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ECE Program Goal 5: ECE Graduates will be knowledgeable and capable

of utilizing a variety of assessment and evaluation tools and

strategies, including ongoing observations within natural settings, to
gain information on and insights into children's development as well
as content mastery.
Name of Artifact: Authentic Performance-Based Assessments
Date: Various Dates
Course: EDUC 901B Seminar
Rationale: To demonstrate my ability to assess children using authentic
performance-based assessments I have included photo
documentation, video recordings, group discussion documentation,
and work samples. These artifacts helped to gain information and
insight into childrens development, content mastery, and my own
teaching strategies.

Authentic Assessment
Rebecca Lorden

The photographs below illustrate the childrens participation and
engagement during the apple basket project in September.
This activity provided the opportunity for children to demonstrate their
ability to count using 1:1 correspondence and begin to recognize numerals
by name (Cognitive Development- Early Numeracy).

This is a chart that the children completed during the fall sink
and float experiment.
This artifact demonstrates the childrens ability to observe
and explore materials and natural phenomena (Cognitive
Development Science and Social Studies- Exploring the
Physical World).

During the month of November one of the focus topics was
family. The children each made a journal page describing
what they like to do with their family.
The children shared about their families and asked questions
about their peers families (Cognitive Development- Social
Studies- Exploring the Social World).

AM Class Brainstorm

PM Class Brainstorm

PM Class working on their family journals

In December the children completed a teacher-guided project
making a Gingerbread Person out of geometric shapes.
As the children glued the pieces of the Gingerbread Person
they identified and counted the shapes (Cognitive
Development-Early Numeracy- Geometry and Spatial Sense,
Number Operations).

In January the preschoolers retold Jan Bretts The Mitten!
The children worked together to retell the story using animal
masks, an OT tunnel, and their voices (Cognitive DevelopmentApproaches to Learning- Cooperative Learning & Emergent
Literacy- Emergent Reading- Comprehension and Interpretation).

After reading Color Farm By Lois Ehlert, the preschoolers
created some color farm animals themselves!
The children talked about animal sounds, colors, and shapes
while they created their animals (Cognitive DevelopmentEarly Numeracy- Geometric and Spatial Sense).

In March the topic of focus was the alphabet. The children
explored the letters of the alphabet in a variety of ways
including sensory play in water and shaving cream (Emergent
Literacy- Emergent Writing- Print and Alphabet Awareness).

During Farm Week the preschoolers made butter! Each child
had a turn to shake the jar of heavy cream to create the
butter for our cracker snack (Cognitive DevelopmentApproaches to Learning- Cooperative Learning & Physical
Development and Health- Large Muscle Development and
Coordination- Gross Motor Skills).

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