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Marco De Haro
The acceptable use policy is a protocol that provides blocking of content such as
websites, poronography, racial judjments and many more individual items that
have the potential to bring harm to the students academic achievements.

The acceptable use policy provides a student the safety and protection from
internet access to a wide variety of sources that may contain harm to fellow
students and faculty members. Wake County schools have adopted this method to
ensure students remain on task and continue to prioritize their work.
An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a document stipulating constraints and
practices that a user must agree to for access to a corporate network or the Internet
says the In summary, any user that Logs in to a internet provider will
be presented with an AUP . The AUP states that you agree and comply with many

rules such as not using the service as an act of crime and many more other
agreements that you accept while signing in.
AUP provides prevention to inappropriate or invalid website's/ content. It
has security that influences the user to not disrupt the rules of the system. It seems
to be a great security program that all should take into mind and use for the sake of
feeling secure.

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