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I googled and googled for a very basic chocolate cake recipe and there were soooo many....

But my
constraint was no eggs, butter and it should be very simple. Trust me, any beginner can try this and I
guarantee it wud turn out perfect without any flaws. But the quantity and mixing need to be noted
down very carefully as it may be turn sticky and not cooked inside if inaccurate.The taste is no lesser
than a brownie and can be served as such or with a helping of choco / caramel sauce.

I've recommended this recipe to few friends, cousin they too tried & agreed with me about the taste.
And finally it was certified by my niece, she liked it soo much, and when I heard that she took it to

school daily till it got over I was on top of the world!! Am waiting for my lil one to taste it
too.....though have given her few pinches of this cake, she was licking & didnt leave my fingers :)

Eggless Chocolate Cake Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 15 mins | Cooking Time : 45 mins | Makes : 9 squares
Recipe Category: Dessert | Recipe Cuisine: World

Dry Ingredients:
All purpose flour(Maida) - 1 and 1/2 cups (200 gms)
Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
Baking soda - 1 tsp
Baking powder - 1/8 tsp (optional)
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Granulated Sugar - 3/4 cup (165 gms) [Increase it to 1 cup if you dont use choco chips]
Chocolate Chips - 2 tbsp

Wet Ingredients:
Water - 1 cup (250 ml)
Vanilla essence - 1/2 tbsp
Lemon juice / White Vinegar - 1 tbsp (I used lemon juice)
Oil - 1/4 cup (60 ml)

*I halved the recipe to bake it in my 4X4 inch square pan.


Take water in a mixing bowl, add vanilla essence, sugar, lemon juice and oil. Mix well till
sugar completely dissolves . Keep aside.Now take flour, baking soda, baking powder and coco
powder and sift together twice atleast to make sure the flour, soda and baking powder and
coco powder is evenly spread out.Then slowly add the the sifted flour mixture to the wet

ingredients mixture may be in 2 parts.


Gently mix in one direction, break the lumps forming...gently mix it.The batter is runny like
you see in the pic.Fold in choco chips and give a quick stir.Preheat oven to 180 deg C for
10mins.Grease the pan with butter, sprinkle maida tap it so that it spreads on all sides.


Pour the batter into the cake pan. Bake it at 180 deg C for 35-40mins check with a fork if a
fork inserted comes out clean.

Make sure to cool atleast for 10-15 mins and then invert carefully and cut into pieces and enjoy.

My Notes:

When lemon juice reacts with baking soda it helps the cake to rise. The mixing and
measurements matters the most for the perfect moist cake. Have updated the recipe again with
measurements after 2-3 trials.

I added 1/8 tsp baking powder though the orginal recipe did not use it. So It is purely optional

Select the cake pan accordingly as the batter should be atleast half of the pan when you pour
it. Also I've halved the measurements from the orginal recipe.

Using chocochips is purely optional but I recommend adding it. Also if you dont add
chocochips increase sugar to 1 cup.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eggless Vanilla Sponge Cake | Step by Step Eggless Basic Cake Recipe

1K+ 1K+
I've always been looking out for a basic eggless version of vanilla cake as I've already posted a

version of vanilla cake .


And this recipe from Nita Mehta cookbook is sure a keeper. It

comes out perfect every time. I made this before new year eve and could reserve only 2-3 pieces for
click sake after the distribution to neighbors and friends.
NOTE: As the comments exceeds the maximum number of comments set default by blogger, please
proceed with ur queries/doubts or even appreciations :) in this

page .

Eggless Vanilla Sponge Cake Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 50 mins | Serves : 2
Recipe Category: Sidedish | Recipe Cuisine: North Indian

Maida - 1 and 1/2 cups (200 gms)

Plain yogurt(Curd) - 1 cup (250 ml)
Granulated Sugar - 3/4 cup (165 gms)
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1 and 1/4 tsp
Cooking oil - 1/2 cup (125 ml)
Vanilla essence - 1 and 1/2 tsp
Milk - 1 tbsp (just for brushing the top)



Sieve maida twice and keep aside.Cream sugar and curd until sugar completely dissolves.
Add baking powder, baking soda to the creamed mixture and mix well.


Leave aside for 5 mins and you can see the bubbles appearing. Now add vanilla
essence,cooking oil and mix well.


Next slowly add maida in portions at a time and blend with wet ingredients. Beat well with a
whisk until creamy and thick.Preheat oven to 200 deg C for 10mins. Meanwhile grease a
butter paper, lay it in the cake tin or loaf pan and pour the batter to the tin and keep it ready.


Bake in preheated oven at 200 degree C for 10 mins, then reduce temperature to 180 deg C
and bake it for 30-35 mins or till a fork inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Just brush the top of the cake with 1 tbsp milk, 10mins before the ending time to get a nice
polishing glaze. Allow the cake to cool down for 10mins, then invert and remove the butter

paper. Then cut/slice them into pieces and enjoy!

Have updated the pics with stepwise. I baked this cake in a round cake tin
for hubbys bday as this is his favourite cake :) You can use a loaf pan and

bake the cake too.

Updated on 29-03-12 : I tried a readymade icing on the cake this time when I baked it, refrigerated
overnight and then cut it the next day. The slices were firm and clean.The above pic is after I cut it the
next day and other pics were cut just waiting for an hour - Uploaded this pic to show the texture
difference. Tastewise no difference at all both were soft and yummy.So I suggest to cut into slices
allowing it cool down completely leaving atleast 3-4 hours to get firm neat slices.

My Notes:

Use curd at room temperature.Do not try to reduce oil and curd, I tried once to reduce oil and
the cake was a great flop ;) But still there is one way add 1 and 1/4 cups of curd and 1/4 cup oil, I
assure you with the same results.

Also after the batter is ready, dont allow the batter to sit for more than he preheating time as
baking soda reacts faster. I have a reader who gave me this tip as her cake went hard as she kept the
batter for 30mins after mixing.

And while inserting fork or toothpick try checking in the center if its cooked completely or
not.If suppose even after the specified time, the center of the cake isnt cooked and is slightly sticky?!
dont worry just cover the top of the cake with butter paper and bake it for 5more mins,it will be
perfect. The butter paper covering will avoid more browning on top at the same time the center will be
cooked perfectly.

Dont doubt on using curd, the taste of curd is totally not shown in the cake. You can use
homemade curd or use nestle curd which is very thick and works good too.

You can use icing sugar too, I used normal sugar only. I felt 3/4 cup of sugar was enough but
the orginal recipe called for 1 cup. If you have a very sweet tooth then use 1 cup of sugar.

As I always mention select a pan such that the batter is close to 3/4th of it or slightly above
1/2 of it. And the time for baking depends on the cake pan and oven too mine got baked in exactly

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