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Lesson Plan # 7

Date: November 19, 2015

Grade: 4
Duration: 10-12 minutes
National Music Standards: Perform, Respond, Connect
Repertoire: Dulaman
Other Teaching Materials: Powerpoint, recording of Dulaman
New Vocabulary: folk song, seaweed
Lesson Objectives:
Students will (sample objectives)
sing Dulaman with accurate pitches and rhythms
show the steady beat by patsching
Be able to successfully pronounce the Gaelic lyrics to this song
Perform the song with the recording in Gaelic
Teaching Procedure
1. Please sit down on the floor.
2. Raise your hand if you remember the song Old Paint and the dance we learned
with it last week.
3. Does anyone know what kind of song that was?
4. Write the word folk on the board. Does anyone remember what this means?
5. That was a folk song from America. Today, we're going to travel across the
Atlantic Ocean to Ireland (show map photo on powerpoint).
6. This song is about seaweed that lines the coast of Ireland. (Picture of seaweed)
1. On the next slide, have the lyrics in both Gaelic and English written.
2. Gaelic is a language that's different than any languages that you might know
because the words don't look like they sound.
3. Dia Dhuit means Hello, for example. Say hello to your neighbor!
4. Please follow along with the Gaelic words as I sing the song for you.
5. Sing the song again and have the students keep the beat on their legs.
Practice & Extend
1. Please be my echo and listen carefully as I sing. I will gesture to you when it is
your turn.
2. Teach the song in 4 bar chunks on neutral syllable doo.
3. Let's sing the whole song through on a doo.
4. Go through the language slowly by echoing.
5. Do 2 bar chunks, followed by 4 bar chunks, followed by the whole song.
6. Sing first four bars in Gaelic, followed by the whole song.

Assess & Close

11 Please stand up carefully.
11 Let's sing the song with background music! (only the verse)
11 First, we're going to practice it a little bit faster so we can keep up with the
recording. After a few times through and most students are comfortable with the
song, pause the music and start from the beginning.
11 Follow along with the listening map as we sing through the song. We're only going
to sing the refrain of the song (follow the arrows), so I will signal to you when
we'll sing.
11 Does anyone have an idea for a movement we could do represent seaweed?
(Suggest swaying if they don't have any ideas)
11 Let's do this movement and sing Dulaman as we listen to the recording.

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