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Leonardo da Vinci

Born: April 15, 1452, Anchiano

Died: May 2, 1519, Amboise, France
Type of artist: invention, painting, sculpting,
architecture, science, music,

Important Facts about Leonardo da Vinci

1. The name Leonardo da Vinci translates to
Leonard from the town of Vinci.
2. Leonardo was raised by his single father.
3. Leonardo was one of the first Italians to use oil
paint .
4. He was left-handed
5. Leonardo da Vinci left many paintings unfinished
and destroyed most of his work.
6. Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The Last
Supper, are the most famous, most reproduced
and most parodied portrait and religious painting
of all time.
7. Leonardo was a vegetarian who loved animals
and despised war, yet he worked as a military
engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.
Most Important Works:
1. Mona Lisa
2. The Last Supper
3. Vitruvian Man
4. Lady with an Ermine
I chose Leonardo da Vinci because his works really
good. I love how he bends the fabric of reality and

chooses to explore interesting concepts in a nonlinear way.


This is what I see when I look at the artwork: I see everyone eating with jesus and
making sure they enjoy theyre Last Supper together .
All art is made using a variety of art elements: line, shape, color, texture and
space. The one or two elements that stand out in this piece of work are ;
The Texture and space is what stands out of this piece work
because being shown is good and not too mixed up . Also
the structure of the picture is understandable about the
painting .
Artists create a mood with their work. Sometimes the mood is happy, sometimes
sad, and sometimes angry. Sometimes, the art makes the viewer feel alone. The
mood for this artwork is :
The mood of this work makes me happy because theyre enjoying being together in
the picture also it is in fact an exceptionally complex work, whose mathematical
symbolism, psychological complexity, use of perspective and dramatic focus, make it
the first real example of High Renaissance aesthetics

Artists try to communicate or send messages with their art work. What message
do you think the artist was trying to send with this work?
The message being shown by this art work is that jesus is not very happy with this
supper because Jesus has just declared that one of them will betray him.
I like_X___ I do not like ____ this artwork because it makes me think._

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