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HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS by attacking white
blood cells called CD4 cells that can damage the human immune system which ultimately can
not survive from disease although very mild. In other words, the presence of this virus in the
body will cause a deficiency (deficiency) immune system.
The first sign of HIV patients will usually have a fever for 3 to 6 weeks depending on
the immune system. Once conditions improve HIV-infected people will remain healthy in a
few years and will gradually decline because their immune recurrent attacks of fever.
In 1983, Jean Claude and Franoise Barr Chermann-Sinoussi of the French managed
to isolate HIV for the first time from a patient with lymphadenopathy syndrome. At first, it
was called ALV virus (lymphadenopathy-associated virus) Together with Luc Montagnier,
they prove that the virus is the cause of AIDS. In early 1984, Robert Gallo of the United
States also examines the AIDS-causing virus called HTLV-III. After further investigation, it is
evident that the ALV and HTLV-III is the same virus and in 1986, the term used to refer to the
virus is HIV.
The symptoms of AIDS HIV disease are:
1. Prolonged high fever
2. Patients will experience shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain and fever
3. Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
4. Experiencing chronic diarrhea
5. Patients will lose body weight up to 10% below normal.
6. Cough berekepanjangan
7. Fungal infections of the mouth and esophagus
8. Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body (below the ears, neck, armpits, and groin)
9. Less memory
10. Headache
11. Difficulty concentrating

12. Response limbs slowed

13. Often pain and tingling in the hands and feet
14. Experiencing low blood pressure
15. Tendon reflexes were less
16. Happened attack of chicken pox virus and smallpox fire
17. Scalp tissue infections
18. Dry skin with patches.
modes of transmission HIV is :
1. Sexual intercourse
2. Through fluid
a. Cement Fluid, Semen and Sperm
Example: male sex without condoms or other safeguards, oral sex, etc..
b. Vaginal Fluid in Women
Example: Women unprotected sex, aids borrowing sex, oral sex, etc..
c. Breast milk / breast milk
Example: Baby drinking ation of hiv + women, men drinking breast milk partner, and so
3. Transfusion of blood
4. Use of shared needles (acupuncture, tattoo needles, piercing needles).
5. Between mother and baby during pregnancy, birth and lactation.
People with HIV or people living with HIV need more micronutrients to help repair and
restore damaged cells. In addition, some drugs can cause nutritional deficiencies of various
materials. Antioxidants are important for people living with HIV, because HIV infection
increases levels bebas.Pada radically higher levels of antioxidants can slow down the virus
and help repair some of the damage caused by the virus. There are studies showing that
people with HIV need nutrients to the number of six to 25 times the RDA. However, a highly
potent multivitamin pill is a good way to get basic micronutrients.
People with HIV can benefit by taking additional vitamins and minerals following:

Vitamin B: Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine),

vitamin B12 (cobalamin), and folate (folic acid).

antioxidants, including beta-carotene (the body breaks down beta-carotene to make

vitamin A), selenium, vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin C.

Substance magnesium and zinc.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, some nutritionists recommend that people with
HIV to use additional other nutrients:
Acidophilus, a bacterium that grows naturally in the intestine, helping digestion.
alfalipoik Acid is a powerful antioxidant that can alleviate mental disorders and
Carnitine (also referred to as acetyl-L-carnitine) may prevent wasting and provide
other benefits to immunity and metabolism.
Coenzyme Q10 may help the body's immune function.
Essential fatty acids (essential fatty acids) found in evening primrose oil or
flaxseed oil can help dry skin.

How to prevent HIV-AIDS is;

1. Do not have sexual relations outside of marriage
2. Do not keep changing sexual partners
3. Abstrinensi (not having sex)
4. Use condoms, especially for high-risk behavior groups should not be a blood donor
5. A mother who was diagnosed HIV positive should not be pregnant.
6. Use of disposable syringes should
7. Stay away from drugs.
Do not squeeze out and avoid people with HIV because they need help and support in order
to continue to live without much the load.

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