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Copyright Gritty Spanish

Episode 10
Episodio 10

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Racist Taxi Driver

Taxista racista
Sebastin is a taxi driver who also works during the
day in his fathers Bodega in the Bronx. Sebastin is
also a cold-blooded racist, he only really like and
respect people from South America, such as Peru.
He does not even like his own people.



Galina: Taxi taxi!!

Galina: Taxi Taxi!!

**Scrrrreeezzzzz**Car Stops**

**Scrrrreeezzzzz **El carro se detiene**

Galina: Hey thanks for stopping. It looked like you

didn't want to pick me up and was going to keep
going straight ahead. I saw that you circled the
block about 5 times, didnt you see me trying to get
your attention?

Galina: Oye gracias por parar. Pareca que no

quera recogerme e ibas a seguir adelante. Vi que te
diste la vuelta por esa cuadra como 5 veces, no te
diste cuenta que estaba tratando de llamar tu

Sebastin: Well yes, but I wasnt sure if I should have

stopped. I thought you were Dominican, I had to look
at your face closely to see and make sure my eyes
werent deceiving me. This is why I kept going and
kept circling the block, dont take it personal, dear.

Sebastin: Bueno s, pero no estaba seguro de si

debera parar. Pens que era dominicana, tena que
mirarte la cara de cerca para ver y asegurarme de
que mis ojos no me engaaban. Es por eso que
segua adelante y segua dando vueltas por la
cuadra. No es personal, querida.

Galina: Wow! Are some kind of racist or what? How

could you be so racist working in this city as a taxi
driver? This city is filled with Dominicans and people
from other places, you know this city is very diverse.

Galina: Wao!, Eres una especie de racista o qu?

Cmo puedes ser tan racista trabajando como
taxista en esta ciudad? Esta ciudad est llena de
dominicanos y personas de otros lugares, sabes que
esta ciudad es muy diversa.

Sebastin: Yes, I am aware of that, but I am a proud

racist, if you want to call it that. But, being this way,
keeps me safe, I avoid a lot of problems that way.
You know, some people are just terrible human
beings, I have my favorites and preferences, and I try

Sebastin: S, soy consciente de eso, pero soy un

racista orgulloso, si quieres llamarlo as. Pero, siendo
as, me mantiene a salvo, evito muchos problemas
de esa manera. Sabes, algunas personas son seres
humanos terribles, tengo mis favoritos y preferencias,

Copyright Gritty Spanish
to go with my instincts. When I put a lot of trust in
those people, they use me.

y trato de guiarme por mis instintos. Cuando confo

mucho en las personas, me utilizan.

Galina: Ah! And Dominicans are not your favorites

obviously, you should really be ashamed of yourself. I
dont even want to support you, I regret that I got in
your car.

Galina: Ah! Y obviamente los dominicanos no son

tus favoritos, deberas estar avergonzado de s
mismo. Ni siquiera quiero apoyarte, me arrepiento de
haber montado a tu carro.

Sebastin: Lady, dont feel that way, I know what I

am talking about, and why should I be ashamed?
There were more than a few times, I picked up those
dirty thugs, and they never wanted to pay.

Sebastin: Seora, no te sientas as, yo s de lo que

estoy hablando, y por qu debera estar
avergonzado? Haba ms de un par de veces que
recog a esos sucios tigerasos, y no me queran

They just wanted a free ride, they were very cheap,

and some of them treat me like the city train. A lot of
them wanted to pay only $2.50, when theyre
traveling from the Bronx all the way to Brooklyn. Its a
long way! That is not fair, you think that is fair?

Slo queran montar de gratis, eran muy tacaos, y

algunos de ellos me tratan como el tren de la
ciudad. Muchos de ellos me queran pagar slo
$2.50 en dlares, cuando estaban viajando desde el
Bronx hasta Brooklyn. Es un largo viaje! Eso no es
justo, crees que esto es justo?

Galina: Hmmm okay, whatever you say.

Galina: Hmmm est bien, lo que t digas.

Sebastin: The majority of the time, I leave it like that,

because I don't know what they will do to me. I don't
know if those idiots have a knife or gun or whatever,
when sitting behind me, waiting to kill me. I don't trust
them at all. But its not just them, Blacks too, they all
behave the same way, but I notice that you are not
one of them, thank God.

Sebastin: La mayora de las veces, lo dejo as,

porque no s qu me pueden hacer. No s si estos
idiotas tengan un cuchillo o una pistola o lo que sea
cuando se sientan detrs de m, solo esperando
para matarme. No confo en ellos para nada. Pero
no slo ellos, los negros tambin, ellos se comportan
de la misma manera. Pero me di cuenta que no
eres una de ellos, gracias a Dios.

Galina: Hmmm okay, but you talk like those

Dominicans, I can tell, I noticed your accent and you
sound like those Dominicans. That is your people!
How could you be so racist against your own

Galina: Hmmm est bien, pero hablas como los

Dominicanos, me fij en tu acento y suenas como los
Dominicanos. Esa es tu gente! Cmo puedes ser
tan racista contra su propia gente?

Sebastin: Listen to me lady, there are not my

people, listen! And dont mention that again!

Sebastin: Escchame seora, no son mi gente,

Oste! Y no vuelvas a mencionar eso!

Galina: Okay okay, forget that I mentioned it... Well,

thanks for picking me up and trusting me, I feel
good... I feel honored to have someone believe in
me and see me as one of the good ones.

Galina: Est bien, est bien, olvida que lo

mencion... Bueno, gracias por recogerme y confiar
en m, me siento bien... Me siento honrado de tener
a alguien que cree en m y considerarme como una
de las buenas.

Copyright Gritty Spanish
Sebastin: So, where are you from? You look South
American, although Ive never been, South
American people are good people.

Sebastin: Entonces, de dnde eres t? Te ves

como las Sudamericanas, aunque nunca he estado
all, la gente de Amrica del Sur es buena gente.

Galina: Well, I was born in Russia, but moved here

when I was a little girl, in 1985 and learned Spanish in
school. Basically, I spent all my years here. I went to
high-school and college here. Now I work at an
exclusive financial firm in the city, making good
money. Life is pretty good. But this city can be so
expensive! Rent and mortgage, the cost of food are
all sky high.

Galina: Bueno, yo nac en Rusia, pero me mud

aqu en 1985, cuando era una nia y aprend
espaol en la escuela. Bsicamente, pas todos los
aos aqu. Fui a la escuela secundaria y la
universidad aqu. Ahora trabajo en una empresa
financiera exclusiva de la ciudad, ganando mucho
dinero. La vida es bastante buena. Pero las cosas en
esta ciudad pueden ser tan caras! El alquiler y la
hipoteca, el costo de los alimentos son demasiado

Sebastin: Yes I know, its a common complaint. The

city needs more people like you; pleasant and smart.
Youve set a great standard, we need better,
hardworking and honest folks in this city... OkaySo
give me the building number again? I will drop you
off in front of your building, we should be there any

Sebastin: S lo s, es una queja comn. La ciudad

necesita ms gente como tu; agradable e
inteligente. Has superado el nivel establecido,
necesitamos gente buena, trabajadora y honesta en
esta ciudad... Est bien... bueno recurdame del
nmero del edificio otra vez. Voy a dejarte en frente
de tu edificio, debemos estar all en cualquier

Galina: Ok sounds good, just turn right at the corner,

make a left at the light and go straight, about two
more blocks you will find my building. Its building
number 2545.

Galina: Ok suena bien, solo dobla la esquina a la

derecha, gira a la izquierda cuando llegues al
semforo y sigue derecho, en unos dos cuadras ms
te encentrars mi edificio. Es el edificio nmero 2545.

**Dominican music plays **

**la msica de la Repblica Dominicana suena**

Sebastin: Hahahaha I love this stuff!

Sebastin: Jajajajaja, me encanta esa vaina!

Ok, we are here, is this your building over there on

the right side.

Ok, estamos aqu, este es tu edificio por ese lado a

la derecha.

Galina: Yes, it is, go up the block and make a U-Turn,

this way, it will be easier to get back on the highway.
HereYou can stop right in front the building... How
much is it sir?

Galina: S, lo es, ve ms all para hacer una vuelta

en U, y de esta manera sera ms fcil regresar a la
carretera principal. Aqu... Puedes parar justo en
frente del edificio... Cunto es seor?

Sebastin: $31.50 dear.

Sebastin: $31.50 querida.

**Door slams shut**

** La puerta del carro se cierra**

**Lady flee out the car into her building without


**La seora huye del carro y entr al edificio sin

pagar **

Copyright Gritty Spanish
Sebastin: Lady Lady, thief! Come back here! You
have to pay me! I will call the police! Look, I was so
wrong about her!

Sebastin: Seora Seora, Ladrona! Vuelve aqu!

Me tiene que pagar! Voy a llamar a la polica! Mira
Me equivoque con ella!


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