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Jane Weng

The Princess, the Huntsman, and the Dragon

All I knew were the 4 walls that surrounds me. The same 4 walls that have been here all
my life. The same 4 walls that Ive seen, touched, and felt for the past 16 years. My only
connections to the world outside was the small window and the big metal door with a slot at the
bottom. Every day, I would find food, drink, and fresh clothes inside this room, as if pushed
through from the slot. I would eat and drink a little, and look out the window at the little people
that busied throughout the day. I would then go to my bookshelf, which was there all my life, and
read. I had to teach myself reading and how to get dressed. The clothes were so complicated,
so many layers. But, since Im in here for an indefinite amount of time, it was just another way to
pass time. These walls now feel like home to me since I have been here for ever so long.

One particular day, I heard people arguing about something. Something about high time
and the prophecy. What prophecy? What do they mean? I wish I could ask, but I cant because
Im separated from them by a door and stone walls.
The next week, there was an unexpected surprise. I had woken to arguing again, but this
time, it got louder and closer. After a few minutes, the door, the unmoving door suddenly did
something that I had never seen in my life. Something was done to the door to make a large
clinking sound. Then, it opened. The. Door. Swung. Open. The door that had been closed for as
long as I could remember, opened.
The door revealed 2 men, impeccably dressed. Ornate clothes, sturdy boots, and layers
of jewelry. One stopped and stared while the others mouth fell open.
W-what? Y-your M-majesty is a splitting image of your mother, one stuttered out.

H-how? The likeliness, it is almost as if we are looking at the late Queen Soriana, the
other said in shock. I wasnt sure how to react, so I just smiled. I am supposed to, right? Is that
a polite way to greet someone who is a stranger?
She has the same dimples as her father, the first one remarks.

Indeed, the ebony hair, but her fiery red eyes from her mother, commented the other.
Ummm. How may I help you? I slowly asked, having never conversed with another
human being before. Was that weird? Should I have asked something else? I wasnt sure, but
that made them even more shocked.
By golly, we have been the standing here doing nothing but staring at her. Come, Your
Majesty, please, do step out of this chamber and allow us to guide you through your home, the
second one said after a long pause.
But these four walls are my home. I grew up here, my memories are here, so is this not
my home? I asked, shocked that there was more to these 4 walls.
The first one laughed,No, Your Serene Highness, this is just a small part of it.
My curiosity grew and grew, until it compelled me get off the bed and I walked to the
door. I stood at the door frame and for the very first time, I took a step out of the comforts of
those 4 walls that had been my home for as long as I remembered.
The world beyond the door was... beautiful. There is nothing that can compare. For the
first time, I touched whatever I could get my hands on and the 2 men were just shocked at the
sight of me running all over the place, having a touch here and a touch there. After a while, the
just shooed me into a large, well furnished room with a single man sitting at a raised throne.

This man was not like the other 2, his face had hints that he was quite handsome in his younger
days and he had the air of power, but I was not afraid. I walked towards that throne and stopped
just before the steps and said,Why hello there.
The first man had a flash of shock on his face before he erupted into a loud blast of
laughter.. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! My goodness, child, you are just like your mother. She was always
kind and delicate, but courageous and strong. Child, do you know who I am?
I do not, but I also must ask, am I really that much of a child? Who is my mother? Why
do people keep saying that I look like her? The questions bursted from me before I could
formulate a proper thought.
Yes, child. You are my daughter and your mother is the late Queen. Today you are 16
years old then compared to me, you are still a child. Your mother was beautiful like you. She
was tall like you. She had the same bone structure as you did and you ever so remind me of
her, he said with a hint of sadness and remorse. It is to my dismay that I have to tell you that
your mother was also a fairy and she had a contract with the dragon of the land. Since her
death, the dragon has broke loose and is now laying waste to the country. The dragon refuses
to make a contract with anyone unless they carry the blood of the Evig, the Eternal One. As of
right now, you are the last of the Evig. I had to hide you from the people that wish to see this
country fall to ruins, so I had to lock you away. It was torturous for me. As much as it pains me
to say this, but it must be said. I must ask if you would please take on the task of gaining the
Dragons contract and prevent him from destroying this country. I beg of you, child.
I thought for a moment and replied, Alright, I will, where should I look first? The look on
his face was pure surprise. I then said, It would be nice to go see the country after being locked
up for years, I explained and he laughed again.

How very much like your mother, my child. Very well, be prepared to leave in the
morning. I will ask Aksel to accompany you on your journey, he said as he gestured to the tall
boy to his right. Aksel has a strikingly handsome with dark hair, grey eyes, a strong jaw, and a
slight hint of a beard. Aksel may be young, but is also my best huntsman. He will also be in
charge of guiding you through the country and through the castle as well.
That day, Aksel gave a tour of the grounds while being very polite and tried to have a
little chat, but I was almost unable to respond because I knew not of many of the subjects that
he suggested. Later that night, I asked him if he will take to me to a place that has a lot of
books, and so he led me to the palace library, where I buried myself in the knowledge of the
room. It wasnt long before I fell asleep. Later, I felt someone really warm pick me up and tucked
me into bed.
The next morning, I woke up to an unfamiliar room. It was much more ornate than my 4
walls. It took me a few seconds to realize that Aksel, dressed in an ungodly pair of breeches and
a loose shirt, stood by the door. He was standing there, with an amused look on his face.
What is so funny? Did you rest? How long were you there? Did you eat yet? I asked,
suddenly concerned.
Yes, I did rest. I was here since sunrise, waiting for you to wake up. And yes, I did eat
and we are about to set out to get a contract from the dragon. Also, your hair is a bit messy, He
replied, attempting to suppress his chuckle, I will be outside, please head out when you are
ready, Your Highness.

Wait, Aksel, do you know my name? I dont like the sound of Your Highness. Is there
something else to call me? I asked, really disliking the sound of that phrase. I got out of the bed
when he finally replied.
Yes, you do have a name, but I do not know your Evig name. That is the name that all
Evigs must find for themselves, for that name is powerful to anyone who speaks it out loud. Your
human name is Valkyria, he said over his shoulder before he left.
I dressed and followed him out to where the 2 horses were standing. Both had a sleek
coat, but only one had saddlebags. He swung himself onto the one with the saddlebags and I
copied his movements and clumsily got onto the second horse after falling once.. Luck for me,
my horse was tolerant of how I moved and how bad I was at riding. For the entire day, we rode
our horses and only stopped at midday for a meal and at sunset for our evening meal, then
settled for the night at a clearing. The next morning was the same routine. Slowly, as I rode, I
gradually saw the countrys land change. The area near the capital was whole and untouched
by destruction, but the farther we venture, we saw more and more damage. I was beginning to
wonder, how big was this dragon?
During our riding periods, we lightly chatted. I used my newfound knowledge to ask
questions, ask for opinions, and attempted to gain more knowledge. Aksel was more than happy
to supply me with answers. Every night, while we are around a campfire, I would catch him
staring at me. But that was just what I wanted because I find myself stealing glances at him too.
This feeling in my chest was growing and I have no idea what it meant. One day, he braided my
hair since I couldnt untangle my hair, so I brushed it the best I could, and he plaited my hair into
a 5 way braid that reached my knees with surprisingly gentle hands. .

Two days later, we reached the Dragons nest. Inside, there was no floor because it was
covered in gold. We decided to wait inside after it started to rain. While we waited, we chatted
about what to do after the journey was over.
Aksel looked at me and said that he wanted to marry a specific girl who he said that he
couldnt because she was too far out of reach. I grew a bit disappointed, but when it came to
my turn, I just said that I want to explore and try to gain all the knowledge in the world. Aksel let
out a sigh and said, You still dont understand, do you?
What do you mean? I asked, I did notice that Aksel was watching my every move and
that he would stare at me from time to time, but that is what a guide does, right? Even though I
yearned for this to mean more, but I couldnt just selfishly do that.
I mean this, Aksel said as he leaned close to my face and lightly set his lips against
mine. His lips were so soft. Then I understood, but at the very moment, I felt something coming.
Not a second later, a large dragon with blood red scales came swooping in.
Ok, ok, ok, you lovebirds, a dragons cave is not a place to conduct lovey dovey
business. You there, the guy, yeah you, get away from my master. And Master, why would you
do that here? Dont you have that King of yours? the Dragon said with a shake of his head.
With that, we both broke away, embarrassed.
Dragon, perhaps you do not see that I am Sorianas daughter. I have come to ask for a
contract between us, I said, hoping that this situation will not get ugly.
I see that, but what do you want me to do? The destruction that you see was not done
by me, it was the effects of Sorianas death and that has weakened me and I can no longer fight

off the other Dragon that wants this land for himself. Unless you want to have a life contract with
me, then I suggest you go home and tell your daddy that, he said.
When I looked closer, I saw a large gash on the dragons arm. It looked deep. I ignored
what he said and instinctively walked over, pressed my hands on the arm, and said,Helbrede. I
watched the wound close with fascination. All that I know now was that it was a spell of healing.
The dragon became speechless.
Wow, looks like you have some power too. Well, what is the contract that you want?
What is it that you wish for? All I ask in return is for you to be my companion, he said finally. I
wonder, what is it that I wished for. Then, the answer came to me.
Dragon, in return for me being your companion, would you be my companion as well? I
wish for nothing more than a companion, I replied, shocking both Aksel and the Dragon with my
simple request.
Of course, that is possible. Once we are in a contract, I will regain my powers. Im not
sure if your little human will be able to stand the shockwaves of my power immediately after the
contract, he said, directing a look at Aksel. Aksel tensed and looked at me with a weird, but
concerned look on his face.
Aksel, would you please step outside? This wont take long. At least, I dont think it will,
I said, worried and hoping for his safety, Please be safe.
He hesitated and said, Alright, but if I hear anything out of the ordinary, Im coming back
in. He then turned around and headed out.
Lets start then. I, the Warrior Dragon Piercivil, accept the terms of the contract of
companionship in return for companionship. Jeg er enig til denne kontrakten. I agree to this

contract. Now that is has been spoken, let it be done! the dragon said. A string of words flowed
out of me.
I, Kriger Engel, accept the terms of the contract of companionship in return for
companionship. Jeg er enig til denne kontrakten. I agree to this contract. Now that is has been
spoken, let it be done! I said and wings burst from my back and unfurled with a series of
shockwaves. My braid became undone and I floated off the ground and gently settled on Warrior
Dragons back. Warrior Dragon flew out of the cave and we met the incoming enemy Dragon
entwined in plants. I stood up and unfurled my wings and started chanting a spell that I had no
knowledge of a few moments earlier. Sic obedieritis mihi, ignis. Obey me, fire. BURN ! From
my palm grew a fireball the size of a large cottage. I then threw it at the enemy Dragon and the
Dragon fled, but the fireball followed it and the Dragon bursted into flames. Warrior Dragon then
went and with a whack of his tail, sent the blazing Dragon back the way he came. The Warrior
Dragon then landed and transformed into a human with red hair and shiney gold eyes, but my
attention was elsewhere.
Aksel was on the ground was staring with his mouth wide open. Valkyria, your
eyes they are iridescent silver. Your hair is so. white? You are absolutely breathtaking.
What happened? Oh, now they are turning back into their normal color, Aksel said as he took in
my appearance and then grabbed me into a tight hug. Did you know how worried I was?
Im fine, Aksel, I said, with a small smile. Then it slammed into me, what was my
relationship with him? Are we friends? Lovers? Perhaps, still companions? I wanted the answer
to be Lovers.
Valkyria, I know it was a sudden to kiss you and even more sudden to ask, but will you
be my lover? Aksel asked with hope shining in his eyes.

I thought for a split second and agreed, Yes, Aksel.

That then began the tale of the Princess, the Huntsman, the Dragon. That didnt sound
bad. Not bad at all.

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