a
dress. This establishes who is in the room and introduces the main characters, who is the
narrator, and the other women she talks about. This two shot of the women then goes to a closeup. This close-up of the narrator shows how she looks at the other woman, hinting some other
meaning to her being with her. Another meaning for the angles would be want the narrator is
painting the scenery and the women mention previously. It shows her focused and interest in the
woman by switching between a point of view and a close up of the narrators face. This shows

how focused she is on the women and is no longer interested in her painting. This is shown by a
track. The track is following the drip of paint and even shows it in slow motion.
The sound used in the clip consisted of both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. The
diegetic sounds were used to add a sense of drama and serious tones with the music played in the
background. When the narrator was painting started dripping, the director used non-diegetic
sound of an exaggerated dripping sound along with a suspenseful sound to shows its meaning. It
showed how the drip sounded to the man in the scene which allowed her to be taken and
convinced to marry him.
With editing, it shows the dramatics of the clip. For example, when the narrator is
painting and starts looking at the woman mentioned earlier is an eyeline match. This shows
directly what the narrator is looking at. To continue, when she is distracted there is slow motion.
Fingersmith uses various media assets to convey a serious tone in the overall film and to
convey conflict. This makes the clip have more of a darker tone and conveys suspense. The
suspense can come from the man convincing the narrator to marry him and how the narrator feels
about the woman.

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