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The thieves looked at each other in silent question of the next move when suddenly
the one with the bigger gun points it at their hosts for a moments lasting longer
than their hearts hoped but as their eyes closed hoping for the best but expecting
the worst, the lead thief smiles and says
Tief #1: all of ah sudden I feeling the easter spirit so ah go spare alyuh
Tief #2: since alyuh still breathing, start loading.
Mrs R: me too?
Tief #1: BOTH of you
Mrs R: why? I am a woman
Tief #1: because you dont want to be a dead one. now stop questioning orders
Tief #2: GET TO WORK!!!steupz Jamaicans ask too much damn questions. What
happen to de days when people just do what you say?
Tief #1: Dead and Gone massa Dead and Gone.

INT. Living Room

Mister Rawlston is seen carrying his television set awkwardly across the room when
suddenly he explaims
Mr R: lawd fadda this thing heavy!
T #1: yuh lazy brute! You never see heavy yet!
Mr. R: when it drop doh say I eh say nutn!
The second thief notices the poor grip and in fear of the merchandise being
destroyed shows him a diagonal technique that proved easier to manage and
mobilizes Mr Rawlston again.
Tief #1: DAT YUH CYA DO??? Jamaicans gone to de dogs and even the dogs
better than them! Laziest people on earth! Doh know nutn bout work! All they know
bout is visa!
Tief #2: visa dey cyah get
Tief #1: and that still doh stop dem!
EXT. Outside Their House
The couple are seen loading the truck with their furniture and appliances, Mrs.
Rawlston pleading every now and then with the bandits to let her keep one or two
items of sentimental value to which theyd answer her plight by allighning the view

of their barrels with her face. The loading continued for hours til you can visibly see
the truck lean backwards where all the new carriage would be. The couple were
then ordered to lay on the ground execution style and told to close their eyes and
in the moment they believed they were finally about to die, the truck was heard
driving off into the night
Mr. R: I going to get my visa in de morning
Mrs. R: I going to get compensation for this back pain

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