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Jellies and Marmalades




G E L AT I O N O F H & F P E C T I N S




Gelling Mechanisms


High Methylester Pectins Gelling Behaviour


Low Methylester Pectins Gelling Behaviour


Low Methylester, Amidated Pectins Gelling Behaviour






C L A S S I C , C O M B I A N D A M I D P E C T I N S A N D T H E I R A P P L I C AT I O N








Low-Calorie Products


Dietetic Products




Jams, Jellies and Marmalades





Cooking jams, jellies and marmalades using

The quality criteria for jams and marmalades

Fresh fruits, for cost as well as seasonal reasons,

fruits, sugar, pectin and edible acids is one of

are decisively determined by the flavour, co-

are only used in smaller quantities for the

the oldest food preserving processes known to

lour and consistency as well as state of preser-

manufacture of finished products. Thus, the

mankind and presents a way of making food

vation and distribution of fruits. These proper-

largest amount of fruits for production purpo-

stable by increasing the content in soluble

ties depend to a high degree on the raw mate-

ses are either frozen, heated (canned) or pre-

solids. The shelf-life of the products gained by

rials used, with special importance given to the

served with sulphur dioxide.

this method depends on the following criteria

proper selection of suitable fruits. The

as regards their stability to microbial spoilage:

characteristic nature of the finished product is

The most important quality criteria for fruits

Perfect hygienic operating conditions, such

further determined by the addition of sugars,

used are:

pectin and edible acids.

optimal state of ripeness

as production units, filling and production

full fruity flavour

Perfect hygienic raw materials and packaging materials.
A high sugar content (min. 60% soluble

The German Fruit Jams Regulation gives the

variety-specific colour

following definition for the required condition

no blemishes (no spots, no bruises)

of the raw materials:

sufficient consistency (solidity of form)

soluble solids content in agreement with

solids in jams, jellies and marmalades),

which causes a lowering of the free water


by hydration.

Fresh, sound, not spoiled fruit, containing all

Sufficient pasteurization or chemical preser-

its essential constituents, after cleaning and

vation of low-calorie fruit spreads, jams,

removal of blemishes and sufficiently ripe.

jellies and marmalades (less than 60% solu-

Chestnut for the purpose of the regulation is

ble solids).
A low pH-range (pH 2.6-3.2) when using

high methylester pectins.

Cooking temperature:
open system: 90-105C (194-221F)

Sufficient cooking time to achieve an inver-

vacuum cooker: 65-80C (149-176F).

sion and exchange of sugar between the

Head space sterilization of the glass jar

quality standards
perfect hygienic condition of raw materials
and packaging

the fruit of the sweet chestnut tree (Castanca

Fruit Pulp (pulp):

sativa). The term fruits is extended for the

The edible part of the whole fruit, peeled or

purpose of the regulation also to:

cored if necessary, which may be whole, sliced

or chopped.

The edible parts of rhubarb stalks, ginger, e.g.

parts of the ginger plant, tomatoes, cucumbers,

Fruit Pure (pure):

tion of low-sugar concentration zones may

Turn the closed glass upside down.

melons, water melons, pumpkins, carrots and

The edible part of the whole peeled or cored

incur the risk of crystal formation or water

Capping under vacuum.

sweet potatoes.

fruit, which has been reduced to pure by

medium and fruits (otherwise the forma-

after filling.


straining or a similar process.

Stone fruits and kernel fruits are generally processed without stones, pits and cores and in
unpeeled condition, citrus fruits are generally
peeled when processed, part of the peels is
requently added.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The following table gives a summary of the

average pectin contents as well as contents in
Fruit Juice:

pH-value and titratable acid:

titratable acids and calcium ions and the mean

Products complying with the German Fruit

pH and titratable acid are indicators for the

pH-range of the most important fruits in jam

Juice Regulation.

quantity of organic acids and its salts con-


tained in a fruit. Both factors affect gelaAqueous Extracts of Fruits:

tion. In the production of jams with high

Aqueous extracts of fruits which contain all

methylester pectins, the pH-range is usually

water-soluble constituents of the fruits except

set at about 2.8-3.2 with citric acid, since

technically unavoidable losses.

this pH-range is very favourable in view to

gelation, flavour and shelf-life;


1) + 2)
pectin [%]


titratable acid [%]




0.52 (M)

sweet cherries




1.36 (M)





2.21 (M)




0.62 (M)

Low methylester and amidated pectins gel





1.13 (M)

Fruit Constituents:

in combination with calcium ions. Thus the





1.11 (C)

In fresh condition, fleshy-juicy fruits consist, as

fruit-owned calcium content is of great im-





1.35 (C)

a rule, of 80-85% water. The main constituents,

portance. Generally speaking, the insoluble





1.09 (C)

besides water, are carbohydrates, furthermore

parts of fruits are especially rich in calcium.

red currants




2.14 (C)





2.37 (C)

Citrus Peels (peels):

Cleaned citrus peels with or without endocarp.

Calcium content:

Type of fruit

organic acids, polymer carbohydrates such as

However, the total calcium amount is not

pectins and starches, nitrogenous compounds,

available to pectin, but only part of it, the

minerals, vegetable phenols, flavours and

so-called free calcium. The remaining


calcium ions, or bound calcium, are solidly

2) K. Herrmann: Obst, Obstdauerwaren und Obster-

fixed to complexing agents.

zeugnisse, Verlag Paul Parey 1966

Table 1:

1) Souci-Fachmann-Kraut: Die Zusammensetzung der

M: calculated as malic acid

Lebensmittel, Nhrwert-Tabellen 1989/1990, Wissen-

C: calculated as citric acid

schaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart 1989

The composition of the fruits underlies great

deviations in dependence on type of fruit,
degree of ripeness, conditions of cultivation
and climate.
Types of sugar:

All sugars listed in the German Regulation on

For jam production, mostly refined sugar or

Fruit varieties used in the production of jams,

Certain Sugars Destined for Human Consump-

white sugar (sucrose) is used.

jellies and marmalades have to be especially

tion (Zuckerarten-Verordnung vom 23.10.2003

During cooking, sucrose is partially inverted.

selected for their:

[BGBl. I.S. 2096] in the actual edition) may also

This intended chemical reaction (splitting of

be used in solution and in any mixing ratio.

sucrose into glucose and fructose by binding

fruit owned pectin content:

water) is influenced by

The fruit owned pectin content is off less

Sugars are one of the main constituents of

importance. Usually the cooking time does

jams, jellies and marmalades and influence the

the pH-value

not suffice to let the pectin become soluble

shelf-life of these products decisively through

the temperature

and with that be able to gel;

the soluble solids content. At the same time

the time

they provide taste, flavour, consistency and


Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The formation of invert sugar prevents the

generated by the fructose. Sweet taste, flavour

Sugar Substitutes:

crystallization of the sucrose in the finished

and aw-value in the finished product may be

Sugar substitutes form a group of substances

When high dosages (more than 20g per person

product. On the other hand, a complete inver-

influenced by suitable combinations with other

which may be used to substitute sucrose in

and day) are consumed, polyols may sometimes

sion of sucrose may lead to crystallization of


food products. Similar to sugars they provide

the glucose in the product.

Jams and marmalades produced on vacuum

food with bulk or body and a physiological

Starch-Saccharification Products:

calorific value. Their sweetening power is com-

Glucose Syrup, Dextrose:

parable to sucrose or less.

Glucose syrup is a starch degradation product

The following sugar substitutes are of impor-

and contains glucose, maltose, dextrine and


cookers are, as a rule, only slightly inverted.

Liquid Sugar, Invert Liquid Sugar, Invert Sugar



1.10-1.30 *


0.63 *
0.50-0.60 *

fructose. Glucose syrup is less sweet than

Fructose (fruit sugar) is a monosaccharide

sucrose and inhibits crystallization of glucose

which is naturally present in practically all fru-


0.45 *

Liquid sugar is an aqueous solution of sucrose

and sucrose in the finished product. Its addi-

its. Its relevance as a sugar substitute consists


0.65-0.68 *

with a minimum of 62% soluble solids and a

tion improves the texture (smoother consisten-

in its insulin independent metabolism and di-


0.30-0.35 *

maximum amount of 3% invert sugar related

cy of the finished product). Dried glucose syrup

gestion, which makes it suitable for dietetic


0.00 *

to soluble solids (ss).

may also be used instead of glucose syrup.

food products for diabetics. The calorific value

Invert liquid sugar is an aqueous solution of

Glucose syrups may be of different composition

4kcal/g), equal to sucrose or glucose. The

sucrose, partially inverted in hydrolysis, in

depending on the various possible methods

sweetening power of fructose is higher than

from: Sungsmittel im berblick (a summary of swee-

which the amount of invert sugar does not

employed in large-scale productions. The pro-

that of sucrose. Fruit sugar is normally traded

teners), Gordian 88/4, p. 72ff.

preponderate and the following criteria are

duction, however, always starts with a partial

as fruit sugar

have a laxative effect.

given: a minimum of 62% soluble solids and no

starch hydrolysis. The application of the enzyme

syrup with 70% ss.


less than 3% but no more than 50% invert

glucose isomerase has greatly extended the

sugar related to soluble solids.

range of available glucose syrups. This enzyme

Polyols or sugar alcohols form the main group

which have no or, compared to their sweete-

causes the conversion of part of the glucose

of sugar substitutes. The physiological benefit

ning power, only a negligible calorific value.

Invert sugar syrup is an aqueous solution of

into fructose. The glucose syrups produced in

of these sugar substitutes is their suitability for

Their sweetening power is by far greater than

sucrose partially inverted in hydrolysis, which

this way have higher fructose volumes and thus

diabetics (insulin independent metabolism) as

that of sucrose.

is dominated in its composition by the amount

greater sweetening power as starter syrups.

well as their partially anti-cariogenic effect and

of invert sugar present and which meets the

Depending on the fructose share, these syrups

lower calorific value.

following criteria: a minimum of 62% soluble

are called glucose-fructose-syrup resp. fructose-

solids and more than 50% invert sugar related

glucose-syrup. Thus high fructose-glucose-

For all sugar alcohols a uniform physiological

to soluble solids.

syrups with approx. 42% fructose and 52%

calorific value of 10kJ/7g is fixed.

of fructose is determined at 17KJ/g (or

Comparison of the sweetening power of

sugar substitutes in relation to sucrose

glucose related to soluble solids are, for examThese sugar solutions are characteristic for

ple, used in production.

Table 2:
* the figures indicate the factor by which the sugar
substitute in question tastes sweeter than sucrose.

Sweeteners are natural or synthetic compounds

Comparison of the sweetening power of

sweeteners in relation to sucrose

130-200 *


200-250 *


30-40 *


450-500 *

their relatively low viscosity, temperature tolesucralose

approx. 600 *

rance and the fact, that they do not crystallize

Dextrose is made by starch hydrolysis. It is of

even at a low temperature. They affect the

practically no importance in jam manufacture,

Table 3:

microbiological stability of the product positi-

since dextrose tends to crystallize and lends a

* the figures indicate the factor by which the sugar

vely owing to the higher osmotic pressures

dull and mat appearance to the products.

replacer in question tastes sweeter than sucrose.

from: Sungsmittel im berblick (a summary of sweeteners), Gordian 88/4, p. 72ff. resp. Handbuch Sungsmittel, Behrs Verlag

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

of H&F Pectins
In multi component systems like jams, jellies

cially high concentration, the cell walls. This

Sweeteners are not insulin dependent in their

Herbasweet apple extract is a high-quality

and marmalades, pectin is a texture provider.

explains why the press residues from the pro-

metabolism and thus suitable for diabetics.

sweetener with a soluble solids content of

The optimal formation of a gel is directly linked

duction of apple and citrus juice are so valuable

Since they are generally used in small amounts,

70-72Bx resp. 78Bx, which is produced from

to the volume ratio in which the ingredients

for large-scale extraction of high-quality pectins.

they neither influence texture nor body of the

the fruit extract of juice-extracted and carefully

fruits, sugars, water, acid and pectin are pre-

sweetened food product.

dried apples.

sent. The addition of pectin, which is produced

In the plant cell, pectin molecules are so tightly

from fruits, must be considered as naturally

linked to the other molecules in the cellular

The various sweeteners differ in their characte-

By state-of-the-art technologies minerals, fruit

enhancing the inherent pectin content of the

wall that they cannot be extracted by water.

ristics, such as profile in taste, stability in acidi-

acids and natural colours are extracted from

fruits used for the jam production. Additionnaly

This water-insoluble form is called protopectin.

fied food and during heating. In composition

the concentrated fruit extract. What remains is

there are the acid resistance of pectin and the

they may sometimes yield a positive synergistic

the concentrated sweetness of the apple, which

fact, that it has no specific odour or flavour,

Protopectin becomes soluble by acid hydrolysis


may be universally used to sweeten food pro-

that it is an excellent flavour carrier as well as

and is then extracted with hot water. The pectin-

ducts instead of sugar or starch-saccharification

the possibility to control consistency and set-

rich extract is mechanically cleaned and care-


ting rate.

fully concentrated. Pectin is then precipitated

extracts are increasingly used as natural

According to the German Fruit Jams Regulation,



these sweeteners (different sugars gained from

The gelling agent pectin, a constituent of the

Alcohol-insoluble pectin substances in pure

fruits) are allowed. They are of great interest

vegetable cell structure, strengthens and sup-

form are obtained by this alcohol precipitation.

for the so-called all fruit products, which con-

ports as bonding substance the structure of

They are subsequently dried and ground to

sist only of ingredients from fruits.

the plant tissue.

powder. The gel strength of pectin as a natural

De-ionized fruit juice concentrates and fruit

with alcohol from the liquid extract.

substance differs due to the raw material used


Any vegetable raw material with a high pectin

and is standardized by blending with dextrose

content is suitable for the production of pectins.

or other sugar types.

Different amounts of pectin may be extracted

The molecular structure of pectins is composed

from various raw materials:

of D-galacturonic acid molecules, which are


linked to each other in alpha-1-4-glycosidic


Sugar beet chips 10-20%

formation to polygalacturonic acid. Part of the

Citrus peels

carboxyl groups is methoxylated with methanol.


Apples and citrus fruits have always been of

Neutral sugars like arabinose, galactose and

superior importance for the production of pectin

xylose, which are linked as side chains to the

No sugar is added to these products, they only

destined for the manufacture of jams, jellies

pectin macromolecule, as well as the interrup-

contain the sugar from the fruits they are ma-

and marmalades. The highly valuable pectin

tion of the main chain by rhamnose make

de from.

substances are present in the pulp and, in espe-

pectin a heteropolysaccharide.


Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Therefore often neutral polysaccharides like

Gelling Mechanisms:

galactane, arabane and also starch are conco-

The association of pectin chains leads to the

mitant substances of isolated pectin. However,

formation of three-dimensional networks, that

the specific composition depends on the raw

means to gel formation. Two or more chain

material. The gelling power of pectin is mainly

segments bond together and start to interact.

based on its molecular weight, i.e. the number

These are longer segments of regular sequence,

of chain links a pectin molecule boasts, which

which are ruptured by the incorporation of

is kept intact by extremely sensitive production

rhamnose or by the branching of the chain.

Fig. 2: Gel net

Different types of chain associations exist which
If all carboxyl groups of the polygalacturonic

are determined by the degree of esterification.

acid are free, i.e. not methoxylated, one gets

For high methylester pectins, two decisive fac-

pectic acid, its salts are called pectates.

tors initiate gel formation:






Pectic acid in nature is methoxylated (or esteri-

1. The addition of sucrose or other sugars has

fied) in different degrees with methanol and

a dehydrating effect on the pectin molecules,

thus becomes pectin. If the degree of esterifi-

which facilitates the approach of the polymer

cation is higher than 50%, it is called high

chains and enables a cross linkage of the

methylester pectin, with less than 50% it is

hydrogen bridges.






called low methylester pectin.


Fig. 3: Dissociation of carboxyl groups




Fig. 1: Section of a pectin molecule



2. A lowering of the pH in the medium sup-

Methylester groups are the hydrophobic part

presses the dissociation of free carboxyl groups

of a pectin molecule. Hydrophobic forces push

and thus reduces the electrostatic repulsion

them into aggregate formations, while they

between the chains. The mechanism described

are constantly striving to keep the contact sur-

above is referred to in literature as sugar-acid-

face with water as small as possible. Moreover,

gelling mechanism.

hydrogen bridges are formed, e.g. between


non-esterified carboxyl groups, at a sufficiently

Recent studies, however, have shown that high

low pH-value in the gel and the dissociation of

methylester pectins are stabilized in the gel by

the carboxyl groups is largely suppressed.

a combination of hydrophobic interactions and

hydrogen bridge bondings, which means that
the term sugar-acid-gelling mechanism requires a closer definition.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades





























Fig. 5: Arranged sequences in the pectin-calcium-gel egg box model

Fig. 4: Structure of
connecting zones of



HM pectins




According to Oakenfull and Scott (1984), the

over free, non-methoxylated carboxyl groups

hydrogen bridge bondings are the responsible

factor in the stabilization of a pectin network,

decreases and if the pH is too high, the number

of interfering factors (-COO-) decreases as well

but without the hydrophobic interaction of the

(in case of a too high product pH, dissociated

methylester groups, gelation would not occur

carboxyl groups interfere with the network

for energetic reasons.

formation). This affects the gelling-pH-range. If




the degree of esterification is extremely high,

The higher the degree of esterification, the

the suppression of dissociation does not matter

greater the impact of hydrophobic forces in the


gelation. The number of hydrogen bridges








Fig. 6: Setting range of high esterified pectins

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The higher the degree of esterification, the

For low methylester, amidated pectins, the

higher also the pH-value is, at which gelation

clustering of the pectin chains happens more

sets in. Completely methoxylated pectins

controlled than for low methylester, non ami-

Soluble Solids and pH-Value:

(100% degree of esterification) thus do not re-

dated pectins, as the formation of the gel net-

The chart on page 15 (setting range of high

The lower limit for proper gelation of high

quire any acid for gelation (Deuel et al., 1950).

work is, due to the hydrogen bonds between

methylester pectins, mod., Pilnik, 1980) in prin-

methylester pectins is a soluble solids content

the amid groups, more slow than the reaction

cipal shows the setting ranges of sugar-acid-gels

of about 55%. With 58-55% soluble solids,

of low methylester pectins with calcium ions is.

with high methylester pectins. Certain solids/

high methylester pectins with a very high

gelation of high methylester pectins could be

pH areas are identified in which pre-gelling or

degree of esterification (above 75%) show the

explained, according to Oakenfull, by the fact

no gelling (liquid) occurs. Pre-gelling means

best results. High methylester pectins do not

that certain sugars have an additionally stabi-

that at the given filling temperature, the pro-

gel at very low soluble solids contents, for this

lizing effect on the hydrophobic interactions.

ducts have already started setting. Pumping,

application low methylester and amidated

stirring or depositing during filling destroys

pectins and calcium salts are used instead.

The required high sugar concentration for the

High Methylester Pectins Gelling Behaviour:

Low methylester pectins also gel according to

this incipient gel structure, the formation of a

the mechanism described above. However,

homogeneous gel is not more possible. There-

Substituting sucrose by other sugars or polyols

they may form a gel even in relative indepen-

fore the texture of a pre-gelled product is

has an influence on the gelling characteristics

dence from soluble solids content and pH-value

mushy with a reduced gel strength.

of pectins and the texture of gels. The reasons

if multivalent cations, e.g. calcium ions, are


for these phenomena are not yet sufficiently

present. The following model has been used to

The chart also explains that sugar and acid may

studied. It is assumed that this is due to the

describe this gelling mechanism:

substitute each other within certain limits in

different water activities of the sweeteners at

their contributions to the gel strength. A lower

similar solids contents or substance specific

Pectins chains cluster during the gelation pro-

sugar content requires for proper gelation a

differences in the stabilizing effect (Oakenfull

cess. Due to their bent shape they create cavi-

lower pH-value. Higher pH-values are feasible

et al., 1984).

ties between them, which become occupied by

with a higher sugar content. If the sugar con-

carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. Both the forma-

tent remains constant, gels with lower pH-

tion of cavities and the carboxyl and hydroxyl

values will be firmer and more brittle, the same

groups favour the association of pectin chains

applies if the pH stays the same and the

by calcium gelation.

amount of sugar increases.

As regards low methylester, amidated pectins,

additional links by hydrogen bonds are created

Fig. 7: The three binding mechanisms for connecting

pectin chains

The optimal soluble solids content for jams is

60-65%. Replacing part of the sucrose with

Oakenfull, D. and Scott, A. (1984): Hydrophobic Interaction in the Gelation of High Methoxyl Pectins, J. Food

due to the presence of amid groups. The more

glucose syrup or the use of the optimal type of

Sci., 49 (4): 1093-1098.

amid groups are present, that means the more

pectin may prevent the formation of brittle

Deuel, H., Huber, G., Leuenberger, R. (1950): ber das

links are possible, the firmer the resulting gels

gels and the crystallization of sugar and dex-

will be.


Geliervermgen von Polygalakturonsuremethylester,

Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol. 33, p. 1266ff.
Rees, D.A., and Welsh, E.J. (1977): Sekundr- und Tertirstruktur von Polysacchariden in Lsungen und Gelen,
Angewandte Chemie, Band 89, S. 228-239.
Pilnik, W. (1980): Pektine, in Gelier- und Verdickungsmittel in Lebensmitteln, Forster Pub., Zurich

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Medium Rapid Set with a medium setting

Rapid set pectins differ in their optimal pH-value

Filling Temperature:

High methylester pectins are commercially


from slow set ones. While slow set pectins

In this case, the criterion for selecting a suitable

available within a range of 50 to approx. 80%

(Pectin Classic AF 401, Pectin Classic CF 301)

achieve their greatest gel strength at a pH of

pectin is that the manufactured products set-

3.0 and less, the optimal pH-value for rapid set

ting temperature is lower than the filling tem-

pectins is raised to higher pH-values. For extra

perature. This prevents pre-gelling, which

Setting Time and Setting Temperature:

degree of esterification. This group of pectins

shows a quite specific gelling behaviour. Under

Slow Set with a medium setting

the virtually same conditions, higher methyl-


rapid set pectins, a pH-value of under 3.0 may

would weaken the gel and exert a negative

ester pectins set faster and at higher tempera-

(Pectin Classic AF 501, Pectin Classic CF 401)

even be unfavourable, especially if the soluble

influence on the texture. The height of the fil-

solids content is clearly above 60%. Gelation

ling temperature is determined by the machines

tures than pectins with lower degrees of esterification. This explains the importance of setting

The setting temperature depends, beside the

may then set in during the cooling process,

and systems applied in the process as well as

time and setting temperature for the evaluation

raw material, the production technology and

with the very real risk of pre-gelling.

the size of the packing containers used.

of high methylester pectins.

the pectins degree of esterification, also on

the sugar content and the products pH-value

Another look at chart 6 on page 15 makes clear

Containers which cool more quickly allow a fil-

The setting temperature is the temperature at

as well as the amount of buffer salts added

why soluble solids of around 60% and a pH-

ling at high temperatures of 85C and 95C

which gelation starts subsequent to gel manu-

and the cooling rate. The faster the products

value of about 3.0 are suitable for rapid set as

(185F and 203F). Rapid set pectins in this tem-

facture in the following cooling period. There

are cooled, the lower the setting temperature

well as slow set pectins. The differences are

perature range provide good gelation as well

is no setting above this temperature, even


due to the setting temperature, setting time

as an even distribution of the fruits in the jelly.

and gel texture.

Containers which pass through a long cooling

though all criteria for gel formation are met.


Gelation of extremely high methylester pectins,

Therefore, to be able to compare setting tem-

as was shown in test gels, may, for example,

peratures, pectin gels are usually produced

With high soluble solids contents and at low

temperatures of e.g. 70C to 75C (158F to

start already at 90C (194F), that of less high

under reproducible, defined conditions and

pH-values, slow set pectins must be used since

167F), since otherwise the consistency of the

methylester pectins at 60C (140F).

one subsequently observes at what tempera-

otherwise pre-gelling may occur; with high

product might suffer by heat-related damage

ture gelation sets in.

soluble solids and at high pH-values, on the

affecting the center. For this purpose, slow set

other hand, rapid set pectin are indicated since

pectins are used that do not tend to pre-gel in

otherwise gelation is not possible.

the temperature range in which they are

phase, on the other hand, require low filling

Based on these differences in setting tempera-

The setting time is defined as the period in

ture and setting time, the following types of

which a fruit preparation starts to gel at a defi-

pectins are supplied as:

ned, constant temperature after terminating

In selecting the suitable type of high methyl-

controlled by adding suitable buffer salts

the cooking process. The definition for rapid

ester pectins rapid, medium or slow set ones

(retarders). Such gelling retardation is usually

set pectins might be that under defined condi-

the following criteria are of great importance:

practiced in the confectionery industry where

Very Rapid Set with a very high setting


tions gelation requires 10 minutes at 90C

(Pectin Classic AF 101, Pectin Classic CF 101)

(194F) and slow set pectins need 20 minutes at

applied. Furthermore, the setting rate may be


processing with very high soluble solids is usual.

65C (149F).
Rapid Set with a high setting temperature
(Pectin Classic AF 201, Pectin Classic CF 201)

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Fruits used in the manufacture also generate

The edible acid originally present in the fruits

an influence on the gelling process, depending

or added to the product tends to suppress the

on variety, state of ripeness and storage condi-

dissociation of free carboxyl groups in pectin.

tions. The most important factors are the fruit-

While the dissociated carboxyl groups repel

own pectin content, the sugar and acid content

each other because of their similar negative

as well as the amount of minerals and other

charges, the undissociated carboxyl groups

fruit-specific constituents.

form a network structure in which water is


With increasing ripeness, enzymes within the

fruit degrade the fruit-inherent pectin and the

Lactic acid:

pulp becomes softer. The fruit-own acid amount

Lactic acid is commercially available as a 50%,

decreases and the sugar amount increases.

80% and 90% aqueous lactic acid solution. Its

specific acid value is lower than that of tartaric

Acid content:

or citric acid.

The adjusting of the optimal pH-value for the

gelling process during jam production is achie-

For reaching a defined pH-value the dosage of

ved by adding edible acids and their salts.

lactic acid must be higher than for tartaric or

Together with the physical-chemical effect of

citric acid.

the acids, the flavour enhancing factors are also



of great importance in this respect. However,

Tartaric acid:

Texture is a very important parameter for

For the purpose of spreading jam on slices of

legal regulations need also to be considered. To

Tartaric acid is a crystalline product which dis-

sensory acceptance and depends largely on the

bread or sweet rolls, it should be noted that

control the pH-value, the German Fruit Jams

solves well in water. It has the highest specific

composition of raw materials such as the type

jellies with a lower elastic phase are more diffi-

Regulation permits the following additives:

acid value of all the acids used for this purpose.

of fruit, fruit quantity and sugars used, but also

cult to spread. In the extreme case, this implies

on the selected type of pectin.

that jellies spread on with a knife will just

Lactic acid E 270

dosage. It is either directly added during the

break up from a large lump into many smaller

Citric acid E 330

cooking process or in a 50% aqueous solution.

Pectins with a very high degree of esterification

pieces. Gels with a higher viscous share, on the

Tartaric acid E 334

However, this type of acid is used relatively un-

result in firm gels which are characterized by

other hand, will spread on easily and form a

Sodium lactate E 325

frequently in the production of jams due to its

the rheological parameter highly elastic with

coherent jelly layer on the bread.

Calcium lactate E 327

characteristic taste profile.

Tartaric acid can be added in the smallest

Sodium citrate E 331

a very low viscous phase.

The proper selection of the suitable type of

Calcium citrate E 333

Pectins with a medium degree of esterification

pectin will thus be a great help in controlling

Sodium tartrate E 335

result in firm gels which are characterized by

the desired rheological parameters of these

the rheological parameter highly elastic with


an important viscous phase.


The use of a pH-meter in production control to

guarantee uniform gelation in jams, jellies and
marmalades is an absolute necessity.

Apple pectins form gels with definitely higher

viscous share than citrus pectins with the same
degree of esterification do.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

lactic acid

tartaric acid

citric acid

EEC number

E 270

E 334

E 330

Structural formula




Mol wt.




Ionization constant
pka 1


pka 2





pka 3
pH-value (0.1 n solution)




Table 4: Important data on lactic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid
From: Genusuren und Salze (edible acis and salts); Anwendung und Wirkung in Lebensmitteln (application and effect in food)/Publ. Fachgruppe Lebensmittelchemie und Gerichtl.
Chemie i.d. GDCh. (Editor: G. Wieder) Hamburg, Behr, 1989
(Lebensmittelchemie, Lebensmittelqualitt, Vol. 14).

Low Methylester Pectins Gelling Behaviour:

Concentration of Soluble Solids:

Citric acid is naturally present in a great num-

On the other hand, if the pH-value in fruits is

The gel formation of low methylester pectins

Chart 8 on page 24 shows how the breaking

ber of fruits. It is crystalline and dissolves well

too low, it can be increased in order to prevent

must be seen as follows:

strength of a gel changes with increasing cal-

in water. Citric acid as a weaker acid than tar-


Citric acid:

taric acid, but stronger than lactic acid. The

cium dosage as a function of the different soluWhen small amounts of calcium ions are added,

ble solids contents. At a soluble solids content

flavour of the citric acid is naturally sour and

If the aim is a stabilization of the pH-value

the pectin chains start to bond over calcium

of 60%, hardly no calcium ions are required to

harmonious. This acid, too, is preferred to be

within strict limits, as is the case for jams, one

bridges. With increasing calcium ion concentra-

form a firm gel, while at 20-30% of soluble

added as 50% aqueous solution.

profits from the specific properties of fruit

tion, gelation sets in. In case of an exceeded

solids major amounts of calcium become neces-

acids to form excellent buffer systems with

dosage of calcium ions, calcium pectinate will

sary. The lower the soluble solids content in a

If the acid value is too high (pH-value under

their salts, e.g. in the combination citric acid

precipitate under the given gel forming condi-

gel, the higher the calcium requirement in order

2.8) the gel elasticity will be increased and the

and sodium citrate.

tions, which is referred to as pre-gelling.

to achieve proper gelation is. The gel strength

low (pH-value above 3.3) the gel structures be-

As a rule, fruit acids are added to the cooking

The gel texture will then lose its elasticity, be-

Herbstreith Pektinometer by testing the

come very soft. When exceeding a certain pH

batch towards the end of the cooking process.

comes more pasty and shows a lower breaking

breaking strength.

limit, gelation is no longer possible.

This prevents pre-gelling, which might occur if

strength. The precipitation of calcium pectinate

in these samples has been determined with the

gels become firm and brittle. If the acid value is


the temperature of the cooking batch drops

is reversible if the gel is heated again above

With increasing calcium dosage, gels become

The presence of buffer salts in fruits, e.g. salts

below the setting temperature due to the blen-

the setting temperature and cooled down in a

firmer until an optimal point is reached, from

of citric and malic acid, suppresses the impact

ding in of the sugar or the pectin solution.

destruction free process.

which on they become more and more elastic

the effective acid value is compensated. To get

Even if all parameters are adjusted in an opti-

The amount of calcium ions required for proper

dependent calcium dosage, the gel strength

into the desired pH-value, the acid dosage

mal way and the temperature is higher than

gelation largely depends on the concentration

will drop rapidly and no gels but pre-gelled

must be raised.

the setting temperature, a processing time,

of soluble solids, the sugar, the pH-value of the

products are formed.

which is too long, can lead to pre-gelation

product and the buffer substances.


and brittle. Reaching a certain soluble solids

of pH modification by added fruit acids, part of

after the addition of acid.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Effect of Buffer Ions:


60% ss


50% ss

Breaking strength [HPU]


40% ss


30% ss

20% ss


Type and concentration of buffer ions present

The amount of calcium required for gelation is

in the gels, which originate largely from the

not only, as already described, influenced by

fruits used and may differ according to the

the formulation parameters, but also by the

variety of fruit, have a decisive impact on the

production technology, especially the height of

calcium ion requirement in order to achieve

the filling temperature. The higher the filling

sufficiently firm gels.

temperature, the more calcium ions can be incorporated in the gel network without causing

An increased concentration of buffer substan-


ces, especially with a strong binding effect on

The amount of the calcium dosage does not

calcium as e.g. exists for the salts of citric acid,

only control the firmness of the gel, but also its


will, similar to a raise in the pH, require a si-

rheological and sensory properties.


multaneous increase of the calcium dosage.





30 40





90 100




140 150

Pectin chains
in solution

Calcium-concentration [mgCa2+/g pectin]

Fig. 8: Sucrose gel with increasing ss content (low methylester pectin,
DE 40%, 0.1m citric acid/potassium citrate buffer solution, pH-value 3.0)


Effect of the type of sugar:



Not only the concentration, but also the type

The rise in pH will lead to an increased number

of sugar or sugar substitute used will affect

of charged particles in the gel which dissociate

gelation. Thus, the calcium requirement to

the pectin molecules even more strongly. The

achieve an optimal gelation is, for example,

reaction between the calcium ions and the other

usually much greater with a sugar substitute

charged buffer substances will be enhanced,

than with sucrose. Fructose gels also require

which in turn reduces the number of calcium

more calcium ions.

ions available for reactions with pectin.

Effect of the Products pH:

An increased concentration of calcium ions pro-


The increase of the pH-value in a gel must be

vides more bonding points between the pectin


followed by an increase of the amount of cal-

molecules and will thus keep the gel strength

cium ions required within the gel to achieve






Fig. 9: Gelation of low

methylester pectins in
dependence on calcium
ion concentration

comparable gel strength.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Breaking strength



mgCa2+/g Pectin

Fig. 10: Breaking strength of pectin gels in dependence on

Gels of section II show in their majority viscous

pumped but still hot and liquid, they have an

influences, they are spreadable, stable gels

unlimited high viscosity and behave like solids.

with a high regeneration potential after mecha-

Owing to this, fruit pieces will neither rise nor

nical stressing and show very little tendency to

settle, but remain cast in position in the gel.

syneresis. In the sensory respect as well, viscous

This is understood by good fruit distribution.

components influence the flavour. These are

gels that will melt in the mouth and have a

Fruit pieces regularly distributed in the gel are

fruity, sweet taste which is very pronounced.

considered a quality feature of jams.

The reaction of pectins with calcium ions in-

The yield point cannot be substituted by a high

creases the setting temperature and results in a

viscosity. Indeed, a high viscosity delays the

yield point at a higher temperature.

rising of fruits but will not prevent it.

added calcium ions (Section I-IV)

Rheology and Sensorics:

Section I:

In a given formulation, which means that su-

The calcium concentration in section I is very

gars and sugar concentration, pectin concen-

low: fruit preparations in this area are highly

In resting condition, once the jams have been

tration and type of fruits and fruit quantity are

viscous or slightly gelled.

filled in containers and are no longer stirred or

constant, gels become increasingly more firm

with higher amounts of calcium.

Section II:

The firmness may be assessed by testing the

Gels in this area have only just started gelation

breaking strength with the Herbstreith

or are already gelled. The gels are very smooth


and spreadable. Rheologically speaking, they

may be characterized by their visco-elasticity as

However, an increase in calcium concentration


does not only raise the breaking strength of


the gels but also affects the rheological and

Pectin gels have visco-elastic properties which

sensory properties such as spreadability, stabi-

means elastic as well as viscous properties.

lity, tendency to syneresis, regeneration potential, setting temperature of the gels and mouth

The elastic component is responsible for high


breaking strength, even reaching brittle tex-


tures and for low mechanical stability together

These properties will be described in the follo-

with poor spreadability and a tendency to

wing in sections I-IV, into which the curve in

syneresis. The viscous component, on the other

chart 10 is divided. These sections characterize

hand, prevents brittleness and causes good

certain areas in which varying calcium-pectin

spreadability and a low tendency to syneresis.

ratios exist.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Section III:

Low Methylester, Amidated Pectins Gelling

As the bondings are additionally stabilised due

occurs. Fine gel particles are formed, the gel

In section III the calcium concentration is very


to the presence of amid groups and with that

arrangement looses its elastic character, the

by the formation of hydrogen bonds, low

texture becomes pasty and with that the gel-

high with a lot of calcium bridges which cause

the pectin molecules to approach each other

Influence of Calcium Ion Concentration

methylester, amidated pectins are able to gel

ling strength is reduced. At mechanical treat-

closely. The pectin network is very tightly

In the case of low methylester, amidated

homogeneously and relatively independent

ment the gel looses water, syneresis occurs.

structured, originally bound water molecules

pectins, the calcium ion concentration which is

from calcium ion concentration over a wide

This process of pre-gelation is reversible. If pre-

are now easily squeezed out of the gel net-

necessary for gelation, depends on different


gelled gels made of amidated pectins are


product parameters such as soluble solids con-

The gel texture is dominantly elastic, the

heated again to a temperature which is higher

tent, pH-value of the product or the buffer

If the calcium dosage is raised intensely, pre-

than their setting temperature and then cooled


gelation, that means an over-reaction between

down again, an elastic and firm gel will be ob-

the pectin molecules and the calcium ions,


viscous phase is suppressed. This provides gels

with a very high breaking strength, on the

Already at a low calcium ion concentration the

other hand, these gels are unstable against

pectin chains start to cluster via calcium bonds.

mechanical stressing. Once they have been pro-

Here the calcium ion concentration which is

cessed, e.g. stirred or pumped, they are not

necessary for gelation, may yet come from the

able to regenerate or at least require a very

natural calcium content which is brought in by

long time to do so. The inclination to syneresis

the fruits or the water contained in the recipe.

Natural calcium
content of the

increases, the yield point or the fruit retention

property also increases and the setting tempe-

The amid groups stabilise the network by

rature is also raised.

hydrogen bonds resulting in elastic gel pro-

tion. Besides the degree of esterification, the

In this section, the calcium concentration is too

amount of amid groups determine the sensiti-

high and at the given filling temperature pre-

vity and with that the calcium need for forming

gelling will occur. The gel strength decreases,

a gel network and the resulting setting tempe-

the consistency is mushy or pasty, syneresis


Gel strength

ducts already at a low calcium ion concentraSection IV:

occurs and the yield point is lowered. The tex-


ture of such products is very unappealing. It is

With increasing the calcium ion concentration

Low methylester amidated pectin

not recommended to apply this area to jams,

the gels become stronger until reaching an

Low methylester Classic Apple pectin

jellies and marmalades.

optimum, the texture of the gels becomes


more elastic and more brittle.

Increasing the filling temperature may prevent

Calcium concentration

pre-gelling up to a certain point. However, the

gels remain very firm and are brittle with a

Fig. 11:

high tendency to syneresis.

Gelation of low methylester, amidated pectins in dependence from calcium ion concentration

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Elastic-brittle texture

b) Gelling properties of low methylester,

Sensitivity levels of low methylester,

amidated pectins with differing calcium sensiti-

amidated pectins:

vity at different filling temperature

Low sensitivity:

The texture and the firmness of the final pro-

Low methylester, amidated

citrus pectin

Pectin Amid AF 005, Pectin Amid CF 005

duct can be decisively influenced by the selec-

Low methylester, amidated

apple pectin

Medium sensitivity:

ted filling temperature.

Pectin Amid AF 010, Pectin Amid CF 010

By means of two low methylester, amidated

pectins with differing calcium sensitivity fig. 14

High sensitivity:

(page 32) shows, under comparable recipe

Pectin Amid AF 020, Pectin Amid CF 020

parameters, the changing of firmness and tex-

Calcium concentration
Fig. 12: Gelation of low methylester, amidated pectins in dependence from calcium ion concentration

ture of the final product, if the product was

For special applications also H&F pectins with

filled at different temperatures.

very high sensitivity are available. Furthermore,

Influence of the raw material on the gelation

H&F offer tailor-made low methylester, amida-

If a product, for example a fruit preparation

ted pectins which are already standardized

(e.g. 45% ss, pH-value 3.3), is manufactured

with specific buffer salts to a defined gelling

with a reactive pectin and then filled, elastic


gels with a constantly high gelling strength

will be obtained as long as the filling tempera-

of low methylester, amidated pectins

Low methylester, amidated pectins can be

setting temperature and the formation of a

a) Setting time/setting temperature of low

ture is higher than the setting temperature of

made from apple pomace as well as from citrus

particular gel texture, are decisively deter-

methylester, amidated pectins with differing

this fruit preparation. If the filling temperature


mined by the calcium sensitivity.

calcium sensitivity

is decreased and reaches a level beneath the

The raw material used has also an influence on

Therefore the behaviour of low methylester,

The higher the calcium sensitivity of the low

resulting in the partial loss of the maximal

the texture of the manufactured gels. At com-

amidated pectins in dependence from calcium

methylester, amidated pectin, the shorter the

reachable gelling strength. At the same time

parable degree of esterification and degree of

ion concentration is not only influenced by the

setting time resp. the higher the setting tem-

the texture of the pre-gelled fruit preparation

amidation, low methylester, amidated apple

fixed recipe parameters such as soluble solids

perature in a gel preparation, produced with

becomes more and more viscous, the lower the

pectins form elastic-viscous textures which are

content, pH-value of the product and the

this pectin, is.

filling temperature is chosen.

easy to spread, show a high mouthfeel (body)

amount of present/added buffer salts, but

and low tendency to syneresis. Gels, which are

additionally by the particular calcium sensitivity

manufactured with low methylester, amidated

of the pectin. Due to this property low methyl-

citrus pectins, have higher setting temperatures

ester, amidated pectins can be specifically

and result in elastic-brittle products.

selected that, also under most different pro-

setting temperature, pre-gelation will occur



duct parameters, they gel homogeneously and

Gelling properties of low methylester, amida-

relatively independent from calcium ion con-

ted pectins with differing calcium sensitivity

centration for reaching the desired texture in

The gelling properties of low methylester,

the particular final product.

Increase of calcium reactivity

Increase of setting speed/setting temperature

amidated pectins, that means, the setting time/

Pectin Amid AF 005
Pectin Amid CF 005

Pectin Amid AF 010

Pectin Amid CF 010

Pectin Amid AF 020

Pectin Amid CF 020
Fig. 13

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Due to the relatively high setting temperature

c) Gelling properties of low methylester, ami-

At comparable calcium ion concentration the

ture of this gel preparation is high in a way

of the fruit preparation manufactured with

dated pectins with differing calcium sensitivity

gel strength decreases from pH 3.2 to pH 3.6

that pre-gelation will occur under the given

reactive pectin, the final gelling strength de-

at different product pH-values

which means that the gels become weaker with

conditions. With that the texture looses its

creases relatively quick with falling filling tem-

The product pH-value has an important in-

rising pH-value, the viscous shares increase.

elasticity and becomes more and more viscous.

perature. If finally this fruit preparation is filled

fluence on the gelling behaviour of low

at a low temperature (e.g. 60C), a pasty texture

methylester, amidated pectins.

With rising pH-value of the final product the

In contrast to that, elastic gels are formed over

calcium need increases. That means to obtain

a wide range at a pH-value of pH 3.6 by using a

With the example of two pectins with differing

comparably firm gels, gels with a higher pH-

reactive pectin. The curve progression is plain,

sensitivity fig. 15 shows the breaking strength

value need more calcium ions than gels with

that means the breaking strength of these gels

If the same fruit preparation is manufactured

in dependence from calcium dosage at two

lower pH-value.

changes only little with increasing calcium

with a pectin with less calcium sensitivity, the

different product pH-values of the gel prepara-

gelling strength will be constant within a wider


with higher tendency to syneresis will result

due to the pre-gelation occured.

The breaking strength of the gels which are
manufactured with a pectin with high sensiti-

A plain curve progression means to the user,

shows a lower setting temperature. Products

The breaking strength, which is reached by

vity, at first also increases with rising calcium

that the working area under these conditions

which are manufactured with pectins with low

using the pectin with low calcium sensitivity in

ion concentration.

is wide, as the gels are very tolerant towards

calcium sensitivity, can therefore also be pro-

dependence from the calcium dosage, increases

cessed and filled at lower temperatures. The

for the two product pH-values with increasing

In comparison, the absolute values in this range

high flexibility and production safety are

products show only very low tendency to

calcium ion concentration.

are higher than for the pectin with low sensiti-


temperature range as this fruit preparation

fluctuations of the calcium content. With that a

vity. At the same time the texture of the gels


which are manufactured with a more reactive

Low methylester, amidated pectins with high

pectin, are more elastic at a comparable pH-

sensitivity such as Pectin Amid CF 020 or Pectin


Amid AF 020 are therefore especially well suited

for the use at higher pH-values, whereas for

With a defined calcium ion concentration, how-

products with lower pH-value rather pectins

ever, the gel strength of the gels with a pH-

with a lower sensitivity such as Pectin Amid

value of 3.2 decreases, as the setting tempera-

CF 005 or Pectin Amid AF 005 are used.

LMA Pectin with high reactivity


Gel strength

LMA Pectin with low reactivity


Falling filling temperature

Fig. 14: Texture of gels, manufactured with low methylester, amidated pectins with differing calcium sensitivity in
dependence from filling temperature

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Breaking strength [HPU]

LMA pectin with high calcium

LMA pectin with low calcium
Increasing calcium concentration
pH 3.2

To form elastic gels, gel preparations which are

calcium ions for gelation, however then it

manufactured with pectins with medium and

shows a high tolerance towards fluctuations of

low reactivity require a certain amount of

the calcium content resulting in a homogenous

calcium ions whereas gels, which are manufac-

gelation over a wide working range.

tured with a reactive pectin, already form an

elastic gel at minor addition of calcium ions

As a result, low methylester, amidated pectins

which might come from the fruits or the drin-

with high calcium reactivity such us Pectin

king water.

Amid CF 020 or Pectin Amid AF 020 are excellently suited for the use in products with a low

pH 3.6

Fig. 15: Breaking strength (Herbstreith Pektinometer Mark IV) of gels (40% ss, 1.0% pectin), manufactured at different pH-values with low methylester, amidated pectins with differing calcium reactivity in dependence from calcium

In contrast to pectins with low and medium

sugar content such as sugar reduced fruit pre-

reactivity, the curve progression of pectin with

parations or delicatessen products.

high reactivity is plain and the breaking

ion concentration

strength of the gels changes over a wide range

Pectins with very high reactivity such as Pectin

only little.

Amid CF 025 or Pectin Amid CB 025 are suited

d) Gelling properties of low methylester, ami-

Gelling behaviour at 20% ss

dated pectins with differing calcium reactivity

With rising calcium ion concentration the

At low soluble solids contents (0-20% ss) the

at different soluble solids content

breaking strength, determined with the

reactive pectin requires a certain amount of

Besides the pH-value of the product also the

Herbstreith Pektinometer Mark IV, increases,

soluble solids content is an important parame-

the texture of the gels becomes firmer and

ter for choosing low methylester, amidated

more elastic.

among others for glaze, spray nappage or jelly.

20% ss


tent, low methylester, amidated pectins show

Over the whole range investigated the high

different gelling properties in dependence

reactive pectin results in firmer gels at compa-

from their calcium reactivity. Thus, depending

rable calcium ion concentration than pectins

on the product and its soluble solids content,

with medium resp. low reactivity do.

the required gelling behaviour can be reached

by choosing the suitable pectin.

In order to reach a comparable breaking

strength of the gels, pectins with medium and

The following figures show at the example of

low reactivity require higher calcium dosages

three pectins with differing reactivity the

than pectins with high reactivity.

Breaking strength [HPU]

pectins. When altering the soluble solids con-

LMA pectin with high
LMA pectin with
medium reactivity

breaking strength of gel preparations in

dependence from calcium dosage at different

LMA pectin with low


soluble solids ranges (20%, 40%, 60% ss).

Increasing calcium concentration

Fig. 16: Breaking strength of gels (20% ss, 1.0% pectin, pH-value 3.2), manufactured with low methylester, amidated
pectins with differing calcium reactivity in dependence from calcium ion concentration

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Fig. 17: Breaking strength

of gels (40% ss, 1.0% pectin,
pH-value 3.2), manufactured with low methylester,

Breaking strength [HPU]

40% ss

Gelling behaviour at 60% ss

LMA pectin with high

LMA pectin with medium

amidated pectins with diffe-

At a soluble solids content of 60% pectins with

solids content of 60% already without separate

high and medium calcium reactivity already

calcium addition. In contrast to pectins with

gel without the separate addition of calcium

high and medium reactivity, the curve progres-

ions. When adding calcium ions, the breaking

sion of the pectin with low reactivity is plain

strength values increase at first, the texture of

and the breaking strength of the gels changes

the gel becomes firmer and more elastic-brittle.

LMA pectin with low


ring calcium reactivity in

dependence from calcium
ion concentration

Increasing calcium concentration

Gelling behaviour at 40% ss

only little over a wide range. Even at high

calcium dosages pre-gelation will not occur.

With a further raise of the calcium ion concentration pre-gelation will occur relatively quick

Therefore low methylester, amidated pectins

and, as a consequence, the gel strength decrea-

with low calcium reactivity such as Pectin Amid

ses. At a soluble solids content of 60% ss the

CF 005 or Pectin Amid AF 005 are very well

If the soluble solids content is raised to 40% ss,

As pectins with high calcium reactivity and

setting temperature of these pectins increases

suited for the use in products with high sugar

low methylester, amidated pectins with medium

especially pectins with medium calcium reacti-

with increasing calcium ion concentration very

content, as for example jams, fruit spreads and

and higher calcium reactivity will form elastic

vity show, at a soluble solids content of 40%, a

intensely, the preparation gels already during

fruit preparations for yogurt.

gels already at a low concentration of calcium

homogeneous gelation over a wide range and

the boiling process and the gel can no longer

ions. Especially for gels which are manufactu-

with that a high tolerance towards calcium

be filled without being destroyed. Due to the

The high setting temperature of the low

red with a pectin with medium reactivity, the

ions, these medium reactive pectins are excel-

pre-gelation, the obtained gels are pasty with

methylester, amidated pectins with high reacti-

breaking strength is homogeneously high over

lently suited for the use in products in this

decreasing firmness and increased tendency to

vity such as Pectin Amid CF 020 or Pectin Amid

a very wide range and relatively independent

soluble solids range.


AF 020 can be used for technological reasons

relatively high calcium ion concentration the

For example, in applications with gelling sugar

As the setting temperature of gels increases

already during the boiling process and is addi-

gel strength of gels, which are manufactured

(2:1) most different fruits are used at approx.

with increasing reactivity of the pectins, the

tionally enhanced by the addition of acid. This

with the high reactive pectin, slightly decreases,

40% ss, which mainly differ regarding their

calcium ion concentration at which pre-gelation

gelation results in an increase of viscosity

as here the setting temperature is high in a

calcium and acid content.

starts, is the lower, the higher the reactivity of

because of which the fruits in the preparation

the low methylester, amidated pectin is. The

do not separate during the filling process.

to prevent floating. The gelation process starts

from calcium ion concentration. At a defined,

way, that pre-gelation occurs under the given

conditions. Then the texture becomes more

Additionally the household production condi-

and more viscous resulting in falling breaking

tions vary depending from the user. Despite

strength values.

this fact, products with homogeneous gelation

pectin with the low reactivity gels at a soluble

and sufficient firmness are expected. Low

methylester, amidated pectins with medium

reactivity requires a certain amount of calcium

reactivity are a guarantee for the successful

ions to form elastic gels. Then the breaking

manufacture of these preparations. Further-

strength values rise with increasing calcium ion

more, low methylester, amidated pectins with

concentration and the gels become firmer.

medium calcium reactivity such us Pectin Amid

CF 010 or Pectin Amid AF 010 are used for

At comparable gel strength the pectin with

example for calorie-reduced fruit preparations,

high calcium reactivity forms an elastic-brittle

fruit preparations for yoghurts or to stabilise

texture, whereas gels manufactured with a

fruit cream.

pectin with low reactivity are elastic-viscous

and pasty.

60% ss

Breaking strength [HPU]


On the contrary, the pectin with low calcium


LMA pectin with high reactivity

Fig. 18: Breaking strength of

gels (60% ss, 1.0% pectin,

LMA pectin with medium


pH-value 3.2), manufactured

LMA pectin with low reactivity

dated pectins with differing

with low methylester, amicalcium reactivity in dependence from calcium ion con-

Increasing calcium concentration


Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Pectins form visco-elastic gels, i.e. gels with

carboxyl groups are statistically distributed

elastic as well as viscous phases. The greater

throughout the molecule due to the production

the elastic and the smaller the viscous phase in

method. Enzymes, which cause a clustered

a gel, the greater the sensitivity of gel textures

demethoxylation, are not active in the raw

to mechanical stressing and their inclination to

material pomace, contrary to other raw mate-

High Methylester Pectins (HM Pectins):

syneresis are.

rials, e.g. citrus peels.

depends on many factors. It is described more

Gelled products with HM pectins have, as a

The ratio of elastic and viscous phases in pectins

The most frequent cause for syneresis is the

closely in the following:

rule, a soluble solids content of at least 60%.

is determined by the degree of esterification

series of unsuitable production conditions

At these high soluble solids, the manufactured

and their sensitivity to multivalent ions.

which may be summarized by the term

Syneresis Behaviour
In general, syneresis is an undesired phenomenon for jams and other fruit preparations and

Pectin is supposed to immobilize the free water

products should not show any syneresis under

in the product. If the desired water binding

optimal conditions, that is if the gel is not

Very high methylester pectins form very elastic

effect is not completely achieved in gel produc-


gels with high setting temperatures. Medium

Pre-gelling will always occur if the filling

methylester pectins form elastic gels with

temperature for the gel has been set too low.

tion or during further processing of the gel,


gels show a tendency to shrink and to release

Syneresis to a minor extent may occur in the

greater viscous phases and lower setting tem-

The reason for this may be (at correct pectin

fluid, which is called syneresis (the pectin

normal consumption of gelled products, e.g. in

peratures. Due to the greater viscous phase,


chains approach each other too closely and

household consumption and especially if a gel

medium methylester pectins are less sensitive

squeeze the originally bound water out of the

is stirred or pumped.

to mechanical stressing, show less inclination

to syneresis and result in more spreadable gels.

gel network).


that the sugar concentration is too high

that the acid dosage (which causes the pH

HM pectin gels are not able to regenerate their

Based on the different gelling mechanisms,

gel texture after mechanical destruction. Once

Another reason for high gel elasticity is ion

syneresis must be differently assessed in high

the texture of these gels has been damaged,

sensitivity, which occurs also in high methyl-

and low methylester pectins.

syneresis sets in and becomes more pronounced

ester pectins as a function of raw materials and

during a longer storage period.

production methods. Ion sensitivity is probably

in the product to be too low) is too high or

an unsuitable type of pectin, e.g. a pectin
that sets too fast.

also influenced by the way the free carboxyl

This may be remedied by correcting the sugar

groups are distributed in the pectin molecule.

and acid concentrations, and by matching the

A clustered appearance of free carboxyl groups

filling temperature and the type of pectin.

due to the corresponding enzyme activity in

the raw material results in high ion sensitivity.

Another reason for syneresis may be an insuffi-

This makes gels highly elastic, up to being even

cient sugar exchange between fruits and the

brittle with a stronger inclination to syneresis.

liquid medium, which might be due to a too


short cooking time for fruits with very hard

High methylester Classic Apple Pectins are

skins or firm fruit pulp.

comparatively insensitive to ions since the

A fluid separation will also occur if the pectin
dosage is too small or the pectin has not been
completely dissolved. This means, the available
water cannot be sufficiently immobilized.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Low Methylester Pectins (LM Pectins):

Whether or not syneresis in gels with low

The suitable pectin and calcium dosage

methylester pectins occurs, depends on the

depends, as already described, on the pH-value,

ratio between selected pectin and calcium for a

ion strength, sugars and sugar quantities,

certain formulation.

which follows that all these parameters have

to be exactly matched. An important factor,

The proper dosage of low methylester pectin

very difficult to assess in its impact, is the ion

and relatively few calcium ions result in thixo-

composition of fruits, because this can even

tropic gels with a high regeneration rate. This

vary within one and the same type and variety

means that after mechanical stressing of a gel,

of fruit.

e.g. spooning jam from a pot, the destroyed

gel can regenerate quickly and liquid does not

It is recommended to use a calcium insensitive

seep from the pectin network; the tendency to

pectin in such cases.

syneresis is relatively low in these gels.

Strong syneresis in jams, marmalades and jellies
An increased amount of calcium, in comparison

does not only make an unappealing impression

to the selected pectin dosage, renders gels

but is also considered as a quality defect by

more elastic, the viscous phase is smaller, the

jam manufacturers and consumers and should

texture becomes even brittle and is no longer

thus be avoided.

spreadable and thixotropic gels with a very

low regeneration rate are the result. After
destruction, these gels take much longer to
restructure their texture and fluids may be



Fig. 19: Determination of

syneresis behaviour of fruit

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The Standardization
of H&F Pectins
A sugar-pectin-water gel with 65% soluble

For determining the breaking strength and the

solids and a pH-range of about 2.0 is manufac-

texture with the Herbstreith Pektinometer a

tured for this purpose. The gel is cooled under

nearly optional gel is put on strain up to the

defined conditions (25C [77F] 24 hours). After

destruction of the gel network. The force

cooling, the gel is released from its mould and

necessary for this effect is measured in depen-

the percentage of sagging under its specific

dence from time.

gravity is measured with the so-called Exchange Ridgelimeter after exactly 2 minutes. A Gel

The simple handling, good reproducibility and

with a 23.5% sagging is considered a standard

above all the great flexibility regarding the


recipe are the advantages of this method. With

that gels can be assessed which are exactly

The grading of pectin is calculated according to

adjusted to the particular application.

the following formula:

USA-Sag =


But, fruit spreads containing fruit components

can only be assessed reproducibly if the fruits

a = amount of sugar in the gel (650g)

are finely ground or at least relatively small

b = amount of pectin in the gel (4.33g)

and distributed homogeneously.

A sagging of 23.5% is equal to factor F = 1 and

For determination of the breaking strength and

the USA-Sag = 150. Gels which sag more

the texture with the Herbstreith Pektinometer

strongly (weaker gels) are corrected by a factor

the gel preparation is filled into a standardized

< 1; gels which sag less strongly are calculated

measuring beaker with shear insert. After a

with the correcting factor > 1. A table has been

defined time this shear insert is pulled out of

compiled with these factors.

the gel and the force necessary herefore is

measured. From the resulting force-time-dia-

Fig. 20: Ridgelimeter (USA-Sag-Method)

The method described has served as commercial

gram the following information is obtained:

basis for high methylester pectins for many


years. However, this method is not undisputed,

The maximum value is the force which is neces-

it is frequently criticized that the extremely

sary for disrupting the gel and which is called

As pectin is extracted from natural, vegetable

Different methods of standardization are used

low pH-value in the gel is not practice oriented.

breaking strength. This breaking strength resp.

raw materials, its properties may be different

depending on the intended application of the

This means, that pectin is assessed by the gela-

inner firmness correlates very well with the

depending on the quality of the raw materials


tion of a product which would not be produced

firmness which is perceived during the first

in this way in practice. The so-called internal

swallowing or first spooning up for sensory


used. Due to this fact, the pectins are analyzed

and standardized to their defined properties in

The standardization of high methylester pectins

strength, also termed breaking strength,

order to reach ever a constant texture with the

to constant grade value is internationally done

correlates more directly with the sensory stabi-

application of pectin.

by way of a Ridgelimeter according to the

lity perception than the USA-Sag-values do.


Therefore, lately efforts have been increased to


assess high methylester pectins not only according to the USA-Sag-Method, but additionally
to their breaking strength.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Fig. 21: Herbstreith Pektinometer


Elastic-viscous gels for example require a smal-

Determination of Texture Properties using the

ler force to be disrupted resp. broken and

Oscillating Rheometer

therefore their breaking strength is relatively

The above mentioned texture constant K


which is used together with the Herbstreith

As elastic-viscous gels have an inner cohesion,

Pektinometer Mark IV for determining the tex-

a low but steady power input is necessary to

ture properties of pectin gels correlates very

pull the shear insert out of the gel. Therefrom

well with the so-called dynamic Weienberg

a relatively large integral area in the force-

number W (Windhab, 1990) which can be

time-curve results.

determined by using the oscillating rheometer.

From the ratio of breaking strength, i.e. the

The determination of the dynamic Weienberg

maximum force, and integral of the force-time-

number W is a comparatively extensive rheo-

curve a relatively low value for the texture

metric method in which the ratio between

constant K is obtained. Sensorily the gels are

elastic (G) and viscous shares (G) of a pectin

assessed very easy to spread and homoge-

gel is determined by a special oscillating

neously firm with high mouthfeel.

measurement mode (W = G : G).

Elastic gels show high breaking strength values,

Pectin gels are visco-elastic substances, which

thus they require a high power input for

means they are predominantly elastic. How-

breaking. Elastic gels break into single frag-

ever, they additionally possess more or less

ments when ruptured. Therefore after breaking

high viscous shares which have a very signifi-

only a small power input is necessary to pull

cant influence on texture.

From the ratio of the maximum force and the

the shear insert out of the gel which results in

integral of the resulting force-time-curve the

a comparatively small area in the force-time-

so-called texture constant K is determined. This

curve. The calculated texture constant K is then

value gives information on the ability to spread

higher than for viscous, easy to spread gels.

Fig. 22: Oscillating rheometer

gels and on the behaviour of a gel preparation

during chewing and swallowing in the mouth.

Sensorily elastic-brittle gels are often assessed

less easy to spread and slightly rough with less

With the Herbstreith Pektinometer Mark IV the


terms breaking strength and texture constant

K can be determined. Different types of pectin
gels can be distinguished:

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades



The determination of setting time according to

then measured in the sample. The sample is

Joseph and Bayer (Joseph, G.H., Bayer, W.F.,

not destroyed in the process.

1949) has proved to be simple and easy to carry

Fig. 23: Visco-elastic substance (phase displacement between 0-90)

out without any technical input.

If the sample is in a liquid state, the viscous

References: Joseph, G.H., Bayer, W.F. (1949): Food

phase is dominant and the phase displacement

Technol. 3, 18-22

between the curve of the applied force and the

response movement amounts to approx. 90C

The texture, that means appearance and struc-

starts to gel and the higher the filling tempera-

In this method a gel preparation is produced

(194F) If the sample has become a firm gel, the

ture of the gel surface, the sensorily felt firm-

ture in the production process has to be fixed.

according to the Ridgelimeter method. The set-

elastic forces are paramount and the resulting

ness when spooning and spreading, and the

If the setting temperature of the product is

ting process is observed under defined cooling

phase displacement between curves approaches

haptic impression (mouthfeel) of fruit spreads

higher than the fixed filling temperature, pre-

conditions. The time at which gelation starts, is

0. If viscous and elastic phases are balanced,

are determined by the ratio of elastic and

gelation will occur, that means the products

measured and defined as setting time.

one gets a so-called sol-gel-transition or gel

viscous properties. The higher the elastic shares

already starts gelling before the filling process.

in a gel, the higher is the dynamic Weienberg

The mechanical treatment during the filling

Due to the less practice-oriented recipe para-

then amount to 45 and the corresponding

number W.

process irreversibly destroys the gel network

meters (no buffer salts, pH-value approx. 2.2)

temperature is defined as the setting tempera-

already formed resulting in a partial loss of the

the measured values correlate only to some


final gel strength in the product.

extend with practical experiences.

brittle, the gels show a structured, rough sur-

On the other hand, products, which contain

This becomes very clear when observable reac-

ture the high methylester pectins are usually

face and often a slightly higher tendency to

whole fruits or fruit pieces, require a compara-

tions with ions, mostly bivalent cations such as

divided into the following groups:


tively high setting temperature as these pro-

calcium ions, are already expected due to the

The texture of gels with a high dynamic

point. The angle of shift between phases will

Weienberg number (W = 15-20) is elastic-


On the basis of setting time/setting tempera-

ducts are intended to gel quickly after the fil-

low degree of esterification or due to the raw

rapid set (rs)

Gels with a small dynamic Weienberg number

ling process in order to prevent the contained

material (as for citrus pectins by a blockwise

medium rapid set (mrs)

(W = 5-10) are elastic-viscous, easy to spread

fruits or fruit pieces from floating and with

distribution of carboxyl groups).

slow set (ss)

and smooth, and show a glossy surface with

that from separating from the gel.

extra slow set (xss)

For the determination of the setting tempera-

low tendency to syneresis.

Setting time resp. setting temperature are in-

ture H&F have established a rheometric method

As up to now there is no official method for

fluenced on the one side by recipe parameters

using an oscillating rheometer. In this method,

the determination of setting time resp. setting

Determination of Setting Time/Setting Tempe-

such as soluble solids content, pH-value of the

the sample is, during cooling, exposed to a

temperature of pectin gels, this classification is


product, buffer salts and pectin dosage, on the

force in form of a sinusoidal, oscillating motion.

arbitrary and may highly fluctuate from produ-

Besides the desired texture also the setting

other side by the degree of esterification, the

The corresponding sinusoidal response curve is

cer to producer.

time is a very important parameter for the

raw material for pectin production and produc-

manufacturers of fruit preparations. The higher

tion technology of pectin.


the setting temperature, the faster the product

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Classic, Combi and Amid Pectins

and their Application

Customized Pectins for Specific Control of

Generally, citrus pectins form highly elastic,

Classic Pectins:

An Example for Formulation Parameters and

Sensory and Rheological Properties of Jams,

even brittle gels with a relatively high tendency

The Classic Pectins of interest in this area receive


Jellies and Fruit Preparations:

to syneresis. Apple pectins, on the other hand,

a letter coding in their nomenclature, which is

Jam with 62% soluble solids, pH at 3.0:

Increased quality demands on jams, jellies and

form elastic gels with a certain amount of

AF, A stands for apple as raw material

If Pectin Classic AF 101 is used for this purpose,

fruit preparations are not only limited to the

viscosity, to which they owe their good

and F for the application area fruits, also

the product will, under the given parameters,

gel strength, but also include in a rising degree

spreadability with low tendency to syneresis,

C for citrus as raw material.

show a very high setting temperature. To avoid

consistency, texture and syneresis behaviour.

which, in turn, also influences the taste of the

What is regarded as the optimal consistency by

gels. Apple pectin gels melt in the mouth, and

All high methylester Classic Pectins listed here

nology applied to fill at a very hot state. The

consumers in one country and for a certain

the fruity-sweet flavour is intensively perceived.

are suitable for jams and marmalades with

texture of the gels is highly elastic, the sprea-

more than 60% soluble solids, but also the low

dability is poorly developed. To lower the set-

product, may be quite different in other places.

pre-gelling, it must be possible with the tech-

In some countries, for example, special products

Based on these properties, H&F supply Classic

methylester Pectin Classic AF 802 may be

ting temperature and to improve spreadability,

are expected to be of very firm and brittle gels,

Apple and Citrus Pectins for a great variety of

applied. Which type is suitable in a specific

pectins with a lower degree of esterification

in other countries, easily spreadable gels are

product designs.

case depends on:

are used instead. On the other hand, if the same

jam, however, consumers in general expect a

Furthermore, H&F have also developed Combi

the formulation

value of e.g. 3.3, then Pectin Classic AF 101 has

firmer consistency than for e.g. compote or

Pectins (apple/citrus), which differ from tradi-

the production technology

certain advantages compared with other pec-

spoonable fruit desserts.

tional pectins due to their production method

the texture requirements

tins. This pectin, due to its high degree of este-

product should be produced with a higher pH-

clearly preferred (Swiss consistency). Of extra

and properties. To produce Combi Pectins,


rification, shows still a good setting at a higher

Pectins are the preferred gelling and thickening

pomace and citrus peels are extracted jointly in

With a declining degree of esterification the

pH-value and, owing to the higher product pH,

agents for jams, jellies and fruit preparations,

a fixed mixing ratio, which depends on the

setting temperature of these gels also drops, if

the setting temperature will be lowered and

because these are already originally and natu-

intended finished product.

their manufacure happens under the same con-

the texture becomes smoother.

rally present in fruits thus resulting in a natural

ditions and according to the same formulation.


Pectin Classic AF 101 is an extra rapid set pectin,

Pectin Classic AF 201 a very rapid set pectin

Apple and citrus pectins in different degrees of

and Pectin Classic AF 401 a medium rapid set

esterification are commercially available in the

pectin. The texture will also change with a

marketplace; each of these pectins form typical

declining degree of esterification, smoothness

gel textures based on its specific raw material

and spreadability of the pectin gels increase

origin and degree of esterification.



Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Pectin Classic AF 401 has a medium rapid set-

smoothness, spreadability and full-bodyness of

The special property of Pectin Classic AF 504 is

For jellies with a soluble solids content of more

ting time and is characterized by a distinctive

the gels.

its ability to form a sufficient yield point already

than 60%, all the above listed high methylester

at high temperatures during the production

pectins may be used, especially Pectin Classic

process. Whole fruits or large fruit pieces are

CF 501 can be recommended in this respect.

kept swimming and an optimal fruit distribu-

The setting temperature of this slow set pectin

tion is reached. Therefore this pectin is very

is comparatively low; air bubbles which have

well suited for products for which a good fruit

been drawn in during cooking may escape

distribution is important, e.g. cherry jam with

from the product before setting, which provides

large fruit pieces.

a clear and transparent gel. Higher methylester


Herbstreith & Fox KG

Extra Jam

Product Pectin Classic AF 401

50g Pectin solution 5% (= 0.25%)
450g Fruit
420g Sucrose, crystalline
200g Glucose syrup (15% dextrose,
15% maltose, 13% maltotriose)
x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust
the pH-value

pectins form gels with a sometimes firm, even

A Production of pectin solution (mix pectin
dry with a part of sucrose, stir into water
and heat to approx. 90C).

Gels which are manufactured with Pectin Clas-

brittle gel texture, because fruit pieces or fruit

sic AF 504 show a very spreadable texture and

fibres that might contribute to the gels

an extremely low tendency to syneresis.

smoothness, are missing.

B Mix fruit, glucose syrup and sucrose and

heat to approx. 90C.
C Add the hot pectin solution and cook to


approx. 1120g


approx. 1000g


approx. 63%

pH-value: 3.0-3.1

final soluble solids.

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the
E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit


Herbstreith & Fox KG


Extra Jam

Extra Jelly

Product Pectin Classic AF 504

Product Pectin Classic CF 501

80g Pectin solution 5% (= 0.4%)

450g Fruit
420g Sucrose, crystalline
200g Glucose syrup (15% dextrose,
15% maltose, 13% maltotriose)
x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust
the pH-value

A Production of pectin solution (mix pectin
dry with a part of sucrose, stir into water
and heat to approx. 90C).
B Mix fruit, glucose syrup and sucrose and

4g Pectin (= 0.4%)
450g Fruit juice, approx. 12% ss
410g Sucrose, crystalline
200g Glucose syrup (15% dextrose,
15% maltose, 13% maltotriose)
x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust

heat to approx. 90C.

the pH-value

approx. 1150g


approx. 1000g


approx. 63%

pH-value: 3.0-3.1

final soluble solids.

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the
E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit

A Mix the pectin with approx. 100g sucrose
from total sucrose amount.


B Stir mixture A into fruit juice and boil

until the pectin has dissolved completely.
C Add the remaining sucrose and the glucose
syrup and cook to final soluble solids.

C Add the hot pectin solution and cook to



Herbstreith & Fox KG


approx. 1065g


approx. 1000g


approx. 63%

pH-value: 3.0-3.1

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the

E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit


Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The principles described before are also valid

Pectin Classic AF 101 is recommended for pro-

for dietetic jams, jellies and marmalades with a

ducts with a soluble solids content between

soluble solids range above 60%. However, the

55-60%, since owing to its high degree of este-

sugar substitutes used in these products, e.g.

rification, this pectin is more tolerant to fluctu-

fructose and sorbitol, have in impact on the

ating solids than less methylester pectin types

consistency of the gels. With these sugar sub-

are. If the soluble solids content drops below

stitutes, the gels are softer and very smooth. In

55%, low methylester pectins with a suitable

180g Pectin solution 5% (= 0.9%)

contrast to the traditional products, in this

amount of calcium salts, are used.

450g Fruit

Low-Calorie Extra Jam

Product Pectin Classic AF 802

380g Sucrose, crystalline

field, depending on what type of texture is in-

40g Water

tended, also pectins with a higher degree of

x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust

esterification can be used.


Herbstreith & Fox KG

the pH-value

A Production of pectin solution (mix pectin
dry with a part of sucrose, stir into water
and heat to approx. 90C).
B Mix fruit, sucrose and water and heat to
approx. 90C.



Herbstreith & Fox KG

approx. 1050g


approx. 1000g


approx. 43%

pH-value: approx. 3.2-3.3

Dietetic Fruit Spread

C Add the hot pectin solution and cook to

final soluble solids.
D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the
E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit

Product Pectin Classic AF 703

180g Pectin solution 5% (= 0.9%)
450g Fruit
630g Fructose syrup, 70% ss
0.9g tri-calcium dicitrate x 4H2O
x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust
the pH-value

A Production of pectin solution (mix pectin
dry with a part of sucrose, stir into water
and heat to approx. 90C).
B Mix fruit, glucose syrup and sucrose and
heat to approx. 90C.


approx. 1260g


approx. 1000g


approx. 50%

pH-value: approx. 3.2-3.4

C Add the hot pectin solution and cook to

final soluble solids.
D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the


E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit


Low-Calorie Extra Jam

Product Pectin Classic AF 703

240g Pectin solution 5% (= 1.2%)
500g Fruit
240g Sucrose, crystalline
70g Water
0.7g tri-calcium dicitrate x 4H2O
Preserving agent

Fruits spreads sweetened with fruit juice concentrate are usually rich in minerals. It is there-

The lowering of the calorific input for jams

x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust

the pH-value

requires a noticeable reduction of sugar. This

fore recommended to use, depending on the

does not only cut the sweetness of the jams

desired texture and soluble solids content, buf-

but affects texture and mouthfeel at the same


Herbstreith & Fox KG

A Production of pectin solution (mix pectin
dry with a part of sucrose, stir into water
and heat to approx. 90C).


B Mix fruit, sucrose, water, tri-calcium dicitrate and the preserving agent and heat to
approx. 90C.
C Add the hot pectin solution and cook to


approx. 1050g


approx. 1000g
approx. 30%

fered low methylester or medium methylester

time. Texture and mouthfeel are reconstituted


pectins such as Pectin Classic AF 601 or the

with a suitable dosage of low methylester

pH-value: approx. 3.2-3.4

high methylester Pectin Classic AF 401.

pectin plus the proper calcium dosage.

final soluble solids.

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the
E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

H&F offer two qualities of low methylester

Combi Pectins:

Classic Apple Pectins for the use in low-calorie

Special extraction conditions have been de-

Herbstreith & Fox KG

jams and fruit preparations:

signed to produce Combi Pectins with specific

Fruit Preparation


properties. These pectins show gelling properties which are situated between the classical
H&F Classic Apple Pectins, which are already

Product Pectin Amid AF 010

apple and the classical citrus pectins. The pro-

standardized to a constant calcium sensitivi-

nounced viscous properties, characteristic for

ty, e.g. Pectin Classic AF 703. This pectin

apple pectins, are complemented by the higher

needs a separate addition of calcium to

elasticity of citrus pectins. The result are pec-

reach a viscous, spreadable texture. On the

tins which form gels with great elasticity with

one side, the calcium dosage depends on

simultaneous spreadability and little tendency

the soluble solids content of the final pro-

to syneresis.

7g Pectin (= 0.7%)
400g Fruit

A Mix the pectin with approx. 100g sucrose

350g Sucrose, crystalline

from total sucrose amount.

280g Water
x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust
the pH-value

B Stir mixture A into fruit and water and

boil until the pectin has dissolved


approx. 1045g

C Cook to final soluble solids.

texture properties, which can be adjusted

Standard HB Pectins:


approx. 1000g

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the

by the calcium dosage.

Standard HB Pectins are produced in a special


approx. 40%

production process. They form elastic and brittle

pH-value: approx. 3.3-3.5

duct, on the other side on the the desired

H&F Classic Apple Pectins with constant

gels which tend to a comparable texture as

E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit

calcium sensitivity, which are already stan-

produced with citrus pectins. Despite this, the

dardized with calcium salts and/or other

tendency to syneresis of the gels is extremely

buffer substances to constant gelling pro-

low comparable to apple pectins.

perties, e.g. Pectin Classic AF 802/Pectin

Further advantages are provided by Standard

Classic AF 803. These pectins do not require

HB Pectins in the production of jams and other

Herbstreith & Fox KG

a separate calcium addition and are, due to

fruit preparations due to their very high flexi-

Fruit Spread

the added buffer substances, flexibly appli-

bility in their application and thus in a raised

cable at different soluble solids contents.

production safety.


Product Pectin Amid CF 005

The firmness of the product as well as the

desired texture properties are adjusted by


the pectin dosage.

5g Pectin (= 0.5%)

Amidated Pectins:
With amidated, low methylester pectins fruit
spreads with a smooth, elastic gel texture can

450g Fruit
350g Sucrose, crystalline
180g Glucose syrup (15% dextrose,

be produced. Compared with low methylester

15% maltose, 13% maltotriose)

A Mix the pectin with approx. 100g sucrose
from total sucrose amount.
B Stir mixture A into fruit and water and
boil until the pectin has dissolved

Pectin Classic AF 901 has been especially deve-

Classic Pectins, there is no necessity of a sepa-

50g Water

loped for the preparation of cranberries. It gives

rate calcium addition in a soluble solids range

x ml Citric acid solution 50% to adjust

these products a very smooth texture and also

of approx. 40-55%. In order to reach optimal

provides a good fruit distribution.

gelling properties, the addition of calcium may


approx. 1035g

syrup and cook to final soluble solids.

become necessary for fruit spreads below


approx. 1000g

D Add the citric acid solution to adjust the

Besides these standard pectin types, H&F have

40% ss depending on fruit type, pectin and


approx. 55%

developed in close cooperation with their

processing parameters.

pH-value: approx. 3.1-3.3

customers specifically designed, customized

the pH-value


C Add the remaining sucrose and the glucose

E Adjust filling temperature to trading unit

pectin types.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Production Methods
of Jams, Jellies and Marmalades
How to Incorporate Pectins into the Product

If sugar solutions or sugar syrups are used,


pectin may also be suspended in 10 times the

The production of pectin solutions by way of a

amount of liquid sugar/sugar syrup while stir-

suitable system is the best possibility to add

ring slowly. This suspension may then be incor-

standardized pectin to the cooking process.

porated into hot water with at least 80C

Incorporation of powdered pectin into

Incorporation of dispersed pectin into

the product batch

the product batch





500 min-1

liquid sugar


500 min-1

(176F), which results in a 3-5% pectin solution.

If only slow-speed mixers are available, the
pectin is mixed with about 5 times the amount

If pectin is directly added to the product batch,

of sugar and this mixture is dissolved in water

i.e. not as pectin solution, this is best achieved

with a temperature of at least 80C (176F). In

with the above mentioned pre-mix of pectin

this way, a 3-5% pectin solution can be pro-

and 5-10 times the amount of sugar or a suspen-


sion with liquid sugar or sugar syrups. In this

Production of pectin solutions


case it is important to observe that the soluble

If a dissolver with high-speed mixer is available

solids content in the batch during the dissolving

(more than 1.500rpm), pectin is added while

of pectin is not above 30%, since it otherwise

the mixer is running and the water temperature

interferes with the solubility.





is at least 80C (176F), directly poured into the

500 min-1

mixer flux and dissolved. Depending on the

type of pectin, pectin solutions of 5-7% may be

Nowadays, 7-10% pectin solutions can be pro-


duced, on modern injection mixers. Flowchart


24 on the previous page shows such a modern

injection blending unit.
The evaporating water volume is clearly smaller

1500 min-1

mixer approx.
15002000 min-1


when such high percentage pectin solutions

are added in the cooking process than it is the
case with 3-5% pectin solutions.



Fig. 24: Incorporation of Pectin into the product batch/scheme high-speed dissolving equipment

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Reduction by Boiling:

The material for modern cookers is a V2A

Modern cooking systems are equipped with

carefully mixed with an anchor mixer with

This concentration of jams, jellies and marma-

special steel. The construction of cookers is

automatic metering devices for glucose syrup,


lades is done with the objective to create a

determined by various factors:

acid solution and pectin solution. The integra-

finished product with a long shelf-life and with

the required soluble solids content as well as
the other product features aimed for.

During cooking, a sufficient exchange between

sugars, liquid medium and fruits is achieved,

tion of a process refractometer and pH measu-

Berry fruits often require pre-cooking with

ring sequence provide automatic control of

water in order to get the hard skins of the fruits

of the cooking material and thus reduces

soluble solids content and pH-value. Jams, jellies

to burst and to provide a sufficient exchange

cooking time due to the large evaporation

and marmalades are also produced on conti-

with the sugar.


nuous vacuum cooker systems.

A flat construction provides large surfaces

A flat, spacious kettle floor with adjacent

Cooking in Vacuum Systems:

which prevents water loss in the finished pro-

steam jacket provides a large heating sur-

Cooking in an Open System:

Cooking in vacuum systems is done in closed

duct during storage. When fruits preserved


Cooking in an open kettle is nowadays practiced

kettles under reduced pressure. The great

only in a few, small companies. The reflection

benefit of this cooking method consists in low

with SO2 are used, it is important to consider

The flat construction requires a low filling

the maximum admissible level of sulphur dioxide

level, which in turn shortens the way of the

to former traditions restores this system to a

cooking temperatures and short cooking times.

which must not be exceeded.

steam bubbles from the heated floor to the

certain renaissance.

Both criteria are decisive for an optimal finished

surface of the liquid, thus reducing the risk

The Cooker:
In the large-scale production of jams, jellies
and marmalades with cooking kettles two basic
types exist for the concentration process:

of overheating.
A slow-speed anchor mixer with scrapers
guarantees the careful fruit treatment and

product as regards appearance, colour, flavour


and vitamins, since the raw materials are ex-

In the pre-heater, the metered fruits and sugars

posed to only minimal stressing.

added are heated to 70-80C (158-176F) and

prevents burning on the vessel walls.

In-built baffles which purposefully override
the agigator from above interrupt the agi-

Cooking in an open kettle under atmospheric pressure.


Cooking in a closed vacuum system with

reduced pressure.

tated flux and improve distribution and diffusion during cooking, while preserving the
integrity of fruit pieces.
A high shaped dome on closed cooking
systems prevents foam overflow from the


cooking material.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Short cooking times and relatively large cooking

Filling of Jams, Jellies and Marmalades:

batches also guarantee the economic efficiency

Jams, jellies and marmalades are discharged

of the process. Vacuum cooking is divided into

from the vacuum kettle by way of pumps or,

the following processing steps:

even more sensitively, by gravity into heated

Liquid sugars, sugar

syrups, glucoses

filling troughs with agitators, from which they

Vacuum Kettle:

are fed into filling machines. The temperature

The pre-heated fruit/sugar mix is fed from the

of the cooking batch at the time of filling is

pre-heater by negative pressure into the kettle

about 70-85C (158-185F).


and reduced by boiling under vacuum with

constant stirring. To prevent foaming, edible

The relatively high filling temperature and

oils and fats such as mono- and diglycerides of

capping under vacuum with headspace sterili-

edible fatty acids may be added during cooking.

zation guarantees germ-free filling and perfect


stability during storage. Before closing the jars,

The pectin solution is then metered and further

suitable measures for the sterility of the pro-

reduced by boiling under vacuum until the

duct surface during the filling process are re-

desired final soluble solids content is reached.

commended. UV-radiation of the empty jars or

Due to the low cooking temperatures, which

the caps before filling is also indicated to pro-

may be as low as 65C (149F), slow to medium

tect against secondary infections.

pectin solution
acid solution
cooling water

rapid set pectins are applied in this process.

After filling and capping, the jars pass through
Once the final soluble solids content is reached,

a tunnel cooler and are sprinkled with cold

the batch will be vented and acid is added. The

water which lowers their temperature to

temperature of the cooked material increases

40-50C (104-122F). The rapid lowering of the

in this process, before discharging it should

temperature prevents caramelization and co-

reach 80-85C (176-185F) in order to guarantee

lour changes in the filled article (centreburning)

germ-free filling.

and brings the product into a temperature ran-

vacuum vessel

ge, in which gelation is initiated and an

Sophisticated cooking systems with flavour

optimal gel texture may be slowly formed.

recovery condense the volatile aroma compo-


nents from the escaping steam and return

After cooling and labelling, the products go

them to the cooking batch before its discharge.

into packaging. Before distribution, however,

This cooking process is not only suitable for

the jars should be stored until the product has

the production of jams, jellies and marmalades,

thoroughly gelled.


vacuum pump


filling bowl

but also for dietetic fruit products and fruit


preparations for the dairy and baking industries.

filling machine +
cap closer

tube cooler



Fig. 25: Boiling equipment

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Visual field in the Abbe refractometer

General Calculations
and Design of Formulations

Ray path on the Abbe refractometer


Soluble Solids Content and Refractometry:

The soluble solids contents of raw materials


and finished products are important parameters for the calculation and design of jam, jelly
and marmalade formulations. They indicate

Ocular lens
Objective lens
Reflecting prism
Amili prisms
Objective lens
Reflecting mirror
Illumination prism
Measuring prism
Reflecting mirror

what amounts of dissolved solids (sugar, acids,

pectins, salts, etc.) are contained in anhydrous

form in 100g of mass. Thus an anhydrous sub-

stance, for example, consists of 100% ss, a fruit

with 10% soluble solids and 90% water has a
soluble solids content of 10%. To measure the

Medium 1

ss content, a refractometer is used.

Modern jam cookers have digital display refrac-


tometers with temperature compensation in-

stalled in the vessel walls, which allows monitoring the solids content throughout the com-


plete cooking process.

c1 = sin = n
c2 sin

Medium 2


Fig. 26: Refraction of light

Fig. 27: Abbe refractometer

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The content in solid ingredients in a solution is

The Abbe refractometer directly displays the

Hand Refractometer

The total volume of all raw materials determi-

determined by the refraction index n; refrac-

refraction index; instruments calibrated on

Using a manual or pocket refractometer is very

nes the batch size. The batch consists of 60kg

tometry is the designation of the determination

sugar solution show the soluble solids content

handy and without complications.

soluble solids and 41.5kg water. To reach a

method. The refraction index n is the ratio of

in percentage of sugar. The measuring accuracy

the velocity of light in the examined medium

of refractometric solids readings amounts

These instruments are slightly less accurate in

and the air. The physical principle at the basis

to 1%.

their measurements than an Abbe refractometer, however, they are quite sufficient for most

The amount of water to be evaporated is


determined by calculating the difference of the

A binocular prism to take in the liquid to be

The optical construction of such a small manual

95.2kg = 6.3kg water). When designing formu-

refractometer is shown in the fig. 28 on page 64.

lations, it is frequently assumed that the ave-

batch size and the theoretical yield (101.5kg -

(light of a uniform wavelength) at the boundary

line of two media, the angle of incidence alpha


is to the angle of refraction beta as is the light

A telescope to observe the boundary line of

speed in these media.

total internal reflection.

The refractometric determination of the soluble

An adjustable compensator for colour contrasting of the boundary line.

solids content is executed at 20C (68F). Since

the refraction index is dependent from tempe-

amount of water must be evaporated.

The most important parts in a refractometer are:

of this method is Snellius Law, which says that

during the refraction of monochromatic light

soluble solids content of e.g. 63%, a certain

A scale window fixed in the telescope, on

rage soluble solids of fruits amount to 10%.

The weighted-in volume of pure, pulp, juice

However, in reality these values fluctuate great-

or aqueous fruit extract, as set down in the

ly. The table above shows the most important

German Fruit Jams Regulation, and the refrac-

types of fruit and their medium soluble solids

tometrically determined minimum content of

content as well as the range in which this may


rature, a thermostatic refractometer should be

which the units of refraction index or soluble

soluble solids of 60% are the basis for the de-

used for accurate measuring. With increasing

solids are displayed.

sign of formulations. A general example shows

how formulations and yield can be calculated.

temperature and decreasing density, the refraction index becomes smaller.

Fig. 28: Optical design of a hand refractometer

Fig. 29: Hand refractometer








Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

Table 5:

Raw Material



ss Content



approx. 10%

With the exception of food additives, the Fruit

are valid in Germany for fruit jams, jellies and

Jams Regulation describes finally and bindingly

marmalades on the basis of the Lebensmittel-

the composition of food products which are

und Bedarfsgegenstndegesetz (German Food

marketed by the designation extra jam, jam,


extra jelly, jelly, marmalade and chestnut pure.


The Konfitren-Verordnung (the German Fruit

Except these food additives, the regulation


Jams Regulation), (Verordnung ber Konfitren

describes the production and condition of these

und einige hnliche Erzeugnisse vom 23.10.2003

products and lists the admissible raw materials

[BGBl. I. S. 2151] in its current version). This

and the optional ingredients.



approx. 100%


Glucose syrup 80% ss


approx. 80%




approx. 100%



approx. 100%



kg total ss x 100%
% of set ss

60kg x 100%

= 95.2kg theoretical yield

regulation implements the EC Fruit Jams Direc-

Soluble Solids Content in %

Table 6:

Raw Material


The following legal provisions and regulations

Soluble Solids


Range of

Cherries, sweet












tive (Council Directive of 20.12.2001 2001/113/

All products covered by the regulation must

EEC on the approximation of the regulations

have a minimum soluble solids content of 60%.

of the Member States relating to fruit jams,

Products, for which the sugar is completely or

jellies and marmalades and chestnut pure

partially replaced by sweeteners, are excluded

[OJ L 10/67] in its current version) into German



As regards low-calorie and/or dietetic fruit jams,

jellies and marmalades, these are governed

The minimum quantity of fruits to be used is

additionally by the Nhrwertkennzeichnungs-

different for the various products depending







Verordnung (Nutritional Labelling Regulation)

on the type of fruit and the additional designa-




(Verordnung ber nhrwertbezogene Angaben

tion extra:

Red Currants



bei Lebensmitteln vom 25.11.1994 [BGBl. I. S.




3526] in its current version) and the Zusatzstoff-Zulassungs-Verordnung (Food Additives

Soluble Solids Content of Raw Materials:

Soluble Solids in:

Fruit juice
Glucose syrup 80% ss

Extra jam requires a minimum of 450g

Regulation) (Verordnung ber die Zulassung von

fruits per 1000g finished product. Lower

Zusatzstoffen zu Lebensmitteln vom 29.01.1998

quantities are admissible for red and black

[BGBl. I. S. 231] in its current version) as well as

currant, rose hip, quince, ginger, cashew

approx. 10%

the Dit-Verordnung (Dietetic Regulation)

apple, rowan berry, sallow thorn and

approx. 8%

(Verordnung ber ditetische Lebensmittel

approx. 100%
approx. 80%


approx. 100%

Crystalline acid

approx. 100%

vom 25.08.1988 [BGBl. I. S. 1713] in its current


passion fruit.
Jam must be manufactured with 350g fruits
per 1000g finished product. The fruits mentioned above are also exempted.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission has formu-

Marmalades are made with a minimum

From: Souci-Fachmann-Kraut: Die Zusammensetzung der

lated a standard draft for jams, jellies and mar-

quantity of 200g citrus fruit per 1000g

Lebensmittel, Nutritional Tables 1989/1990, Wissen-

malades featuring many parallels to German

finished product.

schaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart 1989.


resp. European law.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

The addition of preservatives is not scheduled

Low-Calorie Products:

nations of the German Fruit Jams Regulation

and not considered necessary in view to the

In these products the sugar is completely or

red A (E 124), curcumin (E 100) or chinolin

have to meet the following criteria, as summa-

high quantity of soluble solids. Exceptions here-

partially replaced by sweeteners (sugar substi-

yellow (E 104) are permitted for the colou-

rized below:

from are low-calorie products, for which sorbic

tute or sweetener). A bare reduction of the

ring of low-calorie jams, jellies and marma-

acid and benzoic acid and their salts are

sugar content is not sufficient. The flavourful


allowed. With the exception of extra products,

component has also to be considered. Accor-

the sulphur dioxide content in jams, jellies and

ding to the German Fruit Jams Regulation, pro-

b) the provisions of the Nutrition Labelling

marmalades may be 50mg/kg at the highest,

ducts which undergo the demanded minimum

Regulation have to be met. Lowering the soluble

due to the use of sulphurized fruits.

soluble solids content, may still be allowed to

solids content means a reduction in calorific

use the protected designation if

value. The Regulation on Nutrition Labelling

A minimum soluble solids content required

(60% or more).
The type of fruit, fruit quantity and type of
sugar are strictly defined.
A binding list of food products allowed as
ingredients, such as honey, vanilla, lemon

Extra jam, extra jelly and chestnut pure must

juice, spirits, herbs etc. is included.

not be coloured.

A binding list of permitted additives is also


A number of colourings such as cochineal

Products marketed under the protected desig-

stipulates that food products claiming a lower

calorific input may be marketed if:
a) all other provisions in the German Fruit Jams

included in the Food Additives Regulation

A Community Regulation for jams, jellies and

Regulation are met. This includes the provisions


marmalades with less than 60% soluble solids

on quantity of fruit, type of fruit, ingredients

has not yet been established. Up to now, the

and additives. There are exceptions:

The calorific value compared to the traditio-

Jams Directive allows different national regula-

nal product is reduced by at least 30%; an

Pectins, amidated pectins and liquid pectin

tions for this group of products. The designa-

extra jam, low-calorie, must not have a so-

are the only gelling agents allowed for extra

tion for such products with sometimes 50%

jams and jellies, all of them without any

soluble solids thus differs greatly within the EC.

For jams, jellies and marmalades with low

restrictions concerning the amount used

In Germany, for example, the labelling Frucht-

sugar content as well as similar low-calorie

quantum satis, that means as much may be

aufstrich (fruit spread) is used. In Austria the

products, it is permitted to use benzoic

used as technologically necessary.

term jam is allowed for a product with 55%

acid and its salts up to a maximum amount

soluble solids content.

of 500mg/kg, sorbic acid and its salts up to

luble solids content of more than 44%.

For jams, jellies and marmalades also the gelling

a maximum amount of 1000mg/kg, the

agents alginates, agar-agar, carragheen, locust

combination of both preserving agents up

bean gum, guar, xanthan and gellane with the

to a maximum amount of 1000mg/kg for

limit of 10g/kg are allowed.

The desgination protection of the German Fruit



Jams Regulation allows two exceptions:

To adjust the pH-value, lactic acid, malic acid,
citric acid und tartaric acid as well as their salts

low-calorie products

are permitted.

dietetic products

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades


The sugar substitutes and sweeteners mentio-

Food Colours:

Fruit Jams Regulation if their difference to the

The minimum soluble solids content for extra

ned in table 7 are allowed as sweetening

Except the extra products, all other products

binding product provisions is due to their diete-

jam is 60%; the vast majority of extra jams,


covered by the Fruit Jams Directive, such as

tic destination. Dietetic products of importance

jams and corresponding low-calorie products,

in the group of jams are currently only those

destined for diabetics:

however, boast a soluble solids quantity of

63% for reasons of shelf-life. Thus for the tradi-

No sugar added means: no addition of mono-

may be coloured. The list of allowed colourings

tional product, it is safe to say that the soluble

saccharides or disaccharides and no foodstuff

contains e.g. carotene, betanin and anthocyans

solids content is 63%. The soluble solids con-

added which are used because of their sweete-

without any limits for use as well as e.g. cochi-

tent for a low-calorie jam may be calculated as

ning properties; in food products for diabetics

neal red A or chinoline yellow which may be


no sugar added means: without the addition

used in a maximum quantity of 100mg/kg.

of mono- or disaccharides with the exception

63 % -

63 x 30

of fructose.

these products differ for dietetic reasons

in their sugar reduction, i.e. jams for diabetics may also be produced with a soluble

Dietetic Products:

solids content of less than 60%;

Dietetic food products are intended for special

= 44 %

diets. They must decisively differ in composition

The average calorific value and content in
available carbohydrates is listed as based

in their substitution of D-glucose containing

or characteristics from ordinary food products

sugars by sweeteners (sugar substitutes and

of similar type.


on 100g.
The basic principle in this context is that diete-

All requirements concerning type of fruit, fruit

tic jams and similar products may be marketed

quantity, ingredients comply with the German

under designations protected by the German

Fruit Jams Regulation, the requirements concerning additives comply with the German

Table 7:

Food Additives Regulation.

Maximum quantity
in mg/kg

Sugar substitutes:
Low-calorie jams, jellies and


E 420

marmalades or produced


E 421

without addition of sugar


E 953


E 965


E 966


E 967

For low-calorie, dietetic jams the same sweetening agents are allowed as for the low-calorie
without limitation


(quantum satis)



Low-calorie jams, jellies and


E 950




E 951



E 962



E 952



E 955



Jams, Jellies and Marmalades


1. Jams, jellies, marmalades and fruit preparations, ss > 55 Bx

2. Jams, jellies, marmalades and fruit preparations, ss < 55Bx


Standardization with Characteristics + pro- Main application

neutral sugars +



Classic AF 101

> 77%

const. breaking strength apple pectin,

E 440
extra rapid set

Classic AF 201


const. breaking strength apple pectin,

E 440
very rapid set

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 3.0-3.3)
dietetic products, e.g.
with sorbitol
(ss > 55%, pH 2.8-3.2)
jams, marmalades and
fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.8-3.2)

Classic AF 202


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

apple pectin,
const. breaking strength rapid set, firm texture
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.8-3.2)

Classic AF 401


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

apple pectin, medium
const. breaking strength rapid set,
E 440
smooth gel

jams, marmalades for

glass products and large
trading units, fruit
preparations and fruit
spreads, e.g. sweetened
with concentrate
(ss > 58%, pH 2.8-3.2)

Classic AF 501


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

apple pectin, slow set,
const. breaking strength spreadable gel texture
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations for large trading units
(ss > 58%, pH 2.8-3.2)
(ss > 60%, pH 2.8-3.2)

Classic AF 504


const. breaking strength apple pectin, optimal

jams, marmalades and
E 440
fruit distribution,
fruit preparations
smooth gel also at high (ss > 58%, pH 2.8-3.2)
filling temperature

Classic AF 601


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

apple pectin, smooth
jams, marmalades and
const. breaking strength gel, spreadable texture fruit preparations
E 440
(ss > 55%, pH 2.8-3.2)

Classic AF 605


const. breaking strength apple pectin, very well

E 440
soluble also at higher
soluble solids

Amid AF 005


Classic CF 201

> 70%

150 +/- 5USA-Sag

citrus pectin,
const. breaking strength rapid set
const. setting time
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.9-3.3)

Classic CF 301


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

citrus pectin,
const. breaking strength medium rapid set
const. setting time
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.9-3.3)

10-16% const. gelling strength

E 440

amidated apple pectin, fruit preparations

low calcium reactivity
(ss 50-65%, pH 3.0-3.5)


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

citrus pectin,
const. breaking strength slow set
const. setting time
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.9-3.3)

Classic CF 501


150 +/- 5USA-Sag

citrus pectin,
const. breaking strength extra slow set
const. setting time
E 440

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.9-3.3)

Amid CF 005


amidated citrus pectin,

low calcium

Standardization with Characteristics +

neutral sugars +

Main application

Classic AF 703


const. calcium reactivity apple pectin, medium

const. breaking strength calcium reactivity
E 440

jams and fruit

(ss < 55%, pH 3.0-3.4)
fruit purees
(ss 15-25%, pH 3.3-3.8)
fruit sauces
(ss < 55%, pH 3.0-3.8)

Classic AF 802


const. calcium reactivity apple pectin,

const. breaking strength smooth gel,
E 440, E 450, E 341
spreadable texture,
without addition of

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss 35-60%, pH 3.0-3.4)
fruit sauces and desserts
(ss 25-45%, pH 2.8-3.6)

Classic AF 803


const. calcium reactivity apple pectin,

const. breaking strength smooth gel,
E 440, E 341, E 450
spreadable texture

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss 25-50%, pH 3.0-3.4)
fruit desserts
(ss 10-25%, pH 3.0-3.8)

Classic AF 813


const. calcium reactivity apple pectin,

const. breaking strength smooth gel,
E 440, E 333
optimal fruit

fruit preparations
(ss 45-55%, pH 3.0-3.4)

Classic AF 901


const. calcium reactivity, apple pectin, medium

const. breaking strength rapid set,
E 440, E 333
smooth gel

(ss approx. 50%,
pH 2.8-3.3)

Amid AF 005-A



Amid AF 010


14-20% const. gelling strength

E 440

amidated apple pectin, jams, marmalades,

medium calcium
low-calorie fruit preparations, fruit spreads
(ss 30-55%, pH 3.0-3.5)

Amid AF 020


18-23% const. gelling strength

E 440

amidated apple pectin, fruit preparations,

high calcium reactivity jellies
(ss 10-40%, pH 3.0-4.0)

Amid CF 010


14-20% const. gelling strength

E 440

amidated citrus pectin,

medium calcium

jams, marmalades,
low-calorie fruit
fruit spreads
(ss 30-55%, pH 3.0-3.5)

Amid CF 020


18-23% const. gelling strength,

E 440

amidated citrus pectin,

high calcium reactivity

jams, marmalades and

fruit preparations
(ss > 58%, pH 2.9-3.3)
jams, marmalades,
low-calorie fruit preparations, fruit spreads
ss 10-40%, pH 3.0-4.5)

21-25% const. gelling strength

E 440

amidated citrus pectin,

very high calcium

jams, marmalades,
low-calorie fruit
(ss 10-30%, pH 3.0-4.5)

household gelling
agents 1+1
(1 part sugar/1 part fruit)

Classic CF 401

10-16% const. gelling strength

E 440


jams, marmalades,
low-calorie fruit
preparations, fruit
(ss > 55%, pH 3.0-3.5)

Amid CF 025


const. gelling strength

E 440, E 333, E 452

amidated apple pectin, jams, marmalades,

low-calorie fruit
low calcium reactivity
fruit spreads
(ss < 55%, pH 3.0-3.5)


Table 9: DE = Degree of esterification/A = Degree of amidation

Table 8: DE = Degree of esterification/A = Degree of amidation

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

is our Strength
Pectins by Herbstreith & Fox have enjoyed a

Furthermore, we also supply our customers

worldwide reputation over many decades.

with formulations and technical service, as e.g.

Constantly improving production methods and

for the manufacture of high quality jams, jellies

high quality standards have decisively contri-

or marmalades.

buted to our present success in the world market. This development has always been charac-

For this purpose, specific pectins are integrated

terized by innovative thinking and farsighted

by our technological experts in the most advan-


tageous way in the composition and optimization of formulations.

Today, we are in a position to offer pectins

which can be used in all foreseeable areas of

The analysis of your finished products also con-

application. Consistent production and quality

tributes successfully to assure a high and con-

controls with state-of-the-art analytical instru-

sistent quality of your product, or even permits

ments guarantee a regular high quality of our

conclusions as regards potential improvements


of your finished articles.

This positive and continuous progressive

New and promising product ideas should not

approach has not only been upheld in the face

fail because of formulation or production

of challenges, which our staff in research and

specific problems. This is what we stand for.

development have faced successfully many

Keeping in mind the producer, the product and

times, but also by the great variety of require-

the consumer.

ments brought to us by our customers, the



This successful cooperation with our users is,

of course, complemented by the transfer of our
know-how. We are able to give valuable assistance already at the stage of analysis and control of raw materials.

Jams, Jellies and Marmalades

2. edition

Herbstreith & Fox KG Turnstrae 37 75305 Neuenbrg/Wrtt. Germany

Phone: +49 7082 7913-0 Fax: +49 7082 20281
E-Mail: Internet:

Corporate Group

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