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Assalamualaikum. Wr.

Good evening.
First, let us together express praise is gratitude to Allah, the Lord of the
World, the Master and the Creator of everything in the Universe,
Peace and salutation be upon to the noble Prophet of Islam, Muhammad
S.A.W. which has brought people from darkness to brighness.
said my tribute to Mr. khairul and to friends all of which I'm proud
kata penghormatan saya kepada bapak khairul dan kepada kawan semua
yang saya banggakan.
This evening I am going to tell you about a hero . He is very populer and
fragrant name.
malam ini saya akan menceritakan tentang seorang pahlawan yang sangat
harum namanya.
He is a hero aceh and hero indonesia. He was born in Meulaboh, West Aceh,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.
beliau adalah pahlawan aceh dan pahlawan indonesia. beliau lahir di
meulaboh, aceh barat, pada tahun seribu delapan ratus lima puluh empat.
He is a very brave, smart, tough and persistent
Dia adalah seorang yang sangat berani, cerdas, tangguh dan gigih.
He fought against the Dutch colonialists from age nineteen
Dia ikut berperang melawan penjajah belanda mulai dari umur sembilan
belaas tahun
He has three wives, one wife named cut Nyak Dien.
Dia mempunyai tiga orang istri, salah satu istrinya bernama cut nyak dhien.
he is my idol, because without effort he might aceh not be what it is today
dia merupakan idola saya, karena tanpa usaha keras dia mungkin aceh tidak
menjadi seperti sekarang ini
He died at the time was fighting the invaders in Meulaboh
Dia meninggal di saat sedang bertempur dengan penjajah di meulaboh
Who is he ? you know ?
Siapakah dia ? kalian tau ?

He is TEUKU UMAR hero aceh and indonesia

Thank you for listening to me
May be useful. Thanks wassalamualaikum. Wr.wb

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