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Name: Emili Coleman

ELED 3221
Date: Tuesday, March 22nd 2016
edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template
All About the Skin you are in
Central Focus/Big Idea: Skin: the largest organ of the human body, and
how it protects the human body.
Subject of this lesson: Skin
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
NC Essential Standard(s):
3.L.1 Understand human body systems and how they are essential for life:
protection, movement and support.
3.l.1.2 explain why skin is necessary for protection and for the body to
remain healthy
3. L.1.2 Students know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body,
that it covers and protects the human body from external conditions and
forces. Students know that the skin contains nerve receptors that provide
information about external conditions.
Next Generation Science Standard(s):
Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced
3LS by the environment. (you can show this by explaining by evidence
2. what happens to your skin if youre exposed to the sun over a certain
time or when you sweat.)
21st Century Skills: Communication, collaboration, creativity and
innovation. The students are able to communicate with one another and
collaborate with others to determine how skin is the largest organ in the
body and how the skin it used for protecting the body. The students are also
able to think creatively by creating their own medical brochure all about skin.
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: In the table below highlight the one most
important language function for your lesson. Explain why you chose
this one.











The Students will need to be able to describe different attributes about skin
in their brochure.
They will also be required to explain these attributes about skin and explain
why theyre important.
Scientific Vocabulary: Skin, Bones, Muscles, Support, Tissue, Organs,
Contract, Relax, Frame, Movement, internal, External, Nerves, and
Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to identify the skin as the bodys largest organ.

Students will understand the function of skin.

Students will be able to identify the layers and components of skin.

Students will be able to describe ways to keep skin healthy.

Students will be able to answer 8 out of the 10 question correctly at

the end of the lesson.

Prior Knowledge (student): Students should know basic information about

the skin. The students will also know information about the human body
system like the skeletal and muscular system learned the day before. This
will help prepare the students on background information to understand the
importance of the skin.
Content Knowledge (teacher): The teacher should know facts about skin,
correct terminology, and should be prepared to answers students questions
that they may have during the duration of the skin lesson. The teacher
should also be able to relate the content to examples the students can relate
to during the duration of this particular lesson.
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): For
students with special needs: while the students are working individually, I will
make sure to walk around and make sure these students are participating
and understanding the task. For the students with visual or auditory
impediments they may need to come closer to the teacher/board.

Materials and Technology requirements: Smart board to display videos

and PowerPoint presentations, 24 assessment copies, 24 blank sheets of
construction paper, markers, pens, pencils, scissors, rulers.
Total Estimated Time: 45 minutes- 1 hour
Source of lesson: Website and teacher as resources.

Safety considerations: Anything the students may need for their

brochures will be out and ready as well as precut. This
Content and Strategies (Procedure)
Engage: The students will become engaged by first being asked what do
they know about skin. The students will be given a sheet that they are to fill
out before and after the video and PowerPoint presentations. The assessment
is made up of multiple choice and short answers.
Then the students will watch a short video clip all about skin, and why skin is
important for our health and protection. Good afternoon boys and girls,
today we are going to learn about the largest organ in our body. Can anyone
guess what that is? (pause) Skin, is also part of our integumentary system.
Integument is one of the vocabularies you will be learning today. Integument
basically means covering and our integuments such as our hair, skin, and
nails protect our bodies in many ways. Like protecting our bodies when we
run/fall into things, these things prevent the insides of our bodies from
drying/shriveling up. Our skin also keeping our bodies warm when we are in
the cold. Just like an animals fur it keeps them warm and protects them.
Together, these different kinds of integuments make up our integumentary
system. Right now I want you to look at the work sheet in front of you and in
the lines drew in beside the question I would like for you to go ahead and fill
in what you think you may know about skin, then we will watch a short
informational video on skin, and then I will present a power point
presentation all about skin. After we complete these two activities I will have
you come back to your worksheet and complete it as a grade, and we can
reflect on what you learned during this lesson. When we complete that we
are going to either work in groups or independently to create a brochure on
skin. This brochure is going to be like ones you can find the doctors office

about different diseases and medical information. In these brochures you are
required to have at least 5 facts from todays lesson, remember to be
creative. At the end you will have an opportunity to share with your
Explore: The students will explore basic facts behind skin by actively
listening during a PowerPoint presentation. The students will learn about two
main parts of the skin the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis layer is the
part of the skin that you can see. It is part of the immune system that
protects the body, and it makes new skin cells and gives skin its color; and
dermis second layer, thicker than the epidermis. It makes you sweat, grow
hair, make oil, and bring blood to the skin. It also contains nerve endings that
signal our sense of touch; During this time the students will be educated on
basic facts about skin health and the care of skin, hair, and nails.
Which layer of the skin can we see?
Which layer of the skin can we not see with a human eye?
What is SPF?
Why is SPF important?
Explanation: Students will see illustrations of the skin and learn about the
nerves, and glands within the skin. The students will also see images of the
layers of skin and how each label is broken down.
Ask the students: Why do we sweat? When do you sweat? What
happens to your skin when you get cold?
Explain to the students whats happening to the skin when we sweat, and
how sweat is meant to cool off our bodies.
Also explain to the students what happens to our bodies as we get cold.
Elaborate: The students will complete a brochure like they may find at a
doctors office about skin. The students will be aloud to either work in small
groups or work independently to complete their brochures. The brochures
should be folded in a trifold and should include at least 5 facts about the skin
that they have earned from todays lesson.
Doctors always have pamphlets about health in their office for you to look
at while you wait. You are to create a pamphlet about skin. It must be a
trifold pamphlet. Part one will tell us the benefits of the skin, and part 2 will
tell us about caring for your skin, and part 3 will explain what our life would
be without skin. You may include drawings or illustrations.
-After the students have shared their brochures they will now complete their
exit ticket on a sheet of notebook paper explaining how their skin compares
to a wrapper on a piece of candy.
-Ask the students questions on what they have learned today

-Why is the skin so important to our body?

-From what we learned today, Whats the biggest organ in the body?
Evaluate: The students will be given a worksheet to evaluate their
knowledge before and after the lesson. On the worksheet the students will
have to identify the correct answer about the skin. This type of evaluation is
summative. From these worksheets you can check the students for
understanding of the lesson.
For the formative assessment the students will be given an exit ticket to
complete before leaving the class making sure they truly understood the
lesson. Before the exit ticket is given the students will turn in their completed
skin brochure similar to something from a doctors office. The students
should also be able to include vocabulary from the lesson into their skin
brochures. As an exit ticket the students will describe how their skin is like a
wrapper of a piece of candy.
Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
20 out of 24 of the students were able to make an 80 or above on their skin
assessment. These students were also able to explain different attributes
about skin.
Reflection on lesson: The beginning of the lesson went great, I taught this
lesson at 2:30 and the students had just taken a EOG practice from 8:1511:00 that morning. It got a little rowdy towards the end during the rotation
of getting supplies for the students brochure. Throughout the beginning of
the lesson the students seemed to be on task and paying attentions being
attentive and listening. Due to the lack of time devoted to science the
students were unable to complete their exit ticket on a sheet of notebook
paper explaining how their skin compares to a wrapper of a piece of candy.
However, they did verbally explain their answer as a class.

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