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1. Read the profile about Jamie Oliver then find the answers to these questions. Underline the
answer in the Reading. Lea el prrafo sobre Jamie Oliver y responda las preguntas.
Subraye las respuestas en el texto
a. Is Jamie Oliver a por o rich person?______________________________________________
b. Why is Jamie Olivers restaurant called fifteen?_____________________________________
c. How often is Fifteenon T.V.?__________________________________________________
d. What is Jamie Oliver writing at the moment?________________________________________
CELEBRITY PROFILE-JAMIE OLIVER-TercervprrafoNow Jamie Oliver has got his own restaurant in London called Fifteen. But it isnt a typical
restaurant. Every year takes fifteen Young unemployed people and teaches them to became
chefs. The programme about the restaurant, also called Fifteen, i son T.V. every week. He is
going to open fifteen restaurant in Australia and in the U.S.A in the future and at the momento
Jamie is writing a new book of recipies. He is already very rich.ofcourse. In 2003 he earned 3.8

2. Fill in the gaps with DO - DID- ARE to make questions

Complete las preguntas con Do, Did, Are.
a. Who________ you live with?
b. When________ you get married?

c. What_____ you going to do tonight?

d. Why_____you studying english?
e. Where______you going on hiday this year?
f. What_______you do in your freetime?
3. Read the question in 2 again then write two of them only in the correct
place of each answer.
Lea las preguntas del punto 2, y escoja las dos que deben escribirse en cada una
de las siguientes respuestas?
A. _________________________________________________________________________
Freetime? Work is the best freetime activty.
B. _________________________________________________________________________
We want to watch a programme on T:V. tonight
4. Make questions with these words
Ordene las siguientes palabras para formar preguntas
a. going- Heidi and Bob- Where- are- now?_____________________________________
b. his- What- in- does- Sam- do- freetime?- _________________________________
c. DidHowlastmanyvisitcountriesSamyear ?

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